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Everything posted by Diego

  1. Ah! sorry. Power of posting strikes again. I decided to try again as soon as I posted and figured that out. Really great work! Congrats and thanks for making it
  2. I just barely remember the original, so this playthrough is being like the first time nothing like the first time playing a fm! I'm stuck already though (as usual)
  3. This was pretty fun! I have very little to say. The visuals are fantastic, broken walls, mangled carpets, great use of lights... together with the great story and setting, this deserves 5 stars to aesthetics. The contest theme is definitely there, there's nothing I haven't seen before but it's an original mission all in all. The gameplay I voted 4, it's excellent. I tried playing without quickloading, that means using my sword every now and then, but I wasn't able to beat one single guard! lol Good thing that, even though I wasn't loading all the time, I was saving. This was the normal difficulty, for reference. Also, there was one particular item that I thought And that's my two cents. Thanks for the fun time
  4. About the download link, there's a small tick box below the download link that should be off. I didn't see that the first time and avast didn't like it, it wants to install a downloader, but if you don't mark it the download works correctly
  5. This mission looks fantastic! And I'm already stuck
  6. I've seen this game advertised on steam but never really cared to see what was it. I mean, there are two trailers there, both show the setting and nothing more, all I know is that it's in some kind of metro line and/or sewers. No gameplay, no story, I just assumed it was a cover based 3rd person shooter. Maybe they didn't think it was necessary, considering it's a sequel.
  7. Diego

    About spam

    Found this site http://www.stopforumspam.com/ maybe it could help?
  8. I can test I promise not to depart from the werebeast edit: I'll start next week though, I hope that's not a huge problem
  9. I voted no but for a different reason. As long as there's a possible explanation for the source of noise, besides an intruder, it shouldn't count as alarm. I know an arrow with a strange contraption producing noise at the tip is a bit suspicious, but it could be rats... or the wind. Seriously though, I never thought about them actually finding the arrow, so if they don't find the source it could be dismissed as some animal or something.
  10. Right. Sorry for the slow progress, been busy with other stuff. When I get home next week I'll work on getting at least these animations done! even if they don't turn out perfect.
  11. lol I forgot "vitral" isn't an english word, sorry. I mean "stained glass"
  12. Holy heaping helpings of Herodotus on base with Marshall stacks and a wah-wah pedal! (source) grayman: very beautiful! great use of textures and light. Obs: Love the architecture and those vitrals stained glasses are promising awesome (and very tricky) lighting!
  13. I used to think companies didn't care about these old games, I mean it's not like they can profit with a 10 years old game, right? Well, they can. People can buy altered beast on PSN! this undermines my whole philosophy of playing emulators, what to say about leaked source of a much more recent game...
  14. "conflicting creative visions" That makes me think a few things. I believe this comes from a fundamental organisation problem in the game industry: there is no "director", someone to have the final word and maintain the design consistent. I also think that it won't be like this forever and, when that gets solved, indy games will become very much like independent films are today: slightly more obscure, a thing for cinephiles mainly.
  15. Diego


    Have you rooted your device? that should allow you to do some more customization Why the google distrust, if I may ask?
  16. I'm curious, because if we ignore what it's meant to be it has the potential to be a decent game. Pretty much like Deadly Shadows. All in all it was a decent game, its only problem was having to be compared with metal age and dark project, the poor thing.
  17. Hola que tal! I see very often ambient lights that are plain white. I know the role of ambient is just to eliminate the pitch black shadow, but I thought about doing some tests and see if changing the color helps in making the scene look more consistent, basically treating ambient like a faint radiosity, so I did First test. Top image shows a yellow/orange light source with no ambient light. Middle image has a regular white ambient light. Bottom image has an ambient light with the same color as the main light source. If there are more light sources this faint ambient should be a mix of colors. The top image shows only some blue glowing mushrooms and a faint blue ambient. Middle image I added some red glowing mushrooms, with more light I thought it needed more ambient but, more importantly, it's now purple. The bottom image shows a white ambient for comparison.
  18. Lockpicking is tricky. Even if it's a fun mini-game, it's bound to get old pretty fast, thus increasing the difficulty would probably only make it less fun and more frustrating. So its use gets down to temporarily holding the player in dangerous areas to add tension.
  19. It would definitely need visual indication. Different models. But I agree with you on the second argument, this does create the possibility of impossible situations, and considering how TDM relies so much on improvisation that's not a good thing.
  20. http://www.explosion.com/30090/no-mod-allowed-for-thief/ Talks about the unlikelihood of mods and user content on the new Thief and mentions TDM as an example of how insan- I mean, strong- thief community is. Pretty cool
  21. Even if we switch "realistic" for "self consistent", we could explain a zombie moving by the same phenomena that skeletons move
  22. From a game design point of view the more variation the better. Like different levels of zombies, simple ones easy to beat to tougher zombies that require HW to beat and, why not, invincible zombies. It's like the guards that can be blackjacked and the ones that can't. The mapper then chooses the type of zombie suitable for a specific place, creating different challenges. Also, holy water could have a different usage than in thief. The player could drink it making all his actions blessed for a short time, his strikes are more powerful (with whatever weapon) the zombies will even flee when the player is blessed! (pac-man feelings). And maybe he glows in the dark too... or maybe not.
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