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Status Replies posted by Obsttorte

    1. Obsttorte


      Where is the vote thread? Can't find one and there is no link in the article.


      Besides that, good job as always mister. :)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  1. Just came home from a Marduk gig. I will have problems holding my head upright the next couple of days.

    1. Obsttorte


      Training, it's all about training. Once your neck is broader then your head you wont have this problems anymore. :)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  2. Started fiddling with DR again...

  3. The full Thief Gold HD texture mod is going to be released soon! Here's the trailer

  4. Status report on WIP (Ulysses2): briefing video is ready, but not in mission yet. Locked doors yesterday (usually the one of the last stuff I do). Ingame maps need to be made. Then it is internal testing time (test that objectives, patrols, lighting work).

  5. I had no idea this was a thing.

    1. Obsttorte


      I agree with your opinion, don't get me wrong. I just don't agree with the way you presented it. Maybe you didn't meant to be harsh, but for me you were.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. It's that time of year where I start checking the forecast obsessively. I think I need spring.

  7. DirectX 12 Will Allow Multi-GPU Between GeForce And Radeon: http://tinyurl.com/qjb9m9m

  8. Stairs. Why did it have to be stairs? :(

    1. Obsttorte


      I don't think Melan belongs to the kind of mappers who plans alot beforehead. It's just one flow. :)

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  9. Are forum account names permanent? If I wanted to alter mine, how would I go about this - provided it is even possible?

    1. Obsttorte


      What let's me wonder what would happen if I would change my nick and my avatar without noticing anyone. "Where the hell is Obs and where is this new team member sudeenly coming from? Who is this idiot?" :D

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. Are forum account names permanent? If I wanted to alter mine, how would I go about this - provided it is even possible?

    1. Obsttorte


      Although it is possible I am not sure it is a good idea. The name is the only way people recognize you here (as they can't see you), and changing it may confuse or even upset people.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  11. Woohoo! I have GLSL shaders drawing the odd surface among our lit surfaces that use old ARB assembly shaders. And I have GLSL shaders able to feed our stencil and alpha buffers from images renderered off screen while light and shadow are being drawn. And all without changing a line of existing code. So much exciting stuff to try out now :)

  12. There is a big lack of spambots here during the last weeks. What happened, don't they like us anymore? :(

  13. My WIP is coming along nicely!

  14. Bit of an odd question and google doesn't seem to find it either but did thief 3 have weather? like rain?

  15. Greebo is taking a deeper look at precision issues in Dark Radient... Calling grayman and Sotha...

  16. Oh man, what a day to be banned from the PC by my wife. NHAT has been re-released...

  17. "Welcome to the Holidays. Here's complimentary flu viruses for you and your family."

  18. The first sunny day here in a month. Just completed a 5 mile hill walk and now feeling contentedly stuffed in a lovely mediaeval stone pub, after a pheasant scotch egg, a double Gloucester souffle, and a roast partridge. Liquore coffee is on the way. What Saturdays were made for!

  19. Testing, testing...testing is fun.

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