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Everything posted by Anderson

  1. Always wondered how fast does one type compared to other people. Apparently touch typing is a contest thing and there's even a multiplayer for this "type" of thing at https://play.typeracer.com/ 60-80 words/minute is my average typing speed. My best record is 99 words/minute thus far. It's impressive how there are people who can upon type 140-150 on any normal day. The world record is currently 216 words/minute according to my Google search. Reminds me of that video game "The Typing of the Dead" as if people were born with keyboards attached to their bodies.
  2. Do you mean limited field of vision that covers everything nearby like in Silent Hill 1 in order to help performance?
  3. It is good that TDM is one of the highest rated mods. We, intellectuals (lol) must translate those reviews into all time popularity of the mod. Somehow to spread the word that TDM is more streamlined and more accessible than the Thief trilogy. Maybe TDM is even easier to play than Thief 4. TDM is not this niche for the PC master race. I never played Thief 4. The eye candy in Thief 4 is all swell. But, at a glance it's not as inviting as Dishonored. Even the combat in Thief 4 seems more sluggish than in Dishonored. If someone's reading this, correct me if I'm wrong please. By comparison - TDM is full of options. It's weakness is melee combat. The rope arrow may be a nostalgic gimmick. But there are plenty of other customization options nonetheless. https://www.moddb.com/mods?sort=rating-desc
  4. Deep shit. Some soviet toilets are like old German ones btw. Truly a mind-blowing insight.
  5. Bardcore medieval remakes are quite a thing lately. We need at least a few for some Thief and The Dark Mod tracks
  6. Das ist gut Filizitas! Did you do all of this on your own for this project?
  7. Indeed I acquired Witcher 3 for free somehow. My friend (huge Witcher fan, gave me to read the entire saga) sent me the password to his account on GOG so I could play and finish it a few years ago. Recently, I discovered that I own the game itself on GOG. On my own account. I do not recall getting it on a giveaway and I never bought anything on GOG. And even the achievements that I didn't manage to unlock seem to have been transferred somehow. Pleasant surprise. So yeah, sometimes miracles happen I guess. Thanks for the encouragement. I have a relatively new laptop but even with 8 GB of RAM and an SSD, the processor and video card are probably too weak for this anyway compared to the desktop machine. The heart of any machine used for video games will always lie in the processor and the videocard. I still fondly remember how I first tried to run GTA IV on an old single core 2.6 Ghz processor with an older video card (Nvidia 6600 or 9500 can't remember which one). After installing GTA IV for about 12 hours, the attempt to run just gave showed an error prompting me to upgrade the machine (not sure what it was, the processor or the videocard at fault, but frankly both were deprecated). Can't remember the details, but it was the first time I've ever seen an application directly refuse to launch just because the app doesn't like the machine.
  8. No kidding. I had to tweak the config file manually in the game folder to make Witcher 3 work at something acceptable like 30 FPS. Cyberpunk simply won't run unless any ultra low tinkerings would be an option. But it's not like I don't have a backlog of endless unplayed titles to worry about Cyberpunk now. Especially with all these free giveaways. We are too spoiled.
  9. The most captivating thing for me is how good will Keanu Reeves' performance be in video game form with the motion caption technology and other accessories. Seems to be a major character and a huge advertisement for the game. Hype is just marketing. Will he be as indispensable to the game as Ozzy Osbourne and Jack Black for Brutal Legend? As John DiMaggio's voice for Smiling Jack in Bloodlines? Or will Cyberpunk be another flawed gem that tried too hard to jump over the fence in the field of AAA action RPG's? AFAIK 3 delays happened so far. So many ambitious RPG's that fail.
  10. IOW copyrasts ruined the word "free".
  11. I agree to close the church businesses in return for saving everything that's left of the economy.
  12. I'm going to be dead honest. No money and time in the nearest time for any of these games but I'll just vote for whatever I would like to play potentially once upon a time. Stuff like Ghost of Tsushima, Ori and the Will of the Wisps (looks like those Amanita games titles), Spiritfarer (looks amazing), Among Us (was a pleasant surprise to be so simplistic and free on mobile, didn't play it either though a friend invited, no idea why it isn't free on PC). No idea who the streamers and online gaming crowd is and can't be bothered to find out. Just voted random for the best looking people lol. What's the point of the Skinner Box badge leveling thingy? Just to make people press buttons like rats?
  13. Nobody dies of old age. It all depends how much you're revving your body and how little you invest in healing it. You can sometimes find people who die of a stroke or a heart attack at 20-30 years if they never rested, had a lot of stress at work. It's like a limited resource for each human organ. Easy to observe that life expectancy is much longer in developed countries precisely for this reason. Likewise old people from developed countries look like they're 50 at their real age of 70 years. Whereas people from underdeveloped countries can easily look like 70-80 years at their real age of 50.
  14. Just because it's legal, it doesn't mean that justice is done.
  15. Suppose that MOBA's, MMORPG-ers and other gambling, Skinner Box reliant games don't count. https://gamasutra.com/view/news/373766/Oxford_University_study_finds_positive_link_between_playing_games_and_wellbeing.php
  16. Sadly, it's scientific. I had tests for Hepatite C and occasionally it turned out negative. After testing more it was actually positive. Just so you understand I have it for 19 years. Sure, a remission is realistic, but better stay sharp. There's always a margin of error to any test. Welp, 1'st world problems are bound to become problems for all countries on Earth once they reach the same development level.
  17. Thousands of free assets from „What Remains of Edith Finch” available to public. Not sure how feasible would it be in TDM. https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/what-remains-of-edith-finch-joins-the-unreal-marketplace-collection
  18. The first are political movements that have existed for years. The other is pseudo scientific conspirology. Any mass gathering helps spread the virus without caring about our politics. I think we need to be smart and stay out of trouble either way. What's appalling is that people don't know any better until someone from their circle of communication gets in hospital. My cousin works as a nurse at a hospital and the situation definitely gets worse every day. Though our health system was a corrupt mess before as well. People frequently died before the ambulance arrived and such. That was every day statistics. Stuff like peter_spy wrote. But now, the scale is bigger. These days, people can just hang themselves in the hospital to avoid the pain. The doctors and close family will help cover it up to avoid quarantine of course. The best damage control is to invest more in healthcare and dump other non cost-effective spendings (the military for example, unless you need more trucks to load corpses into).
  19. In comparison, looks like us in Moldova weren't hurt that badly as I thought. We're still on our peak regarding infection rate. Officially. In reality many among the elderly population died a long time ago from other preventable diseases. Not many left to die from COVID-19. The situation is similar in many other Eastern European countries. Still I thought it was curious how Moldova, being in the top of the sharpest demographic declines in the world manages not to disappear during the pandemic. But hey at least we're not in Nagorno-Karabakh. This war ended faster than the pandemic.
  20. Ambient, distorted, reverberated music illustrating a person falling into dementia, various forms of Alzheimer's syndrome. https://thecaretaker.bandcamp.com/album/everywhere-at-the-end-of-time
  21. This exterminatus is a little too harsh. https://www.euronews.com/2020/11/05/denmark-to-cull-millions-of-minks-after-mutated-coronavirus-spreads-to-people
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