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Everything posted by wesp5

  1. The current indicator swaps between being compress and decompressed on the z axis at the moment. How about we make it compress and decompress on the x axis as well?
  2. I'm sure many people don't use the frob helper. I like the idea much better that the name is displayed if the body is highlighted! Snatcher, could you possibly change your current show-name-on-frob feature into this?
  3. Sorry, but this doesn't look at all like the TDM UI, I would prefer something on the sides like Snatcher suggested.
  4. Yeah, I always found this ambiguous, the same as "uninstall mission", which could imply it will be removed from your computer. This is why I changed all similar appearances in my patch from "install/installed" to "activate/activated". I believe this is better than "selected" because you first need to select a mission in the list to be "activated" or "deactivated".
  5. Maybe you can fix the font pixel issue please? Because you already know much more about it than me ;)!
  6. Would it be possible to remove the extra pixels in the fonts if somebody could point out to me where these are? When looking at dds from the fonts01 archive I only see white on transparent in Paint.NET and I can't make out anything...
  7. Speaking of fonts, the one used for the UI inventory selection in the lower right corner of the screen has a superfluos pixel in the left lower corner of the "W". Can this be removed?
  8. I don't know what you mean by that, but I got the impression that several of the latest changes were made to get the old Thief community more interested in TDM. In that sense this isn't really about "new players" and I would like to see some numbers of e. g. how many people download each new TDM mission compared to how many people do so with new Thief missions to learn how big our communities are. Anyway back on topic, the new mantling speed and roll are fine for me!
  9. Most of all it should be considered that our character is wearing leather armor, also a sword, a bow and other stuff...
  10. Okay, this probably isn't the right place to report it, but some developers will see it here so I'll do it nevertheless ;): I just wanted to update TDM on another PC and when I use Google to find the installer, the first hit sends me to the following page where all links are dead: https://www.thedarkmod.com/download-the-mod/. The second hit sends me to the correct page (https://www.thedarkmod.com/downloads/), so I think the first page needs to be removed or get updated links!
  11. There was already the final save name being cut off fix which stgatilov included in 2.12...
  12. This works fine for me under 2.12 beta, and as with the others, enabling bloom fixed the water problem. This should be corrected in another way though, because most people will probably not enable all the experimental graphics features.
  13. I can confirm that the water is pitch black in "Noble Affairs". Also I suggest to remove "guard" from the tip on auto-search, because other NPCs carry items too, better make it like this: "Take all items from a body on first frob." Overall a nice release with several features that I can now remove from my patch, like directly extinguishing lights and mantling with bodies .
  14. I know from experience with Bloodlines that something like this will make finding bugs much more difficult, because if people use different mutators and then report issues with a mission, the mappers need to bear that in mind when looking for the reasons.
  15. Uh, this sounds a bit complicated. I will keep my version for now :)!
  16. Great that you used my idea for the shock mine, it was time I gave something back having taken much from your mod for my patch ;)! But I have some questions: 1) You write K.O.s are credited to the player now. I wasn't aware this wasn't the case before. Is this a general mine problem or how can I fix this? 2) You write that your version can kill players. How? What are you using instead of stims?
  17. That has been said before but I don't understand it. Isn't this a simple "if short-frob then do x elif long-frob do y" situation?
  18. It isn't. That is Snatchers angle, who likes to hide bodies under benches and similar. My point of view is only that the behaviour should be consistent, which it currently isn't. I said that over and over in this thread :)!
  19. I believe Snatcher already did this in detail. To me it really is about consistency. As far as I remember we wanted to include the long-frob for new players who don't know about shouldering/eating/whatever. For me it never was about the second I gain while shouldering because I actually don't shoulder that much. I knock out everybody so I rarely need to move bodies around. I shoulder most often to see if a body has a key and to get it when it is dropped on the other side, so short-frob to loot would be more important to me than quicker shouldering! So IMHO TDM should be consistent in itself to make new players learn the actions easier. Comparisons to other games don't help as new and old games use different methods.
  20. I just played a bit of Cyberpunk 2077 and there too, to shoulder a body you need to long-press a button. Because it takes time. Primary function for bodies there is looting, isn't this planned for TDM as well?
  21. I played all of these game and if I remember correctly what they didn't have, but TDM has, is the ability to move anything as a physics object in the game world.
  22. This looks better, but still to me shouldering should swap places with toggle-grabber. Or to make it consistent with loot and tools, the body could also appear as symbol in your inventory. It clearly is the one things that sticks out in this list...
  23. In my opinion this is still a complete mess, just imagine to show this table to new TDM players! If this is only about making new players recognize that bodies can be shouldered, why not add a hint to the body name once it is frobbed? Snatcher already added the name of the body being displayed then and I also included this in my patch. Like "Corpse (Use or long frob to shoulder)" and "Candle (Use or long frob to extinguish)" and "Food (Use or long frob to eat)". Loot and tools go automatically into inventory so there is nothing needed there, as well as for junk which has no alternative action anyway.
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