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Everything posted by plasticman

  1. Maybe I don't get it but isn't it the same in original TDM? The Master Builder in Thief is often referred to as "builder" while TDM Hammerite substitutes go by "builders". So the "Collision" is already there, no need to avoid it in a translation. I'd go for Builders -- Die Erbauer Works for singular as well and alludes to "(geistige) Erbauung" (building up someone in a spiritual sense). Master Builder -- DER Erbauer Would be identical with the singular form for "Builders" but that's a non-issue. In medievial philosophy Aristotle often is refenced as "the philosopher" and it worked fine for several hundred years without confusing anyone. Lord Builder -- Der HErr Erbauer No way to translate it as "Lord". If you say "Lord" in German it always refers to a person, never to a god. Good luck with your work!
  2. Remember the clip shows a Quake 4 example. I may confuse things, but I think noone made it that far in Doom. Problem was getting more than just the player to teleport through the portal IIRC.
  3. I'd like to see hear more conversations between AI and AI. But I also understand mappers need time to do that -- if one of your npcs has a few extra lines not provided by the mod you still have to record a complete voice set, so the idle sounds match the npcs voice. Maybe that's to much work for just a small mission. For conversations between player and npcs I am unsure how it would turn out. It worked in Deus Ex where there was always a strong visible player character. Thief's Garrett usually has a not so talkative way of dealing with people -- he's a mystery for the most part. It didn't work for me when TDS broke it. They had Pagans and Hammers fraternising with Garrett. And I have weird memories of a widow on some remote island asking for wine.
  4. There's a thread buried on D3W about faking Prey like portals in Doom: here. The "inventor" later released a testmap for Quake4, but it seems links are no longer valid. Interesting read however. He uses a combination of a teleporter, a portalsky, scripting and such. Would be nice if something like this could be done in a FM, a fitting storyline given.
  5. Just pretend it's a long distance blackjack. It will work.
  6. No sarcasm intended. Maybe I should start to learn what these little yellow faces are supposed to mean... ...atm I klick them rather randomly. They all look wrong to me anyway.
  7. I wouldn't stretch my head too much about wether prices are "reasonable" or not. Partly because it is not an economic simulation, partly because it seems wrong to me to project the economic system of our society today on something so different like the TDM world. This is like putting cars in game because you can't think of any other way to travel long distances. IMHO.
  8. ...but you can play games on it! I suggest you give Extreme Tux Racer a try -- this will change your mind.
  9. Without looking at in the editor: This is one wonderful example for Doom's Portal Sky FeatureTM! Read all about it on modwiki.net! I loved that beginning. A classic "I am the pro who just hopped over that fence and now for the real stuff"-feeling.
  10. Me. Just yesterday. In Doom you would do something like (in the console) bind h toggle g_dragentity Your key "h" toggles now g_dragentity. You can turn it on and off, which is nice, because you don't want to use it all the time. Now you can point at any moveable or ragdoll (in TDM you have to imagine the crosshair), LMB and drag. It's not working within the frobdistance (Ishtvan mentioned the interference), stepping back a little helps this, dragentity seems to have an unlimited reach. If you do it right you will notice it. It looks very different than frobbing, writes some info on your screen and stuff. Binding the raggdoll however gave me trouble. I could bind one part of it, applying a second bind to another part crashed the game. So I can do the typical hangman, but not the typical Christ on the cross. Said something like "bind1 already there", maybe just some screwed up autonaming stuff.
  11. Just wondering: The pressure plate would be a func_mover that is triggered by a "trigger brush" above the plate, right?
  12. I like it the way it is. I had trouble with dark letters on all too bright backrounds as well, but that's what you get all the time in the internets and wordprocessers as well. My personal solution is a nice compiz-plugin (neg) which lets me invert the screen or individual windows. Once you get used to it, you never want to miss it again.
  13. Looks like Cryengine 3 does the magic: ...not trying to derail the thread.
  14. ...the repository only supports some outdated pre-1.0-version of Darkradiant. Speaking for the moment and Ubuntu.
  15. Or like in Bafford's. As long as you stay outside on the streets the guards leave you alone. Is it possible to do something like this in Darkmod?
  16. Wow. I promise to have a closer look at such things in your next mission, because I completely missed these little intended undecided things.
  17. ...and when he brings his guitar, how do you expect the guards to react? I see some potential here. Discussing names, there's an othographic similarity I just noticed: Garrett Farrell Coincidence?
  18. In real life it's always "infinite". If a digital recording gets reproduced by a speaker there's no way for the membrane to move "bit-wise". When it moves from 5 to 7 it passes 6, no matter if it's in the data. I can think of two reasons using a higher bit-depth: 1. increased dynamic range -- if your sound features low and high volumes you need enaugh "space" between these. 2. post production -- some digital effects deliver better results if you feed them with more data (due to interpolation loss). In the end a decent recording equipment (low noise floor) is more important than wrecking your brain over the 16 vs. 24 bit question.
  19. Yeah. That would keep him from turning his rooms upside down...
  20. I'm late to the party, just finished it on expert. Dislikes: I'm fine with killing bad guys. But Technical issues (propably by design) with the victim. Has been mentioned: player clipped roofs, static junk items, useless metal chest key. Likes: Sound Design: the use of ambient music seems to be better than in the other missions. No deaf spots, guess this is the "zone approach".Always fun to me when you have to proceed through some completely unrelated person's house (instead of the streets or the "highway"). Remembers me of the ladies right before Angelwatch in LOTP.Little details, like rats and the cheese.I don't know why, but it felt very neat and stable. No glitches (except for some z-fighting). Overall a nice little mission.
  21. I think it's somewhere in between. If you make it too big it gives you trouble with visportals. But if you make things too small (fill every gap between the roofs with skybrushes) your skybox may block the view in an unintended way. When you pass a large building you don't expect it to vanish just because you went around the next corner.
  22. I had a similar issue. DR complained about not finding the pointfile, when I looked for it myself I couldn't find it either. I blamed my stupid setup for this (outdated DR from the repo under linux, linux-doom is not on the default path but on another NTFS-drive). But now I am curious: Pointfiles are supposed to work, are they?
  23. I don't think it needs fixing! I like it like that... It's just FM-Authors should know there's a chance for an exploit when placing fire arrows. Btw., you don't want to know how often I failed before it turned out so nicely. Even if someone masters the technique -- it still hurts and will only get you so far. Again it would be up to the mapper NOT to build an obstacle course that is paved with fire arrows and health potions.
  24. A veteran? -- Not at all. I just used to fiddle with Q3 a little. A friend once introduced me to CPMA, but I think I didn't like air control either... Anyway, here's a little something I just made for all of you: It is a short "dramatic" demonstration of a firearrow-jump-mantle-combination.
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