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Everything posted by brethren

  1. I've always been surprised by how few authors have released missions for Thief and TDM. I sometimes look at the list of TDM authors, and wonder where they were and why they weren't working on Thief FMs before TDM came out. It's kind of weird. That said, even though some say there's the rift between the two communities, I think there's way more mutual interest than people realize.
  2. A semi-recent 1st person game I was really surprised by was Titanfall2. Really enjoyed it. Oops, Origin.
  3. The theme for this contest is “Lost Places.” The idea is to create a mission that takes place away from the civilized areas of the world. The setting should involve something remote and abandoned, typically run down and deteriorating, and not easily accessible. Places where the original inhabitants are long gone (but others may have taken their place). Examples might include: Ancient templesExotic ruinsLost citiesDeserted castlesAbandoned factories/warehousesNeglected tombs/cryptsVacated villages And so on! Time Period: Today (April 4th) to August 31st (about 5 months) Open to: All variants of Thief. This includes Thief 1, Thief Gold, Thief 2, Thief Deadly Shadows, and The Dark Mod. Voting: We’ll decide on voting closer to the deadline, but I’m sure it will be similar to what’s been done in the past, with a poll on TTLG. Restrictions: There are no restrictions on size or use of custom content. If possible, send me a PM and let me know if you intend to enter the contest. When done, send me a link to your mission and I will host it on Southquarter. Good luck to all! Edit: Late addition to the rules - you are allowed to build your mission off of work done prior to the start of the contest. This would likely be in the form of an old/abandoned mission that was never finished. You cannot however use any completed missions (such as an OM or FM) as a base.
  4. Just a heads up, but we've been kicking around ideas for an FM contest over at TTLG recently, and I've pretty much decided I want to start one up soon. The theme will be "Lost Places." The idea is to create something distant/remote and away from The City proper. Ancient ruins, lost temples, abandoned buildings, crumbling tombs, anything along those lines. I don't think there's every been a combination Thief/TDM contest, so I want to do that. Since there is no need for specific factions or places, this should work fine. So any entries for T1, TG, T2, TDS, or TDM will be accepted. This seems like it could be a good contest for TDM, as I don't think there are a lot of "Lost City" type missions out there. It seems like most missions take place in Bridgeport. Build time will probably be between 4-6 months - I wanted to go a bit longer this time in hopes it will produce some higher quality missions. Anyway, this will probably all start up within a week to 10 days, so if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
  5. Btw guys, it's Far Harbor. We don't do the ou thing over here.
  6. The above threads discuss how you upgrade your Thief 2 and Thief Gold installation to include New Dark. After that, check this thread for how to install FMSel, the built in mission launcher that comes with New Dark: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140093
  7. @raymeld - are you at least getting the book art showing? As in, if you look at a scroll, do you get an empty sheet of papyrus in the background? Or is it just a black screen? Either way, it has to be your Thief installation, not the FM. I would reinstall with Tafferpatcher and try again.
  8. Sounds odd. What happens when you try to read something?
  9. Related to that, I noticed that sometimes for the in-game downloader, missions that start with "The" show up under T and sometime they show up under their proper name. And then we you go to the list of missions after they've been downloaded, it shows up in the opposite spot. Slightly annoying.
  10. The thing about the introductory missions is technically correct I guess, they just make it sound as if there's only one mission released when in fact there are two. Also, the new intro mission may be hard for some of us to find, since most people who've been playing the mod have dozens of missions installed, but for someone who is installing TDM for the first time, the intro missions are going to be the only things visible (as well as the training mission).
  11. Another, separate mention on PC Gamer: http://www.pcgamer.com/mod-lets-you-remove-fps-and-fov-limits-in-id-tech-5-games-like-wolfenstein-the-new-order-and-rage/ It's funny, after all these years, I think some people still don't understand what TDM is. He mentions it comes with a level editor, and includes "the first of three introductory missions." I sent him an email to clarify.
  12. Played both Ulysses missions last night for the first time. I don't know what took me so long, but both were excellent. I really like this character and how they're different than our typical protagonist, but they still allow us to play in the classic Thief/TDM style. And the dark side of me says, it was actually kind of fun to kill some evil people for a change. Interesting mission layouts too, I really liked the escape scenario in the original, and then the infiltration in the 2nd. Great stuff. So Sotha, will we get any more Ulysses missions? I'd really like to see more done with that character.
  13. Thanks, thought I tried that and it didn't work, but of course this time it did. That guard in front of the Inn is really sensitive, btw. He was able to spot me even though I was behind him.
  14. How do I adjust the combo lock? I thought the on-screen text originally said to use the mousewheel, but when I try that now, it just cycles through my weapons.
  15. I think the thought back then was that the official levels for Thief 3 were small because of the limitations of the xbox's memory. But when it when it came down to making FMs exclusively on PC, those limitations would go out the window, and we'd get all these gigantic levels, rivaling or exceeding the first 2 games. Also, you could see how superior Thief 2 FMs were, even back then, over the original OMs. I think everyone thought that same jump could be made with Thief 3 FMs.
  16. Ha, hey I didn't write that, I'm just hosting it.
  17. This has been going on for a while, I had this issue when I updated to 2.04 in mid 2016.
  18. I'm a bit late to the party here, but thought I'd share this link. It's a brief history of Dromed, and was part of the petition site (created by Subjective Effect) when the TTLG community was trying to get the Thief 3 editor released. The page is full of errors and I always wanted to fix it and keep it up for posterity's sake, but you can still read the text. http://www.southquarter.com/thiefpetition/dromed.php
  19. Saw TDM was included in this list on RPS. Not sure why it's only an "honorable mention" though: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/02/10/best-total-conversion-mods/
  20. Also, ghosting this game seems almost impossible.
  21. Do you really think it's that easy? I'm playing on Hard and doing a No Kill/No Powers run, and I'm getting my ass handed to me a lot. Guards seem to see me from 200 yards away, barely poking my head out from behind a blockade. I'm sure I've set some kind of personal record on reloads. Great game though overall. This is the closest I've felt to playing like Thief/TDM in a long long time.
  22. Yes, the "Shroud" for Dishonored 2 is very annoying, and very Thief4like. I just played Dishonored 1, and it wasn't anywhere near what it is in the 2nd game. What is the logic behind darkening the screen when you're crouched? Makes no sense.
  23. FYI, the game is on sale now on Steam for half price (30 bucks) - that gives you all six episodes. But only for another 24 hours or so. I'm probably picking up the PS4 version - also on sale right now for $36 through 11/29.
  24. Reading back through this thread is amusing - why do people always bite off way more than they can chew? Human nature, I guess. I was part of the failed novice campaign from years ago, but I still liked the premise. We had 5-6 mappers, all beginners, but each was to put together a small to medium level, then we were going to chain them together with narrative. I thought it seemed like a reasonable plan, but it still flopped miserably. I'm as at fault as anyone for that. That said, I would be happy to read through your story Deadlove and give you my opinion.
  25. Hmm, guess I'm not following too well on this - how can someone just come in and bid on a domain that's already owned by someone else? Especially when it hasn't expired yet? As Oldjim said, there would be chaos with domains being stolen all the time. Seems very weird, I'm tempted to call BS on this entire thing.
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