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Cambridge Spy

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Everything posted by Cambridge Spy

  1. It's a Service Pack, it'll only update the program which I haven't even got, therefore I can't use it (I downloaded it anyway).
  2. I tried to download it, it only directs me to the 2017 version, which I don't want!
  3. Okay, so the level editor and modding tools for Alekhine's Gun are finally out. The tools include plugins that are only compatible with 3DSMax 2009. I've been digging around, and I can't seem to be able to find a way to download it - I can't seem to find it on Autodesk's website. And I don't want to have to set up an account at Autodesk without good reason. So, can anybody here help me out? I'm desperate to edit those SMF models...
  4. Oh man, I was very lucky to complete PD3 on all difficulties last night!
  5. Here's a playthrough of this mission: [video=youtube] This will be my last video for 2.03. Are there any changes to previous FMs I covered on YouTube in 2.04?
  6. Here's a playthrough of this video: [video=youtube]
  7. Okay, when you get back, I'll send the script to you.
  8. Since no one seems to be able to contact ocn anymore, I'm on the lookout for a "replacement" critic voice for my first FM in the works, Murdering the Market. One of the characters is a nobleman who I decided to give a critic voice, and who has a conversation with a barmaid. Anyone interested, please reply to this thread. Thank you!
  9. I don't really think we should give The Empire a proper name.
  10. TDM does have an equivalent of Burricks - Belchers. They're just not in-game yet.
  11. "These politicians are never who they say they are!" The player character from No Honour Among Thieves on Clement Freud.

    1. Bikerdude


      Er I think it was Archibald Cloist in said mission, but yeah CF was a lying deviant.

    2. Cambridge Spy

      Cambridge Spy

      I was making a joke. I knew he was dodgy, but then again all politicians are.

  12. Okay, any way to edit the file aside from Notepad? Can it be done from DarkRadiant?
  13. How do you make new heads for AIs? I want to make a variant of "atdm:ai_head05_nobleman_blonde" without any hat. Also, I want to add an eyepatch to "atdm:ai_head03_guard_prohelmet". Can anyone help me out? I am kind of let down by how limited the choices of heads are currently.
  14. Since this thread has had some recent posts, I might as well post a video for the next version of my mod here: [video=youtube]
  15. Shadwen is out now! It turns out the level featured in the demo is the fourth out of fifteen.
  16. The game will officially be released on the 17th!
  17. The voice acting cast has been announced today. Stephen Russel is going to be the voice of Corvo. Also, the game is set to be released on November 11. Bethesda sure loves that date (no doubt due to Armistice Day).
  18. I'm sorry it went off-topic, but I was never given any reply or link to where I can find Amber. So I don't know what Bikerdude is talking about when he says he's seen a reply. If I can get back to the topic, if ocn isn't available, I'll just have to find another person who can do a critic voice. And I would recommend you do the same for PD3.
  19. While we're on the subject of looking for voice actors, where can I contact Amber? I'm also on the lookout for the Maiden voice actor for my FM.
  20. The voice actors for those sets are, respectively, a friend of Goldchocobo, ocn and Narrator. I'm also on the lookout for ocn, as I have a conversation involving the critic vocal set in my FM.
  21. So, no intro video for Accountant 1 for a while?
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