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Everything posted by Diego

  1. Now, to the animation and beyond! if that doesn't work out at least we got a nice model for missions with a taxidermist. We have a lot of those, right?... right?
  2. Ok, I think the model is pretty much done now. This may well be one of my best texture works so far. Since I'm using Unity to test the model, with a couple of clicks more I could make a model viewer, so there you go: http://dl.dropbox.co.../WebPlayer.html Left and righ (or a and d) to rotate the model. If no one cares about viewing the model there, here's a couple of pics:
  3. I removed the tail in an effort to decrease the werewolf look it had, you want it back? it's no trouble! hehe
  4. Ah.. new energy and motivation with the new tablet! This is the low poly model with normal and occlusion maps. It has 4444 faces (really). I rushed it a bit just to check if the UV seams were ok and rendered in Unity. I'm not terribly happy with the fur and lack of details on the hands and feet. I was planning to fix them on the texturing, but I might continue working the high res model. Anyway, I'm going for a partially hairy thing. I was inspired by a picture of a hairless dog I found on google
  5. Neat stuff! I always wanted to play with engineering things but never had resources to play with. That's why I became a theoretical physicist instead :|
  6. I have a Bamboo tablet! \o/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Diego
    3. SiyahParsomen


      Useless. You can't even slice bread on it.



    4. Diego


      Even though it's much smaller than my previous tablet (it could only be used to slice sushi) the quality is infinitely superior! I'm totally motivated to work again


  7. I'd like to encourage Mr Lemon to invest on the werebeast. He seems more enthusiastic about doing something from scratch and I'm not really working day and night on it. My last update is a mere change of proportions: (my tablet ran out of batteries a few days ago and I can only remember that when I sit down to work) I intend to keep working on it though. It's worth noticing that not many people will be willing to work from existing assets, like heads or rigs. Not because of creativity incentive or anything like that, but because it's a lot more work, as unintuitive as that may sound. It brings a broken and unpredictable workflow of importing, understanding how the existing things function and then working around it.
  8. I like it. I've never seen one in real life so I don't know if the antlers are right or not ;P
  9. I'm still working on my version. I think the more people working on it the higher the chances of we having a werebeast! Besides, his concept looks so different that if we both finish we'll have two beasts to chose from. However, maybe one investing on a zombie could be more productive.
  10. Don't forget to inform the player that if something gets stolen he'll be automatically the suspect
  11. Everything from the neck down is much better! I prefer the old face but that doesn't mean the new one is bad either. Good job! another step in making TDM standalone
  12. I was surprised too.. haha
  13. wow, everyone got that wrong lol If I may suggest something, let pre-made maps enter. Finishing maps should be encouraged, in my opinion.
  14. Slightly off topic, but I just want to register the idea for future reference. A contest with free theme, the only demand is to finish something you started. I bet every mapper here has half a dozen unfinished projects and this could be a good motivator to get these released.
  15. There's also the cheetamen 2 polemic. Strangely enough, that didn't ring any alarms for me but a lot of people got suspicious.
  16. haaa! I had a hard time at that boss <o> By the way, I also have a hard time making youtube videos to display correctly here. I put "media" enclosed by brackets and it automatically edits with url tags, then I have to edit and remove it, then I have to go back to youtube because I have the wrong kind of address! phew... lot of work
  17. Whoever backs these projects should be aware that this is exavtly like funding the creation of a company, it might not work and you might have wasted money.
  18. http://youtu.be/uP-ZD-dZbsQ hahaha
  19. Is there a limit to kickstarter threads? LA Game Space Anyway, this project sounds weird and... weird. I think it's worth watching at least Pen Ward's message about the project (the creator of Adventure Time!), I'm a huge fan of his and the video is funny and cute: http://youtu.be/ypc0RA3w6RM
  20. Wow That was a nail biter :-o Good to hear!
  21. News for Stealth Bastard fans. They've finally released a deluxe version! I'm considering buying it. I'm quoting myself here to point something out. I didn't hear about this deluxe version from any news website, reviewer or indie forum, I went over to their site myself just out of boredom. Indie games are not like Eidos making Thief 4, where they can say "hey, we'll make thief 4", go completely silent for 4 years and people are still talking about it. People move on and forget all about it, and they had a whole momentum back when it was released. Even the forum died a long time ago (it will probably repopulate though). Of course remaking the game takes time, but keep the community busy. Make more official levels, start advertising the deluxe version early with videos and features, organize contests etc.
  22. I think it's likely to be set up. Maybe with actors fully aware of what's about to happen or maybe they just told them it was a prank but didn't say what exactly. Because besides the risk of someone hurting the girl there's also the risk of heart attacks! lol
  23. I thought it wasn't much but it is a third of all they made so far though. What bugs me is that browsing around I found much less interesting projects with much more success. There's the one by the makers of Baldur's Gate, about making another rpg supposedly as good as Baldur's Gate, which I don't know, unless it's Tim Schafer I find it hard to buy these projects that are fueled by someone's name.
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