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Everything posted by Anderson

  1. It looks like this for me: Notice the randomized images that come up in the upper part of the site. There are about 5 various images.
  2. If you're not proposing Steam Workshop than why go forward with the GPL the C++ code and everything else? You know where this is heading.
  3. Updates through Steam may work only if it's of the core mod itself. And that's it. Not the missions as motorstep suggests. I think you are right in here.
  4. Thank you so much! This update will make the mission perfect! I personally had an association with "Love of Life" most of all.
  5. You perfectly expressed my feelings towards this level. I hardly understood it, why was it so difficult on my first playthrough and quickly turned to other FM's for their value to see what TDM really is.
  6. I forgot to mention. You absolutely have to reduce the mandatory amount of loot down to at least 800. 1100 is too much for the easy difficulty. Maybe I'm too unexperienced, but it's really hard to find the last few hundred. And the farther the more challenging it is. You litterly have to rip the ship apart to do it.
  7. Nice mission. Enjoyed it to the end. Loved the scripted events and the reference to Thief 2 robots. Very skillfuly done!
  8. Replayed it: I came to the conclusion that overall this mission seems to lack some ambient sounds mostly. Particularly the sewer section felt somewhat *empty* and a little generic. Also some segments of the Church itself. One of the things that make TDM so good is the clever use of music/ambient sounds to create an authentic experience. At the moment St. Lucia feels like "one of those old missions" from TDM when they weren't as good as they came to be lately (taking in consideration the increased amount of assets and the increase of quality over time). Have to agree on the sewer key remarks mentioned before. There doesn't seem to be ANYTHING that hints at where that key may be. Maybe I missed something but it's really more of a pain than it probably ought to be. Searched all of the beggar huts but not much of a clue on a note which indicates where it is. Only one in the tavern that mentions it but nothing else.
  9. My biggest concern is the system requirements. I think that on that note, both GTA V and Witcher 3 don't look all that well to push the limits so far away. Even for minimum settings it's kind of odd.
  10. I am very happy with this mission. It is simply stellar what can be done on the first try! The ship felt amazing, I was walking around it for around half an hour mezmerized by the sounds and the general feel of *something* behind it all. However, as many mentioned - it takes a really long time to find the loot on the ship. I had to search every hidden shelf for about 2 hours + loading and saving continously. In the end I had to use cheats because many things seemed lootable (but weren't), many chests were closed, even though I apparently had all the keys. This was a little unpleasant. But it was worth it in the end! Great build-up with that music and caves! It did indeed feel like a Jack London story as others mentioned. I applaud the way how it came out. If you come up with a follow up or not, matters not! What does matter is that you absolutely had a success here! Great job!
  11. As much as I like Steam Workshop for skins and small addons to my games - it is not comfortable nor practical for the format of The Dark Mod. I frankly stand by the developer's position, at the very least they know better than us how to do it. It is a platform for both map creators and simple players. It must be accesible to everybody. What you mentioned about Steamworks - not needed for a singleplayer game. It's usually adopted on that for multiplayer games where tying your account to Steam allows for monetization, statistics and whatnot. But once again I think that the system that already exists is great already. If there is any confusion, we can write a Steam Guide to help people find their way around the Mission Downloader's features.
  12. I have completed the translation of Romanian menues, loading screens, HUD, inventory names and other miscellaneous things with help from Tels. After the 2.03 update - the language is present in the game. But currently the letters look wrong - with squares instead of letters specific to this language - ș, ț, â, ă, î. Tels sent me a link to this wiki place, however mentioned that it's hard and complicated. I'd like to ask how to do it and if it's possible to do by myself to later patch it into the game ? A little confused how it all works as the only links seem to lead to text files. Thus having a completely working and finished translation.
  13. In the end - those who want to play it wil play it as it is. Today it's so convenient to push out updates that it will only boost the playerbase's interest to have more updates for TDM in the long run. Both standalone and on Steam.
  14. I think it's good as it is. The only thing it needs is a mobile version. That's it.
  15. None of these are seriously a problem if the FM I'm playing is good. After getting a good one, I realize how wrong I am. The long load times, as far as I can remember were also an issue with Doom 3 (if I'm not wrong, at the time even Far Cry had the same issue). It's probably written in the engine and can't be changed.
  16. I like the idea of prompt. Not necesarily a voiced one. It can be even a text notification in the border of the screen.
  17. I would say any sound for TDM is appreciated. Every little bit helps. Very excited about how this goes.
  18. Oh, ok if you say so. I suppose you're right. It's just that most, even professionally done AAA games mostly require manual fiddling with settings.
  19. Lego, ergo sum. Yes. A lot of them. Check "No More Room in Hell", "Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok". It's the golden type to highlight indie games that wouldn't have succeeded otherwise. Steam offers a highlight upon them. Regardless of the countless downsides it includes as a DRM (in it's nature at least).
  20. Well, we can always use our imagination to presume that, for example part of the gas that affects humans is actually invisible and spreads much farther than the eye can see.
  21. I'm from Moldova. The poorest country in Europe. A short comedy film about it if anyone's interested:
  22. That is convenient, but it takes only 5 seconds to change that in the settings. I didn't know this was a feature of the TDM by the way. I think that the biggest concern should be for people who never read forums or news. They just see a new game. Install it and play it with whatever it has.
  23. Not true. I enjoy movies than most of my peers. I just hate to watch series because they manipulate you into watching it to the end of the season or the entire thing. Honestly, screw them. I will stick to my full length film. TV is ok as long as what they show is good. Usually it's very obnoxious when it gets to some channels. Sometimes plain chess is perfect.
  24. They have an FAQ actually: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/about/?appid=765&section=faq#developers Far as I know it's all about how many people vote for your game. It's not precisely that hard apparently. A lot of freeware games get on the platform on a regular basis.
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