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Everything posted by stumpy

  1. the general problem with tutorials is assuming that the person that is using the tutorial knows what you are talking about when in reality they dont, and most tutorials go confusing when steps to do things have been left out because assuming is the mother of all cockups.
  2. I guess if the end of the slidy rope lands you in water then you wouldn't take any damage. The way the ladder texture works, if you wander too close to it, you stick to it, even if your not going to use it or notice where its been put.
  3. Weird AI actions, I put some chests in my level and an AI who pathed to close to them kept opening the lids on them even though they were still locked and actually unopenable, after the lids were opened the chests were still actually locked, and although you could see the items in the guard opened chest you couldn't actually get the items from the chest because they were still unfrobable. I tried the option for guard should not handle on the lids, but then the guard refused to path anywhere near the chests and started wandering around aimlessly. Tried monster clipping the chests, and that didn't work the guard still opened them, the only solution I found was to move the chests away from the guards path. Then I have some hidden objective in my map concerning some lions, that are used in a certain way to achive a certain thing, its been working ok till the other day when I found the guard that likes to open locked chests, fiddling with the lions so much so that it was impossible to achive the outcome needed for the lions to produce, and I fixed it by surrounding the lions with monster clip. So is it built into the AI of the guards for them to go off and fiddle with stuff, or is it because am testing the patrol routes and therefore have the team setting at 0 that they think they're all thieves and they should help themselves to stuff just laying around.
  4. the only difference between a professional team and a non professional team, is time and money. Although if activision and blizzard bothed to think it through they could probably fund the finishing of the king quest game and release it as being a real game they could both make money from, like valve do.eg like gary's mod.
  5. i've got climbable pipes, chains, poles, ladders, in my map, but how do you add the players footsteps to the ladder texture, currently the player climbs the material silently even though I've seen sound files for the player climbing ladders.
  6. brushes get added to the worldspawn entity which is entity zero. i've got well over 9000 brushes in my current map. And it only started to get slightly laggy when I added the AI, thinks its due to them opening doors which is causing visportals to get opened.
  7. unwraps been totally changed in the new version of blender, I get stuck at unwrap as all the tutorials I could find talk about the old version.
  8. well the error says that the $null_entity entity doesn't exist, but I could do a entity test_entity = $null_entity; without any errors, but then $test_entity also causes an entity not found error. when used in $player1.replaceInvItem( $test_ring , $test_entity );
  9. had a fiddle with my code and this $player1.replaceInvItem( $test_ring , $null_entity ); doesn't work but this $player1.replaceInvItem( $test_ring , $test_bottle ); does work, so the problems with $null_entity, although the gold ring gets replaced with a gold bottle, is not what am after. I looked at the darkmod source and its looking for NULL. got it kind of working but its probably dodgey, put a atdm:item_base object in a blue room, gave it a name, then swapped the atdm:item_base object with the object in inventory, it removes the inventory item but doesn't add itself to the inventory.
  10. can't get it to work $player1.replaceInvItem( $test_ring , $null_entity ); comes up with the error entity not found. item category is Special sys.print("setting 1 " + $test_ring.getKey("classname") + "\n"); sys.print("setting 2 " + $test_ring.getKey("name") + "\n"); sys.print("setting 3 " + $test_ring.getKey("inv_item_id") + "\n"); says the object exists while in player inventory atdm:moveable_loot_ring_gold_emerald test_ring 9999 loot flag set to zero
  11. How do you remove something from the players inventory after its been picked up, teleporting the object just causes the player to get teleported with the object, as in I want to use the item to make something work, got that bit to work but now there are two versions of the same object, one in the machine and one in the players inventory. I tried $<nameofobject>.remove(); but it doesn't seem to work.
  12. All I remember is that they got ripped off by the company who sold the first game, as in the sales from the first game was going to make the second and third parts, but the company that sold the game disappeared with all the money. So the second game was made up from parts they had done for the 2nd and 3rd games. From the money they made from the 2nd part they added a third part, haven't played the third part, so dont know if it extends the story or is an extra bit.
  13. his improvements would make the game more like assassins creed than the thief game we know, and combat in the game was never any good for the thief in anyway, its a lot better just to knock them out than a prevoked full frontal assault. Or stack some crates up to somewhere dark and high before attacking a guard just so you've got somewhere safe to run before everything goes south.
  14. basically the camera stays in the center in all open viewports when the camera gets moved around, as long as there's an option to turn it off this is something I'lled like to see, as when you have lots of entities in a line its hard to see the camera icon, so when zooming in or out currently the viewports dont track with the camera. Filtering entities out doesn't work when you are placing entities on entites, like coffee table some chairs and stuff to go on table. I also noticed that while there's a complete tea/coffee set in the objects, there arn't any coffee/tea cups to drink it out of, I had to use the chinese method of drinking it out of a pewter bowl. The pot mugs just dont track with a silver tea set.
