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Everything posted by Goldchocobo

  1. Im an old dromed dog, and going onto Dark Radiant has been awesome. I'm on my 2nd mission, with my first (Politics) being the largest TDM FM I have yet to play. For the first while, cutting open the wall with the clipper tool seemed like a pain. Here is a good way to do it that I use. Make your door and door frame first. Using the door frame (made of brushes of course), and place it into the part of the wall in which the door will occupy. Make sure the doorframe is thick enough to get through the wall, and through the next room/hallway you want it to enter. Place your doorframe in the part of the wall you want cut out, and with the frame/door still highlighted, use the CSG subtract tool. This will cut out the wall to the spec of the door frame, and you can now delete the portion of the wall inside the frame (it operates like a cookie cutter, only with DR brushes instead of delicious cookies). BEWARE, however, the CSG subtract tool tends to split everything into microbrushes (BAD BAD BAD!! This will = dreaded malloc errors), so quickly go over the now split up wall and CSG merge whichever brushes you can. Sometimes the CSG subtract does a good enough job and there aren't any brushes to be merged. This entire process usually takes me roughly 20 seconds. My doorframes are usually pre created loaded prefabs (complete with operating door in them ) Its the intelligent use of prefabs, and logical building practices that excels the entire process. My FM I'm working on now is huge. Like, 2 Thief 2 FM's put together huge, and I've done it all in 2 months of on and off work! Hope this makes sense. Let me know if it doesn't GC
  2. I had this problem multiple times. Fixed it by deleting my doomconfig and re updating.
  3. Blackjacking really isn't hard. Walk up (no need to creep, unless they are paranoid) behind them, and AIM FOR THE HEAD. Don't bump into them either. Its really not hard after a mission or two of practice. Unlike T1 and T2, you cannot BJ them by hitting the back, or feet, for that matter. Also, running around, being unmindful of guards and such isn't a good idea either. T1 and T2 you could run, BJ, run, BJ, run-jump-bj. A little more care and precision is required. Personally I love the new BJing feel - so much more realistic and rewarding. Thanks for the comments, we hope your having fun regardless
  4. Hey guys Sorry I've been out of touch regarding sfx recording... I understand I said I would have carpet and metal done sooner then later. Well, unfortunately my studio is completely booked, and I don't have any available time to jam TDM recording in there. Eventually I can do it, but for the time being, I think we'll have to make due with the current carp/metal sfx we have so far.
  5. Wow! It takes the tediousness out of of mapmaking, and makes it a more enjoyable creative process... awesome job.
  6. It doesn't matter what map I get a leak on, there is no .lin file being generated. I suppose I should delete a re download some main TDM or Doom files. I'm usually able to find the leak anyway.... its just really aggravating.
  7. I have searched the entire doom3, no .lin files to be found... this has happened before, months ago, but a random update somehow fixed it. Agh! I did! Thanks
  8. I hope this is the right place to post this... A couple of problems: #1 My .lin files fail to generate. Dmap says it produces a .lin fil (no its not from an entity in the void), but DR says "Could not open lin file", and browsing the directory I can't find any file. Tried reinstalling DR, no luck. #2 nodraw texture makes my brush disappear into nothing in DR.
  9. Sounds good, I got a guy mastering them for you tomorrow, so I'll send the whole thing then.
  10. I just realized that i forgot to package the jump sounds when I sent it to you greebo... no worries I have them here. We have most of the material's recorded... with the exception of carpet unfortunately . It was all the time we could afford that day... If we handle cutting the sounds up, would that ensure it making it into 1.0? I'm sure we could split the work load ie you split up the stone material, and we will take care of the rest. I'm getting pressed for time, but eh I'm neck deep into the project anyway, so what's the difference.
  11. They are uber mono - or at least when I mixed them. I mixed them down to mono wav myself and sent them off to Spring/Greebo. Perhaps the ogg transfer changed them to stereo? I wouldn't know.
  12. Marcus Zuhr - main engineer; voices: the pro, zombies Justin Moreh - engineer; voices: the thug, simpleton, young builder Norbert Pek - voices: grumbler, the lord, mature builder, zombies That's it so far. We cut an actor out, who just wasn't turning out. You never got his vocal package so no need for a credit on him. I also have a voice actress for female vocals on standby, when the time arises.
  13. My personal favorite is "Chaaarge." That's Chaaarge WITHOUT an exclamation point.
  14. I can record those last lines, as I'm meeting up with the actor. 5 minutes of work on my part.
  15. Other then these: greeting_civilianxcivilian_1 "Greetings." greeting_civilianxcivilian_2 "Well met." greeting_civilianxcivilian_3 "Good evening." I can't find any of the others you mentioned. I scoured my masters and couldn't find them. I think the actor may have flubbed it and missed them. It was a paragraph on the last page, so its possible he didn't see the page itself. Epic fail.
  16. In a gruff, raspy british sort of way? That was "me", and by me, I mean by an actor employed by me, and by employed I mean in exchange for sexual favors, and by sexual favors I mean nothing.
  17. Didn't bother starting a new thread for this... Well there we have it, more voice sets! Including!...... *drumroll... Zombies!! Two different vocal sets for zombies to boot! More of the TDP style, tortured breathing, lung rotted goodness! We also have the simpleton (man, you guys are gonna LAUGH... could also be used as a dumb guard), the lord, and the young builder finished as well. 6 vocal sets in a day of recording is a record for me (pats self on back). Just engineering and editing them up as we speak... may have a download link for everyone as soon as tomorrow by midday. GC
  18. Sounds good, we are totally overloaded here anyway.... I think we were just doing footsteps anyway. Really, really good footsteps .
  19. Hey everyone in the studio doing foley for TDM right now. Is stickied FX list up to date? Quick answer please as time's a wasting with 3 other guys setting up for foley! GC (Marcus)
  20. Yeah... can we move this thread to the level design forum? Hopefully more mappers will see it there...
  21. Hey everyone I got the scripts Spring, thanks... we are looking to book another studio day in the next week and a half, due to some major work constraints... we went from not busy, to ULTRA busy in the past few weeks, so.... I hope its fast enough for anyone. Once again, BETA MAPPERS!!! If you have your own conversations you want recorded for your maps (ie scripted conversations between guards, like the Bafford's "Bear pits"), PLEASE write at least a rough script and send them to me! Looking forward to a new batch of awesome.
  22. Two or three, including the zombies... and conversations, plus state idle extras.
  23. It would be great to have some more scripts to work off of, by, oh lets say, before TDM launches . Seriously, in the next week or so would be great. This includes zombies, more generic sneezing, snoring, mumbling, prayers, etc, AND custom conversations by the original actors for beta mapper FM's.
  24. Sure! Write the scripts... tell me "which voice" you want it in, ie the thug, builder, grumbler, etc...
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