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Everything posted by Serpentine

  1. Well, thats a better response than I expected, I am always happy to help but usually when I run ahead and finish up a remake or rebuild of something for a project it seems to bruise egos. But yeah, that sounds like good enough reason for me to go tinker with the training map
  2. I have a sterioscopic ATI fullscreen shader somewhere around here, should work in doom3... lemme find that and get some screenshots Also, just remember that the '3D' that the nvidia glasses uses requires a 120hz lcd for the glasses to run, if you use any rendering tricks in games you will most likely get strange effects, also if you didnt deal well with running crt's at 60hz back in the day, good luck with headaches etc A friend has just got all the kit, so I'm gonna go take a spin in a few weeks and will try out tdm... for science!
  3. If "The Team" is working on expanding the training map - I think it would be nice to have an area in which the player has to snub out a candle, blackjack an npc to get a key off his body and shoulder the body to a place where you cant drag it. They are by far the biggest 'issues' I have noticed my random friends have... and since they are easily curable and the amount of 'doh, thats so simple, why didnt I think of it?' just shows perhaps it needs a little hinting
  4. Im losing my mind, forgive me. I just spent the last 15 minutes learning how to swap directions/channels to reorient models with bad normals. I will have the fireplace one done in 5 min, just need to get some tea. If you've already done that, it wasnt a simple inverted chan, there are rotated bits that need to be swapped and other bits that arnt inverted at all... wonder if there are any other models like this.
  5. The weathered wood is not an inverted map, checked it out from a few angles and such, it is correct even if it looks a bit funny sometimes. I went and remade it to check and end up with the same result and a verified normal map - so dont worry with that one
  6. Ah yeah, you're right, will invert the red/blue and have a look in a sec Also, yes the pillar models do in fact use that texture - if its the reason for crashing - a very good catch!
  7. It was actually called the "STiFU's epic thread of inverted normal maps", I changed that as perhaps you'd find it mocking (I should have kept it)
  8. To invert an already made normal map - all you need to do is to invert the green channel of the image. In Photoshop : Open normal map Windows(menu bar) -> channels Select green channel (will hide red/blue) Select all (ctrl+A) Invert (ctrl+I) Show the other channels Check that it is correct As for tools to use when creating normals, I would suggest SSBump. Though it is aimed at creating SSBumps for Source based games, its normal generator is I find, a lot better than both the nvidia and gimp plugins. The use of layering to seperate out elements of the image makes it much more realistic if you want high detail with realistic depth. Getting used to making normals takes very little time with it, I would suggest taking a texture you already have a 'good' normal map for and then trying to recreate it accurately. For most textures using 3 filters is advised - 2 is fine if there are either no large or fine details.
  9. This thread is intended for reporting materials and models containing problematic textures. Materials belonging to the wrong type - a wood texture that sounds like stone. Non-power-of-two sized textures - if a texture has dimentions that are not power of two. 64x128 115x73 Bad alpha textures - There are parts of a texture which should be transparent, but instead are opaque. Example And any other texture/material related issue. If you are not sure what to call it or how to describe it please include a screenshot! An inverted normal will have shadows where there should be rises, and rises where there should be shadows - cracks in wood would stick out of the wood, instead of into the wood as they are intended. As an example : Inverted Fireplace Texture If you're making materials in an automated normal application - please remember that Doom3 uses the "Direct3D" style normals, not OpenGL as you would assume. To get a name, select the material in DR, hit "S" for surface inspector and copy the name, for models, find the offending model and get its active material/name. The urls linked here aer for people who are releasing an FM before the fixes have been officially released, so that they may override the broken one with a fixed one. Confirmed Bad Normals:(fixed in next version) (unknown/not fixed) models/darkmod/props/textures/fireplace_brick url textures/darkmod/wood/boards/weathered