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Everything posted by grodenglaive

  1. haha, I just thought it would make a handy trigger for testing purposes.
  2. yup: missing 'idle' animation on 'dummy' (atdm:ai_base), channel 2 also channel 1
  3. that gives a hard error unfortunately. I have it working now, but still has the warning message when game starts.
  4. I get this message when the game starts:
  5. @Petike the Taffer Well that was challenging, but I managed to get it to work with a dummy AI (but with a warning message). Using hide doesn't work on the dummy, as each time it moves it un-hides. You need to use an invisible model. I used the atdm:ai_base, which surprisingly worked with these spawn args so it doesn't interfere with the player position and is inert as possible. Then you just need to trigger a follow script, e.g.: void follow_dummy() { $dummy.setOrigin($player1.getOrigin()); $dummy.hide(); //not sure why this is needed, but it stopped working when I deleted it sys.wait(0.2); //needed to prevent game from hanging thread follow_dummy(); } Alternatively, I tried to just bind the dummy to the player instead, but then the follower ai wouldn't follow me.
  6. Thanks for the feedback. Perhaps I should make the locating Astrid objective visible regardless of reading the note. Did you end up finding and reviving Asterid after reading the note and were you able to then complete the mission?
  7. btw, the path node "path_follow_actor" is supposed to do just that, but it doesn't work (at least in TDM 2.11).
  8. I've started futzing around with ideas and models. Not sure if I'll have something in time, but I'll give it a shot!
  9. Wow, how did I miss this? Congratulations on the release!
  10. Adding a switch breaks it. It would require a workaround since the switch acts like a trigger, similar to the arrow. Interestingly If you turn it off and on again the bulb shatters, but the light also comes on.
  11. Thanks. No scripts were harmed in the making of this. It's pretty simple to do because of the broken and brake spawn args. 1. It does distinguish, but I don't even know why It must be a property inherent in the glass material. 2. Good question, I'll have to get back to you. 3. I don't know how to use skins. OK, I tested it on a stock model. That doesn't work. If you use the same model for "broken", but just change the skin in the properties, it also applies the skin to the unbroken model (and vice versa). Oh, I just discovered you don't even need to put a stim/response on the arrow. It automatically breaks glass when you add the break and broken spawn arg on the object (you still need to make a broken model of course). Isn't that handy?
  12. Well, it's over fast enough it's hard to see and the Youtube compression probably loses a lot of the detail.
  13. TDM conveniently has a spawn_arg to add sound effects when an item breaks (snd_broken), but this causes the game to crash unfortunately, so I had to add the sound separately.
  14. Here's one I made just using spawn_args and a couple effects on a custom streetlamp. The arrow has a S/R set to trigger the lamp. [EDIT]: S/R is not required, the arrow will inherently break a glass object that has the break and broken spawn args.
  15. I think it's a good idea if done that way - a new light asset that mappers can use. Seems to lend itself especially well to streetlamps. Could be fun to use. I might try to make one using stims, just for schitzengiggles.
  16. press J to bring up the Entity List Window (or you can find it in the Window tab). There's no search box until you start typing.
  17. One other thing: if you have any entities with their origin outside your sealed geometry, that will also show up as a leak even if your worldspawn geometry itself has no leaks. I think in those cases the pointfile will not show a red line. (edit) you still get a red line.
  18. I don't think I'll be making any more changes, I'm working on the next mission
  19. Thanks Skaruts! I don't really like auto-door close either, but I put that on the exterior doors for performance reasons (to close vis-portals). "stop_when_blocked 0" is a great idea for drawers; I didn't know about that. Random head turning looks easy to turn off. I have always found that annoying too. I would probably save it for select guards, or maybe just have it enabled when they are on alert. Yeah, the "ShouldBeClosed" door property seemed like a good idea, but can be troublesome as it's noticed by all the AI and not just the room guard.
  20. Sorry for the late reply, I missed the notification somehow. Did you try moving around on the riverbank near the boat? Maybe it's possible to miss the end-mission trigger.
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