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Everything posted by grodenglaive

  1. video no longer available, Did I miss a good joke?
  2. on the other hand, these interactions would be excellent for the VR mod (if using tracked hand controllers).
  3. Old post, but I just came across it. A nixie tube display would look pretty cool in TDM. I got one for Christmas actually - a clock made in the Ukraine from surplus Russian vacuum tubes. I love it.
  4. I have one in the works, but I'm probably the worlds most inefficient mapper. It will take several more months to complete despite working on it nearly every day.
  5. Excellent, my eyes thank you!
  6. I wish the forum had a dark mode. The screens seem extra bright this morning... maybe I need more sleep.
  7. I was wondering if something special was supposed go in there. I thought of stuffing in a dead rat when the cash didn't work. Actually I put one in Curmudgeon's safe as a calling card
  8. Thanks for the very enjoyable mission. Some challenge reaching all the objectives without being frustrating. Really nicely detailed town.
  9. What does "export region" in the DR file menu do? There doesn't seem to be a corresponding "import region".
  10. yes, it was a good 20% performance hit:/ I'll try out your other suggestions.
  11. Thanks! I actually changed the light to a Cubic - cubelightCube and used the texture I had made for the ambientCube and that did the trick.
  12. A question about using a cubemap for ambient lighting... It looks great outside, but unfortunately the lighting also appears inside buildings, which does not look good. I tried toggling the cubelight off when you inside, but that is terribly jarring. Is there any way around that? (edit) Of course: instead of using an ambientCube use a regular Cubic Light.
  13. Oh, and I used cmftStudio to convert the cubemap skybox into the irradiance cube. Now that I know the whole process, it isn't that bad, but I don't think I would bother with it for the interiors.
  14. well that was a huge PITA, but it seemed to work. Here's the before and after with the custom ambient cubemap in the second pic instead of ambient_world. The church is a bit too bright, so I'll need to play with it, but at least now the shading isn't so flat. (edit) note that ambientCube will also appear on the interiors. Here's another angle. Now the bumpmap is actually bumpy!
  15. From the Ambient Light Wiki: Properties: No shadows, No specular, Bumpmapping or Directionality (Note: The "Enhance Ambient" does add Bumpmapping ) I don't see any place to enable this Enhance Ambient effect. Has that been deprecated? also, Happy New Year!
  16. That does look nice. Surprisingly, this is the only mod I have tried yet in TDM. By SSAO, do you mean the Ambient Occlusion option in the game menu, or is this another mod?
  17. Thanks! You're right, that is just the ambient_world - I've barely started with the outdoor lighting. #5 sounds interesting.
  18. thanks, I'll have to look into that
  19. Testing a custom skybox in Frobable Cause (working title). It's hard to find nighttime forest scenes with trees at the right distance. This one is working pretty good in all directions. The HDRI is from Polyhaven, then converted to a cube map and darkened a lot.
  20. I wish I saw this thread earlier! I created a cave mesh in Blender with very undulating walls and floor that the AI couldn't navigate. It took me a long time to painstakenly monster clip everything. It would have been awesome to export a simplified low-poly version as brushes to use as a monsterclip.
  21. I tested out the magic wall torch in my new project and I love it. Definitely keeping them. Even without bloom enabled they still look good, but certainly better with bloom. Also handy that the light properties are exposed so they are easy to adjust compared to the tdm torches.
  22. I'm good at causing uncommon errors. I found this thread about it (there was nothing in the wikki): and this in the idtech4 modwikki: Error: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA Severe : An error issued by the AAS compiler. An Area that has been created has more than 256 adjoining Areas . You should simplify the map’s brush geometry (which the aas compiler uses as input) using monster clip to block off areas that the AI won’t/shouldn’t go. This error may also be caused by surrounding the map with a large caulk hull with leaks between the map and hull.
  23. what have I done?
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