Internal textures/darkmod/stone/flat/smooth/marble_black_squares url Non power-of-two textures: guis/assets/readables/books/leftpagecurl guis/assets/readables/books/book_leftpage_01 guis/assets/readables/books/book_leftpage_curled_01 guis/assets/readables/books/rightpagecurl guis/assets/readables/books/book_rightpage_curled_01 guis/assets/readables/books/book_rightpage_01 textures/darkmod/stone/flat/smooth_marble_trim01_s_tiling_1d Internal textures\darkmod\decals\dirt\long_drip_pattern01 url textures\darkmod\stone\flat\smooth_ceramic_tile_tan02 url textures\darkmod\stone\flat\smooth_ceramic_tile_gold01 url models\darkmod\props\textures\bc_stair01 url models\darkmod\props\textures\bc_stair01_local url models\darkmod\props\textures\table_medallion - not referenced models\darkmod\props\textures\table_medallion_s - not referenced Models with texture issues: models/darkmod/furniture/seating/chair_set01.lwo - Texture at the back is very distorted! Possible Bad Normalmap Suspects(need to be checked): hinge02 bucket_wood chain1 corner_brace framed_gables framed_gables_small old_cloth shingles_red
  10. I think you're right with arrows etc, tho I have not tested. I did however test the area that bikerdude is talking about, I split the brush in half, one side with playerclip I can mantle into/onto without issue(if you mantle into it, it will reject you, but it takes a while and often you can jump further), with normal clip it doesnt make the attempt to mantle... I will investigate a bit more later.
  11. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/10355-could-not-open-pointfile/page__hl__pointfile__fromsearch__1 Thats the usual one, you've installed a new FM and its dropping it into the FM folder and not that of your maps' As for player clip, I generally just use 'clip', I havent found a reason not to use it and it provices a nice gentle "get out of here". When you clip to stop people climbing roofs, its easiest to clip above the edge so that the mantle code just doesnt give them the option and it doesnt dig into geometry where you might forget about it (Ask me about the 30 minutes I lost trying to figure out why I couldnt get into a room I had just made, damn you filters menu).
  12. Hmmm, I got it but it didnt remind me that I had... only just saw it gonna give it a look now, as for signing up, Im registered and just waiting on confirmation from Yandros, no hurry though. I assume the others also got it tho
  13. From the download page : So, go grab a torrent client like utorrent and start downloading that - tho it will take a while, it will keep reconnecting and verifying the data with a bad connection, when it completes it will be full and correct Other than that, a few mod sites offer an http/ftp download which you might be able to download with a download manager, but in the end the torrent will be less trouble really!
  14. Sure thing Just a minor issue : "Creating a new account is currently not possible."
  15. In those specific places the best way to try and diagnose what to do would be to use r_showtris 3 and try find areas which are redendering and are indirect, you can use this mode along with showportals 1 to diagnose a lot of bad areas. If that is just too many lines for a complex map, showtris 2 is a little cleaner but I prefer as much info as I can get. 1 will only show you directly visable things however. Once you know what areas are rendering indirectly, you can add VP's a lot more tactically, however this is limited by places that are 'common' to a lot of areas, in such situations you might have to try and construct a "chokepoint" to allow the VP to be successful, just remember that you can drop some caulk or skyportal down to try and assist, if you arnt worried about seeing things behind it (this helps a lot for streets). If you really are getting stuck with portals that just cant seal 100%, you can always try flooding the area with void to get a pointfile (your vp should be a solid texture for the duration of this test!) And that concludes my incoherent babble for the day
  16. iirc; two of the team members were running DR etc under *nix. I guess it would help to get a few reports of what is wrong, though wine is an option its not a solution. I guess I'll have a go at compiling and mapping on my freebsd box, should be interesting
  17. Yeah, I can confirm All Entities as having issues. I also tried(badly) to create a filter for all doorway models, once created it managed to crash DR quite nicely, but I think I had crashes on making entity filters before this. I think it might be worth expanding the default filters list to include some more common ones, mostly for different clips and that type of thing...
