That's certainly not true. Collecting stuff has been in gaming since the very start. Ever played Pacman? Many games have collecting stuff in them. Do you not collect things in System Shock or Deus Ex? Or the original Tomb Raiders? However, I guess OP (and you) are talking about a speficic kind of collecting. Except for TDM all games OP listed he refers to collectibles (not just collecting stuff... important difference). Collecting things is a competely valid game mechanic. If you set up the player with a mission, it's pretty likely he needs to aqcuire certain things in it's progression. Collectibles on the other hand are usually not there for progression of the main plot and instead give you optional bonusses or sometimes even just achievements. Because of that, you can usually ignore them, so I really don't mind. What I do mind is when excessive collecting becomes mandatory. But that usually has nothing to do with collectibles and is more akin to grinding. And things like destroying military installations in Just Cause or Saboteur falls into the same category for me like grinding and farming in RPGs. So really, it's not the collecting part that's annoying to me, but repetative trivial actions (yeah, I'd say blowing stuff up in JC is pretty trivial) to advance the game. Though I have to say that *sometimes* I really enjoy some brainless grinding and collecting in games when I'm in the mood.