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Everything posted by grodenglaive

  1. I found this (non-video) crash course very helpful. https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=A_-_Z_Beginner_Full_Guide_Start_Here!
  2. Bug fixed and subtitles added. I followed the instructions here, so datiswous can have the day off.
  3. I can't help you with map location gui, but welcome to TDM! It's a good way to waste time in retirement. Btw there is also a wonderful VR mod for TDM if you end up buying a headset (and you should), but it currently only works on the older missions (pre 2023).
  4. thanks, wow you must be fully sick of that fm by now.
  5. It would be great to not have the sphere brush limited to 7 sides. It's very ah... limiting.
  6. Interesting, I just ran into a similar issue during AAS compile. In my case I had moved the floor up a few units so the AI was spawning with it's feet embedded in the floor. My error was "Warning: no entities found inside" though.
  7. Cool fm. Very fine mapping with the way the different areas fit together. I like the architecture, which is a nice change from the usual Bridgeport environs. I'm a little stuck though, I can't seem to find
  8. Thanks Frost; sounds like the mission could use an update.
  9. It's unfortunate. Hopefully someone can fix that. Blending terrain materials to export from Blender is a snap and looks really smooth. The alternative of using the edge (alpha) patches in DarkRadiant is tedious and doesn't look as good.
  10. Texture normal map type: does TDM use opengl or Direct X?
  11. Indeed and try to wait until you are sure the model is finished before you go through the trouble of aligning textures. I couldn't tell you how much time I spent realigning textures after adjusting walls, windows, etc., or changing my mind about the materials (especially when bevels are involved).
  12. If it's supposed to be an octagon, I don't think the corners need to be bevelled. Certainly it looks much better to bevel square corners, but the angles of an octagon don't look bad imo. If you want a smooth cylinder though, the default cylinder patch has 16 sides, which looks smooth enough in game. That would be easier than bevelling 8 corners. Speaking of smoothing; I was pleasantly surprised to find that if you make a model in Blender with smooth-shading ticked, then export an ase file, it will retain the smooth shading when imported to darkradiant.
  13. I don't like pumpkins, but fortunately we were not required to eat any. I ate the mushrooms though! It sounded like the pub goers were having a great time, stomping to the beat of the music - a cool and fitting soundtrack. +1 for the Canadian reference
  14. Merci pour cette mission délicieuse, c'est magnifique!
  15. Yes and she explodes, spawning more babies if you kill her!
  16. I wouldn't want rats or spiders following me around.
  17. Each time I check the objectives in game (pressing O), this warning appears in the console: I checked a few missions (MoongateRuckus, Eye On The Prize, By the Cookbook, Spider and the Finch) and they all do this. Doesn't happen with TDM 2.11. I reinstalled 2.12, but still get this behaviour. Is anyone else seeing this?
  18. You were on to something with that, but TDM won't let atdm:ai_base use another class's aas file. I changed tactics and switched it to atdm:steambot_base instead (it also happens to be the only AI base that doesn't say "do not use"). Dmap auto-generates the associated aas file (aas96) so there is no warning when the player starts. More importantly, it actually still works! So my AI will now follow the player with no errors or warnings.
  19. After editing some objectives, now I'm getting this console warning pop up any time I check the objectives in game. I've never seen it before. Everything appears to be working though. I have not edited the tdm_objectives.gui file and it is intact in the tdm_gui01.pk4 folder in TDM. It references DestroyDelay here. onAction { set "gui::DestroyDelay" OBJECTIVES_DESTROY_DELAY; set "gui::CloseGUI" "1"; set "cmd" "updateObjectives"; } but I have no idea what I could have done in my fm to give it issue. [EDIT] I get this warning in other missions now, not just mine. I reinstalled TDM and I still get this warning. Is this a 2.12 thing?
  20. Hint: I checked the objectives. It is possible to not read the note and also not see the body, in which case you wouldn't know she needed reviving and then you would not be able to complete the mission. I will release an update to fix that. Since you did find her though, I don't know why you didn't get an objective to revive her. I'm not able to reproduce that bug. Finding the note is set as optional, so missing that alone wont cause a fail.
  21. Sorry, the mission must somehow be bugged for you. I'll need to figure out what went wrong and issue an update. It's likely linked to not reading the note.
  22. Yes, I just figured out a way. The player sounds are located in sound/tdm_player.snd.shd and this file is zipped in the main tdm directory tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4tdm_sound_vocals_decls.pk4 If you make a sound folder in your fm folder and copy tdm_player.snd.shd into that, you can edit it for your fm and disable whatever sounds you don't want the player to make. For example, I tried it with the mantle grunts by commenting out the sounds (most were already disabled). tdm_player_mantle_pull { volume -5 // sound/voices/player/mantle_pull01.ogg // too much straining // sound/voices/player/mantle_pull02.ogg // too much straining // sound/voices/player/player_mantle_2.ogg // too much straining //sound/voices/player/player_mantle_3.ogg } tdm_player_mantle_push { volume -10 // sound/voices/player/mantle_push01.ogg // too much straining // sound/voices/player/mantle_push02.ogg // too much straining //sound/voices/player/mantle_push03.ogg }
  23. Got it in 30 seconds... there's room left for someone to beat that though! Heavy spoiler:
  24. Here's the test map (I haven't fixed the warning yet Test Map
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