  18. The 8800 and some of the 8 and 9 series have the issue. Pretty much what happened was they decided to go with a cheaper underfill lower grade bump material than what they were going to use, the 8 series was about cutting prices and getting things out quickly. Underfill is the material that surrounds the the solders between a core and the substrate, the bump is the solder between the chip and the substrate and the substrate and whatever else (in some cases, like graphics cards). If you've ever seen a non-capped CPU, you will know that theres the glass top of the core sitting on the green board, theres material between the core and the board, thats what this is about. The cheaper material was not fully tested, as its used in other situations very commonly and time crunch came down, the fabrication plant warned them ahead that there were issues that were going to occur, but time and money change things. Depending on the heat cycles, power uage, cooling and even things like handeling, the issue occurs where the underfil causes a bad connection between the substrate and the core, the substrate fractures and expands very differently to how they imagined, hence the physical fault. In some cases people notice artefacts, others just suddenly have bricks, some have extreme lag under high load situations then the card resets itself... In an alliance of around 450 eve players, I've seen about 6 threads and 10+ people that I know of just from there being affected... and thats just desktops, laptops got it much worse off. The best part comes that nvidia never actually accepted that this issue has been happening, instead they offered to cover costs for a few laptop brands, but have never officially owned up, tho their partner companies have confirmed it there is little they can do besides replace cards. Want to know why nvidias stock price died? mis-management at its finest.
  19. Have you tested it out in vanilla D3 and perhaps other games? theres a good chance its the physical fault that all 8800's have... if its happening elsewhere, theres an extremely good chance.
  20. If I had a request, it would be for right click menu to contain "wrap with visportal" on entities (specially movers!) My doors are usually perfectly placed to seal, so all I need to do is visportal them, which would be a simple right click if that happened, but at the moment I have to clone it, change it to a func.static then wrap with monster clip, delete the clone and then make visportal on the monsterclip! (I will not hide that I am lazy ) Might be a few other wraps that would be quite nifty to have, I cant think off hand.
  21. This is what we are using with Bikerdude, and I must say it works pretty well. I'm not 100% sure how he did the invite but there are 5 of us (4 testers + bikerdude) I think he used the method you described, the first message I got looks like the first that is in the 'thread'. ... And it works quite damn well, the only issue seems to tbe the lack of html/bb script, tho the editor allows you to use them when the message is sent it leaves in the tags.
  22. The issue seems to mainly be some config issue, KalwinSidpen sent me a copy of it and somehow my performance is actually... extremely good. So yeah no reason to even remotely think about abandoning this very interesting map (I think)
  23. That is looking pretty impressive! I can help out with quite a few issues, tho I wouldnt consider myself as experienced as some of the pre-release mappers. However, team members are quite busy and since Im on vacation for the next month, I am happy to help. Firstly it looks like you are using bloom, bloom isnt officially supported and will be removed in the next patch (however it may stay very optional, as in you'd have to set the option via console). Disabling it will fix or help a few of these cases. As for the issues with fog, there are various blending issues with some textures, avoiding them by using alternatives is most likely the easiest - however I will do some research into what stage/image format/causes the issue and perhaps we can just redefine the material as a custom for your map. The other issues look like its mostly to do with your 'value' being set too high on a light. When you select a light in DarkRadiant, pressing L for light inspector will allow you to adjust the colour quite easily, in the colour selection area the 'value' is the brightness of the colour. Depending on the texture of the light (i.e the texture it casts) and the size of the light volume, this can make some sources seem extremely bright. So try reducing the size if its too large, else try dropping the 'value'. If you know all of this and are getting frustrated - I will happily check the map out, just send me a link in PM.
  24. I would suggest looking at gpu temps. The last few months have shown that newer cards rendering 'simple' 2d stuff with high clocks often results in the cards running far too hot, under more intensive games the complex instructions etc actually keep the cards sliiiightly cooler. It shows up on both nvidia and amd in heroes of newerth and eve online, both can be solved by using vsync. However DR doesnt really have a way to do vsync. But yeah, if you need to graph your tempteratures etc, I would try ATi Tray Tools (attsetup) , it can produce pretty good graphs of a lot of things. Or you could just listen, if your graphics card is easy to hear, try listen to if it spins up high in DR, as if you were playing a game, it shouldnt. I'm most likely wrong however.
  25. Im sure I can supply some hosting for prefabs and perhaps textures etc - I'll build a submission system in the next two weeks.
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