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Everything posted by Nyarlathotep

  1. Except that I don't consistently do that. A large number of Americans do do that. At most, I do it 50% of the time, and I suspect that to be a rather egregious overestimate. When my enunciation does slip, I usually wind up pronouncing something halfway between a 't' and a 'd' rather than a 'd'. Besides, I was having difficulties translating my accent into something that looked phonetic without using a proper (obfuscated) pronunciation key or any digraphs. Obviously, I had to use 'th' since most people aren't even aware there's a symbol for the sound (there's actually symbols for both sounds, but damned if I can remember what they are). I cheated and used an 'h' (to mean an aspirated 'h') instead of the proper digraph 'gh' (a different but similar sound) and dropped aspirated 'h's that I pronounce (maybe half the time) but are somewhat atypical in American English. Ironically, it's actually harder to make my speech look phonetic than it is to actually write phonetically. In retrospect, one thing I forgot to do to better convey my accent is to drop vowel sounds. For example, "phonetically" should have been written "fonetic-lee" rather than "foneticallee." Yes, I pronounce "phonetically" with a hard 't'.
  2. You clipped into the wall. Doom 3 resolves clipping issues by slowly moving the player up until they're no longer clipping (which, if the player continues to move, can cause a small problem to get much, much worse). While immersion-breaking, it's much better than Thief's solution of simply killing the player, also known as Sudden Heart-Attack Syndrome (SHAS).
  3. I hav a Midwestern accent with onlee the slīhtest edging into a Suthern drawl. The result is that if I spelled everithing foneticallee, it wood look almost exactlee the same. Watever you think, I think it's eesier to reed and wrīt with a standard spelling than it is wrīt foneticallee. Special characters apply to the above.
  4. *Sound of head exploding*
  5. This is a known problem. As far as I'm aware, there is nothing you can do to significantly mitigate this. The betamappers would probably know better. This is being caused by one of two problems: either the radii for AI hearing or specific sounds extend too far, or the stimuli are following a straight-line path rather than using visportals like they should.
  6. You gotta love Rick-Rolling zombies and imps!
  7. Here in America, if the school kids aren't beating the shit out of them, they're thinking, "Huh, must be some British thing." Isn't ignorance great?
  8. "In stead" is actually one of two mistakes: either it's a typo of "instead", or they're missing an identifier, such as a possessive, e.g., "in your stead." Note that the latter form (stead as it's own word) is quickly becoming archaic. When I think about it, I'm pretty sure "instead" arose from "in stead," but that it is definitely an archaic form. Unless the text is very old or intended to appear very old ("ye olde English"), it's simply a mistake.
  9. Man, that's impressive. They were hyping removing a performance tweak as a brand new super-special feature. I'll typically give some leeway with gameplay "innovations," simply because the industry tends to be so risk-averse, and often it's a case of technology that hadn't made sense in gameplay terms before (like the sticky bombs). They're taking something old and making it work in a whole new way. That's almost real innovation.
  10. It should have been added back then, anyways, but this might have been far enough back that people weren't regularly using the tracker. I'm pretty sure this was case, but I remember Greebo bringing it up, and he's the one who set it up.
  11. I added it to the tracker in lieu of fixing it. Not sure why it was never added in the first place.
  12. You "can't do it" in the middle of the street because there isn't enough room, not because you're at a corner. It looks like what happened is that the forward+left/right lean cases were caught, but not the left/right+forward lean. This ought to be a straightforward fix.
  13. Fuck. I thought we had already fixed this bug. He's talking about the one where if you lean in two directions at once your pov jumps really far from your position.
  14. Some people seem to follow the "Look out, here comes an 's' " school of apostrophes. For example, "I really like apostrophe's. I know everyone think's I look smarter when I liberally sprinkle apostrophe's in my writing's!" That hurt to write. Also, reading comprehension is at an all-time low in today's society:
  15. Nobody gives a shit if you use a numeral or not, these days. How about "its" (the possessive) and "it's" (the contraction)? Almost nobody gets that one right. Also "they're". What really bugs is that they're not even pronounced the same! Similar? Very, but not the same.
  16. It definitely looks shopped in the tiny version that's available to people who aren't friends (not much bigger than my avatar). The more I stare at this version, though, the less certain I am.
  17. "Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow!" (Not Star Trek.)
  18. II, VI, and VIII were definitely the best Star Trek movies. IV was fun, and I have a soft spot in my heart for it, but the rest were terrible. V and X don't exist, as far as I'm concerned.
  19. Indeed. It's been sitting on my hard drive for a month now. I swear I'm going to get around to watching it!
  20. I prefer Patrick Stewart, but then, he was the captain of my childhood. To be perfectly honest, I always preferred Babylon 5 to some damn Deep Space Franchise. Hey, maybe we could turn this thread into an argument of B5 versus Star Trek!
  21. Oh, please FSM, no! No Wilhelm scream! It's...too...corny to take! Almost...as bad as William Shatner's acting!
  22. No, but I really need a fucking thesaurus. I'm positively terrible at coming up with obscure synonyms. By the way, I think "onomasticon" is the first word I've seen in years that I couldn't work out the meaning without resorting to lexical assistance (besides recognizing that it meant a book).
  23. That's right! Don't want to be label as immature? Call what you're doing cathartic; say that you're doing it for the sake of nostalgia! It's not childish if you can obfuscate it in a sesquipedalian vocabulary! Stick to the puns when deriding imbeciles. It's funnier, doesn't make you look like a pretentious cock (still makes you look like a cock, though), and if they're really as feeble-minded as you believe, they won't even realize it!
  24. Never, ever trust engineers, computer scientists, physicists, or mathematicians with arithmetic. In general, never trust arithmetic to anyone whose college math education started at the calculus level.
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