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Everything posted by DeTeEff

  1. I didn't know one could fix the problem with "leaking" arches when you thicken a curved patch...Then I read about "non fixed" subdivisions in the patch inspector...That saves a lot of headache

    1. AluminumHaste


      really you've never used manual subdivisions? Makes it so easy to just set your patch subdivisions to 6x6 and be done


    2. DeTeEff


      No, I just cursed silently and tried to adjust my arch to get a non leaking one

  2. It's working. Thanks a lot!
  3. The goal is to poison a piece of food that the AI Arne eats. After that, he shall go about and take damage at certain intervals until he dies. Or more exactly, I'll kill him at the end of the script void eat_cake() { sys.print("\nArne is eating cake\n"); if (poisoned_cake == 1) //Check if the cake is poisoned { sys.print("\nArne is poisoned and is taking damage\n"); sys.wait(5); sys.print("\nHulk!\n"); Damage def //hurt Arne sys.wait(5); Damage def //hurt Arne sys.wait(5); Damage def //hurt Arne sys.wait(5); Damage def //hurt Arne sys.wait(5); $arne.kill(); //Kill Arne } } It's the Damage def I need help with
  4. I read that, but I don't get how write it in the script, the exact wording...I'm crap at programming; I usually copy the syntaxes from other script files and change things so they end up the way I want...
  5. What is the code syntax for adding damage onto an AI via a script?
  6. Too bad I couldn't join in on the halloween speed build contest. Just want to make you guys aware that I'm alive and kicking :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sotha


      Yep. For me the contest was interesting in the sense that what can be done in really small timeframe. Now we know.


      Winning is secondary.

    3. Sotha


      What I would like to see is more votes to get a more reliable conclusion for the contest.


      Presently, there are something like 10 people who have cast their votes.

    4. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      Eh, again, nah. It's out there and I'm happy with it, and so are other people. That's enough, really, don't have to be winners and losers as far as I'm concerned.

  7. Works on 2.03. Thanks boys!
  8. Hi Haven't mapped for a while and when I tried the readable editor I couldn't get any preview... Not a big deal but is it a common bug? I use DarkRadiant 2.02, Windows 10
  9. Three nice skydives today :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DeTeEff


      How old are your kids now?

    3. Sotha


      5 and 2. There were also other kids present. Ages: 7, 5, 5, 4, 3. They are so fast and energetic...

    4. DeTeEff


      Oooohhh, sounds like a high ambient sound level...!

  10. Funny thing is, I've got real tinnitus but it is not as annoying as "bugs" in the mod that emmerge and then just scamper away Sooo, the finlandier wants more missions from the swede? I've got some nice ideas that I will build/implement this evening. No plot just yet, only planless city building. It's easy to implement storys later, especially as I take so much time to create things (much time to thing about plot). Sidenote, use earplugs when attending conserts ore going to clubs! You do NOT want to experience tinnitus. My version is VERY mild but as I got it some months ago, (on a club) I got real scared and wondered how I could cope with that crap.
  11. Shall test again this evening to see if it still absent... I feel so dumb for reporting strange things that just dissappear...
  12. It's the zone system and it's triggered by the ambient starting... Now you must think I'm crazy. I just got out of bed and fired up my computer to try to record the noise but it seems to have stopped now. I did reboot yesterday to see if it made any difference but it did not. Well, at least it's gone now
  13. This is weird. In certain ambients I've started to hear a faint high pitched tone. I first heard it in darknessfalls_z but I have tried forest_children_z and factory_01_loop and several others which also have high pitch tone that in some cases pulsates with the music :S The sound is okay in the editor. I have tried with a new, empty map but still same sound... Now don't tell me it's a sound driver thing
  14. I downloaded and installed the newest drivers from the internet and it seems to be working now Strange how it just started to crash...I did nothing special before the crashes, no new games or drivers installed, it just started to crash on me...But good thing I got that reinstall, Windows fell so much fresher now
  15. And I cannot start The game either...Thought this tells me there is something fishy with the craphics card...Shall look into disabling threading optimizations...
  16. Hello Today when I started DarkRadiant, it just wouldn't start. It just said something about an Unexpected error. I tried to reinstall the editor, same error, I reinstalled the whole mod, still same error. I have thought of reinstalling Windows for a while and this triggered my thoughts about this. Now I have reinstalled Windows 7 (64 bit) and installed The Dark mod and DarkRadiant. Now I can come into the program, but as soon as I load a map, it crashes...I have tried both 32 and 64 bit versions of the VC++ and older versions of DarkRadiant but same crap...
  17. Yes, I like those places and I try to add lots of those in my map. Usually when I build I cannot see how the house/street section is going to look before I build it. Then when the building starting to take shape, I notice that it would be cool if the player could jump on some boxes and enter the window. For speed purposes it ought to be a lot faster to plan everything and how it shall look on paper/in the head at first. I don't have this skill so a lot of time is wasted for changing things as new ideas pop up...and to save me from pulling my hair later, I also add visportals and try to choke of the map at strategic points, which isn't that easy in a city section where (at least I like) the player to be able to reach high places. I mean, when you are high up, you may be able to look over walls and see over to places that (the mapper) will populate with details and thus needs to isolate for performance purposes. Then you might need to add unsightly high walls to hinder the players vision...
  18. Wonderful advice! I'm building a city section. No actual plans of what the mission shall be about right now, just plain building of a middle class street, and when some idea pops up, I'll implement it. My inspiration to build is like a feather in the wind; I have to grab it when it flows by, or else I won't even start mapping...
  19. When you build, do you search the net for inspiration on architecture and design? Or do you have a lot of knowledge on how to implement your ideas/design into the mission. What I feel is lacking in my own missions is the feel of "Wow, this looks just like it could if this were a real world". I have taken inspiration from your map and now I will painstakingly detail my world in absurdum! When it gets released it may not be a huge mission but damn is it gonna be detailed...! How do you go about when you map?
  20. In your mapfolder, delete the collision file (MAPNAME.cm) and redo a DMAP
  21. Alt+shift+box is good to automatically deselect anything you may have selected and you need to catch several objects...I use it a lot when moving vertexes on patches around
  22. Started fiddling with DR again...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DeTeEff


      Thanks. It's nice to see all the new things that's been added.

    3. Sotha


      Wait till you see the clutter models. You know, cups with spoons, premade food dishes, prefilled wine racks... That stuff saves a lot of time. Also, Merry made a pile of new container prefabs. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/17089-magnanimous-merrys-miscellanea/

    4. Melan


      Rejoin usssss! Rejoin usssss NOW!

  23. Hi! It was some time I did som work in DR and it seems like I cannot select things using the Alt+Shift + draw-a-box-around way anymore. Is this a bug in my version (2.0.2 64bit)? I see that Greebo is not currently as involved in the bug fixes. I hope you're all well and collects energy for future projects
  24. There may be spoilers in my review so i will spoiler tag the whole post
  25. The new update seems to be boiling with new, improved stuff! I'm feeling a bit sad that I don't map as frequent as usual...

    1. nbohr1more


      With the size of "Not an Ordinary Guest" you've earned a little break from editing. That thing is massive! Enjoy playing some of your colleagues missions with the new updates.

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