  15. in reality doors open into a room, and only screen doors open outwards, this is something the player should know, and in some case the map builder should know, although in some case the map builder doesn't know or comes from somewhere hot where door inside buildings either slide or dont exist. The way a door opens depends on its hinge, in reality a door wouldn't just pivot 180 degrees on its hinge unless its a swing door on stable stalls, or into a saloon, it might work in valves engine which is idtech 15 for hl2 and idtech 17 for the leftfordead 2 game. But hl2 uses two types of hinges where as far as I know there's only one in doom 3. (one type basically you drag the origin of the door to the edge of the door, then the way the door opens is hardcoded into the engine, it always opens away from you unless you use the flag to make it open towards you, and it then it opens towards you reguardless of which side of the door you are on. the other method is the hinge object, where you parent the object you want to move to the hinge object, and then the angle the hinge rotates around is set by pulling the origin of the hinge away from its center and the parented object pivots around that line from the hinges center and its origin but then again its hardcoded into which direction it opens either always away from you, or if flagged always towards you, it doesn't look real. although hl2 is a linear game where you are likely not to go through a doorway more than twice, where as games based on thief which are more like spider webs, you are likely to go through the same doorway a lot of times.) as for breakneck thing most map builders have the objectives set to not kill anything, unless its needed in the map, and anyway most of the fun of the original game was to thump them on the back of the head and watch them fall down like a sack of potatoes. Pretty sure you play a thief and not an assassin. the rope arrow attachment thing is more like a zipline, and that would be better as a seperate weapon/arrow object than a alternative fire for the rope arrow as far as I know the alt fire for the rope arrow is swinging on it. as for combat the major point of the game is to avoid combat and death of an ai as much as possible, and running away and hiding in shadows is the way its usually played. this is my point of view from a map builders position and not anyone connected to making the dark mod tools.
  16. normal trim in houses does have a sloped top.
  17. you can teleport a player, the teleport sets the rotation the player will be facing, all you need to do is put player start in black room, target teleport at player start, when what you want to happen to the player finishes you then $<nameofteleport>.activate($player1); to move player to teleport. just place the teleport and turn it to the angle you want the player to be facing. Thats basically what happens in the cutscene right at the beginning of doom 3. The player start in in the control room, when the cut scene finshes, it teleports the player to the hanger. the void main() script function is the script that runs at map start (you dont need to trigger it), and is used to set all user defined functions, and should be the last function in the script file, as the game checks all subroutines before they are called in the main() script. As it wont let you call a subroutine before its been checked, script file will error with a undefined function error. eg I have this running in the map am working on at map start. void city_clock() { while ( 1 ) { sys.wait (60); $dufford_clock_big_hand.rotateOnce ( '0 0 6' ); clock_count = clock_count + 1; if ( clock_count == 5 ) { clock_count = 0; $dufford_clock_small_hand.rotateOnce ( '0 0 2.5' ); } } } void main() { sys.print("map dufford script running.\n"); city_clock(); }
  18. Is it possible to light a flaming torch that off via a script, I can get the area light to light the area, but I cant get the actual flame to start. I've tryed restarting the flame particle, but I get a strange black cubic fountain. Tryed to set the extinguished value from true to false but nothing I do will let me do that. Can change the start off value to on via $<torchname>.On(); but it just turns the light part on. Tryed activating the modellit model but that doesn't work. tryed starting the flame with a fire stim, but dont really understand how the stims work or which of the fire stims listed in the drop down are the ones to be used, eg like using a fake fire arrow to start the flame part without a big bang. Basically want some fire torches to relight themselves when the player enters an area as though they've been turned on via a hidden hand or magic. Although if this isn't possible at this time, I can skip it, and just have them already on.
  19. using the mirror shader stacked in line eg wall mirror glass room wall mirror glass room wall mirror glass room wall causes some really strange see through walls viewing behavoir as well, both mirror and glass are patches. Mirrors side by side dont cause any problems. I found that sticking caulk behind some patches is not a good idea, depending on the graphics driver version you can see through the caulk behind the patch and the patch displays strange white lines, if you put the same texture as the patch behind the patch then these lines disappear. Altering the number of faces on the patch doesn't solve the white lines problem.
  20. thanks, that fixed it, couldn't work out what I had done wrong. brewery 2
  21. I put the spawnarg "texture" "lights/biground1_streetlamp_4fold_snd" on my streetlight and it turns off all the lights in my map, so I end up with lights in the map that dont light anything, complete pitch black.
  22. there's still about a months work on mine to do.
  23. if the origin of an entity is in the void it also counts as a leak, and they're easy to plonk in the void if you rotate them enough times, or move the origin in vector mode.
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