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Everything posted by 7upMan

  1. You know, just before our son was born, my gf and I seriously considered naming our boy Gerrit or Gerret. We gave that idea up due to the fact that no one we even remotely knew what called this way and settled for Marcus Werner. Also, Gerrit/Gerret Werner (Werner after my grandfather) would have sounded a bit awkward.
  2. A TXT file would be sufficient. I can work on it as long as I can open it in Word. So if I understand correctly, I can d/l the PO file, rename it to TXT, translate it and then rename it back to PO? The thing is that for consistency reasons I'd like to have a TM available. I'll post the export when I'm finished. The export is also a TXT basted file that can be easily browsed. This is very useful when you have a txt editor or search program that can do fuzzy searches. If I understood you correctly and the procedure I described above can be used, I'd ask you to either send me the file via e-mail or put it online somewhere I can can d/l it. Thanks in advance.
  3. I'm a 34 year old German. I have a 3 y/o daughter and a 1 y/o son. I'm working as a freelance translator (English and Russian) for various customers, mainly from the IT business. My nickname is a relic from way back in school: My thinking at the time was that my family name has 7 letters, I feel rather up than down, and oh yeah, I'm a guy. However, for online games like Counter-Strike:Source I recently switched to the name "[AmA]Phowltear" - just in case someone stumbles over me. Serpentine, interesting that you mention EVE: I had to give it up when my daughter was born - EVE just burns too much time. I was Gallente, by the way, with my Megathron armed mostly with large-caliber projectile cannons. I used to play keyboard but had to give that up when I began with my studies - too bad, because I was really getting the hang of it.
  4. Greebo, can you send me the strings in DOC/RTF format? I could quickly translate this with a TM software. I'd use one of the big TMs I have, so that wouldn't take me long. XLS/CSV would be okay too, but working through this interface would be tedious. Also, don't use automated translation engines. The last c't compared them, and while Bing! didn't screw up badly with IT texts, the results are still far from perfect. EDIT: I just remembered that I know a Russian translator. I'll ask him if he's interested in doing this.
  5. No idea, but given that this map makes your intestines lay zombies, you might want to avoid it.
  6. I think in this case, the PSU is sufficient because the graphics card (well, if you could call it that) draws only very little power. Sneaky, if you have the option, then have the gc replaced with at least a HD4850 (go for a bigger PSU while you're at it). The HD4850 is a lot more powerful (and costs around 80 Euro's in Germany), which should help you in TDM a lot. As for the Athlon II CPU, 3 GHz is sufficient. The hard disk is a little small for my liking, but that's entirely up to you. If you still have your old HDDs, you can use them as well and save the money for a bigger one. But I'd definitely replace the PSU, 350W is waaaaaaay too little if you ever decide to upgrade the graphics card. Don't start with anything under 500W, where 550W or higher is better - after all, you'll want to be able to upgrade your computer, right?
  7. So, can you give me the mod's name? I'd like to try it out for myself. After all, the graphics cards get faster and faster every generation, so on a Radeon HD5k things might look a little different, performance-wise.
  8. Excuse me, guys, am I the only one who noticed that this guy's mod has SOFT-SHADOWS?!? I sent him a PM to ask him if he would share his shader or at least tell me how he incorporated this. After all, right after JCDenton's HDR implementation this would be a tremendous boost in visuals. Anyway, I'm waiting for his answer, hoping for the best.
  9. You know, I've been using Opera for about 10 years now, so I don't really know if the online help is lacking - I just don't need it. However, since Opera almost from the start was clearly the technology leader among the browsers (tabbed browsing and mouse gestures, anyone? ), you can bet that they have a solution for nearly any problem you encounter or wish you have. It surely can be a bit of detective work, but it's like "I'm certain this program has the feature I want. Now where would I hide if I were that feature?"
  10. Dude, don't tell me you didn't notice that Opera is Teh_Mutha of cumstomizable user interfaces? Just click the right mouse button somewhere on the tool bar (where the buttons for Reload, New Tab etc. are located). Then choose the first (upper) option (I have the German version installed, so I can't tell you what it is named in EN). This should open a window with four tabs, one of them saying something like Buttons. There you click on Browser (the second from above), and just drag the Reverse button icon to the Tool Bar and place it where you want. Close the window and enjoy the new Opera.
  11. About raymeld's issues: The error lies mainly with BitDefender. BullGuard utilizes this antivirus vendor's scanning engine, obviously just passing the updates and not bothering to check them before deploying. Just so you know which vendor you should exclude from your list as well.
  12. STiFU, would it make any sense to compile a version that is optimized for AMD Phenom II processors, or would that be next to useless? I admit that I have no idea what I'm talking about, so please disregard my post if it makes no sense.
  13. Ah, sorry, I thought it would help to find out the cause. So, can I d/l the zip version and just copy the contents over my previous DR install?
  14. Just so you know, i haf ze darkradiant-1.1.1pre2.exe. maybi zis is ze prrroblem. sori for mei englüsch.
  15. Here it is. Hope you can make something out of it. complete_error_log.txt
  16. Full log: Just copy everything in the console to a txt fle and post it here? Fonts: How do I do that?
  17. So, any help for us two? Pleeze?
  18. Here's the list of the errors the DR console shows. I started copying the messages as soon as they turned up in a different color than black. Maybe you coder guys can make something of it. DR_errors.txt
  19. I have an issue with the Readable Editor. When I try to work on a Readable I created in an empty map, nothing is shown on the preview screen. I attached a screenshot of my desktop, so that you can check the error messages in the console. If you need a copy of the complete console text (at least the yellow and red text), just say a word.
  20. I thik you need to update TDM to the latest version first. In order for this to work, you need to d/l the TDM Updater from the website, as the tdm_update.exe supplied with the first release of TDM didn't get a connection to the server (at least not in my case). After TDM is updated, everything should work fine.
  21. Re-d/l'ing the tdm_updater worked, thank you sooo much!!!!
  22. Hi guys, I'm having problems getting the tdm_updater to work. Every time I start it, I get the attached error message. Firewall (ZoneAlarm) and antivirus (a-squared) are switched off, the Windows temp directory is empty. Does anyone have any idea what this error message means? By the way, I'm d/l'ing the update via Torrent, and so far there's only one seeder. If anyone can you so kind as to help seeding? Right now I'm getting 30k/s from Austria, and I would very much like to finish the d/l today.
  23. 7upMan

    Upgrading CPU?

    ...and while you're at that, replace the fan(s) on the old PSU (or have it/them replaced). Even high-quality fans don't cost much, and you should notice the effect immediately. Also, they are way too important to maintain the airflow in the computer case, and if such a fan gives out, the effect for your gear can be deadly (as in overheating). Please keep in mind, that according to Murphy's Law the fan will give out precisely when you need it most.
  24. 7upMan

    Upgrading CPU?

    I second that. This sounds really strange and suspicious to me. 550W should be more than sufficient to power CPU and GPU, even on high loads. Maybe the PSU didn't have enough amperage on the 12V line, and that could be a potential problem. The Nvidia Fermi card is rumored to need 42A and above on the 12V line, so this might fall in the same category. As for the mobo, if the Acer CPU compatibility list explicitely mentions the chosen CPU, then a simple BIOS update should have done the trick. Not to talk bad about someone I don't know, but I can't shake the feeling that you paid more than you needed to.
  25. Hi SeriousToni, ich warte mit der Übersetzung von St. Lucia vor allem darauf, dass der Readables-Editor fertig wird, mit dem man eine Echtzeit-Vorschau der Schriftstücke bekommt. Bei Living Expenses war es ein irrer Aufwand (allerdings zum Teil selbst verschuldet), das Ding in seine finale Form zu bringen. Da eine Übersetzung und die dazu gehörige Begriffsfindung ein fließender Prozess ist, werde ich mir also um die korrekten/passenden Begriffe erst dann Gedanken machen, wenn es so weit ist. Material habe ich erstmal genug, und Dein Input hilft mir auch schon weiter. Beachte aber bitte, dass TDM (noch) keine Sonderzeichen (z.B. Umlaute) darstellen kann, die Begründer, Gläubigen, Anhänger und Jünger fallen also leider erstmal raus. Was die Verbindung zwischen Begriff und Story betrifft, so gibt es bei jeder Übersetzung gewisse Spielräume. Die auszuloten und zu nutzen ist das Handwerk der Übersetzer. Wenn es so weit ist, werde ich den Interessierten erstmal Beta-Fassungen zukommen lassen, die sie dann kommentieren können. Ich bin überzeugt, dass auf diese Weise eine Übersetzung entsteht, mit der die Community leben kann.
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