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Everything posted by DeTeEff

  1. @Bergante Regarding that picture; it's the most...hmm...easy...lady on the ship as well. She's a cheese crazy nymphomaniac
  2. Yes, at work at the moment. Night shift at the ICU I wanted to design it so one could drop unwanted keys, but the stack gets messed up when you collect them all and drop and rearrange them... I don't know how to cite from another thread...
  3. Yes, there is a code/function in the AI mind that makes people help their comrades, should they need help in searching for thieves. As this is a quite dense mission, AIwise, there is a high chance that the alerting of one AI will propagate to the next and next until the whole ship is angry. I have tried to mitigate this by setting cansearchcooperatively to 0 but I don't think it has any effect. This shutting of the windows may make it a bit better though.
  4. Yes, a lazy captain indeed, but as you noted, the crew are very twitchy on passengers moving into (the well-signed-on-door) staff quarters. I didn't even considered changing any weapons on the AI. Well, they want heavy security as they have an expensive crew on an expensive airship. Yes, the AI engine is not that well suited for these tight environments. Much spinning in place sadly... Thanks for the praise I've already updated the portals in the windows (meaning lower sound propagation and less intense thunder). Btw that was a swedish link? Har vi en till svensk som bygger banor?
  5. Ahh, crap, that frobbing problem. There is always something you can frob "wrongly" At least it's not breaking anything. Regarding loot, ask @Bergante, the sorting German, aka Der kleine zortierungsmann There is different amounts of loot on different difficulties.
  6. @nbohr1more Sorry to BOHRther you again. A New version is up There were problems with angry thunder and too propagating sound Should be fixed now, I hope. (I have added sound_loss 30) on all locationseparators so the thunder is more distant AND hopefully the AI are more isolated (before, I believe the sound traveled out through the windows and up into the next floor and too easily startled the rest of the ship). I have updated the download link. @Sotha Get your finnish butt to the computer! PS: I have no issue whatsoever with other contestants updating small or big stuff in their missions, even after deadline. The goal (at least for me) is to get more good missions out and if someone spots an error, it should always be okay to update that.
  7. That is strange. I have used portals with location separators in them so the windows should work like a wall. Yes, the AI all getting bunched up when alerted must have something to do with the high AI density in tandem with the AI search mechanic. I have tried to fix this, but it's not much to do I guess... I don't know how to darken the mission without losing contrast. Oh well, I'll just have to try to fix this after the voting... Edit: Perhaps this can help me: sound_loss "Soundprop: Loss in dB incurred when a sound travels through this portal. Cumulative with door loss if a door is present." If I crisp up that value maybe I can dampen the sound propagation through the windows...
  8. Is that so? There were so many path nodes for all people so I may have lost track on everyone. But he sleeps in the chair in the library and maybe (as you say) he also goes to his room to sleep in between. Maybe the stonach feels better, I don't know The wife sleeps in the spa.
  9. I tried to reinstall TDM and it worked one time, but after reloading, the box is back. The console has this warning:
  10. It is on time. Some day here or there doesn't matter. More stuff to loot is the point
  11. @BerganteHaha, that is a nice pileup "The sorting German" Yes, he was first called "Lunatic" and that got morphed into "Saboteur". I first changed the key in his room and forgot to change the used_by on the door and as you know, that broke his key in one of the betas. After that I let the wording be (as it had no effect on the player; the word "Lunatic" or "Saboteur" wasn't mentioned anywhere more than in code and it wasn't worth the risk in changing stuff, should something break)
  12. Okay, so it must be on my end it's bugged then... good to know it's not in the core mod at least. I reinstalled TDM and now it works New edit: No, it's back...I'll dig up the old thread I had about this issue...
  13. No, I meant the holders. Those have been in the mod since the beginning but nowadays they seems to be bugged. I didn't include any in my mission for that reason. There is just a black box underneath...
  14. Started playing this tonight; first time I play a mission in at least a year... I appreciate what you've achieved with (I guess from what I read in the contest thread) a big time constraint I'm just a couple of minutes in and stumbled upon some lights in holders. Is it only me or are the shadows bugged on those? It's just a black box beneath the holder...
  15. Sorry, you better update that database with the new version in the link. Made a last minute change. (A shadow mesh had gotten just outside a wall so it was a strange shadow there.)
  16. Ahh, sorry forgot that. Yes, please do.
  17. Maybe I should have beta tested the release post Better now?
  18. Oohhhh, the day has come! This old lurker releases another creation of his deranged mind...! What has he in store? Does it involve sunlight and pollen and hayfever? Will it involve strange towers and priests with bad breath? Naah, just some mediocre airship type of mission, aimed at the Anniversary mapping contest! I have a lengthy/humourly rant/lore for some of the building process for anyone interrested, in spoiler tags. According to DarkRadiant I have worked 570 hours on this, and that doesn't take into account all hours of coding and scripting. This feels like an insanely huge amount of mapping time for this small mission but I try not to judge myself. DarkRadiant says 570 so...I say thanks to all calm hours at the night shift at work where I could sit and script and write readables. And I also humbly bow myself to the scripting genuses that are on the forums. A special thanks to my girlfriend who (almost) always lets me talk about my projects. She has also written some of the readables and voiced some recordings in the mission. Thanks to Dragofer, Mirceakitsune and Melchior for much needed scripting help. Thanks to YouTube channels BGM President and Sound Effects where I've borrowed some music and sound effects. Thanks to my betatesters; nbohr1more, Bergante, datiswous, Wesp5, nightmare, Jaxa and Cambridge Spy. And a big thank you to the mod in general for still being alive and supportive! ########################################## MISSION RELATED STUFF ########################################## On an airship, heading for Flowerdale a lot of strange things can happen. As some people guzzle down liquor in the bar, some others skulk around in the shadows. Certain people cannot be trusted and there are even those that kill for a living. Somebody may or may not work for foreign powers. But everyone yearns for those shiny pennies. There are some strange things in the cargo, huge coffers that can hold bodies, alive and dead. This story may unfold in several different ways; Three characters can be chosen; Zacharias the thief, Oliver Mortimer, the assassin or Rupert Peabody, youngling of the Wizlas woodfolk. DOWNLOAD LINK https://drive.google.com/file/d/10w_SJSBAxxVFYTwPjJhIo48fEzvuTo1M/view?usp=sharing
  19. Good you solved it! And also nice to build stuff with the wife! Me and the girlfriend built a boy so hobby time got scarce
  20. I believed he needs to set up DarkRadiant in "project mode" where he points the editor to the right files. https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Startpack_Mappers'_Guide#Non-Project,_Common_Map_Setup Project Desktop Shortcuts To access your map as a project from Dark Radiant you can either make a desktop shortcut OR set the game parameters in Dark Radiant: Setting Game Parameters within Dark Radiant To configure Dark Radiant to access your map in a project folder: Dark Radiant > Edit Menu > Preferences > Game: Mod (fs_game) = mymap Mod Base (fs_game_base, optional) = darkmod You must then relaunch Dark Radiant. When you want to access the maps in darkmod\maps you should delete mymap from Mod (leave it blank) then relaunch Dark Radiant. Dark Radiant Project Shortcut To regularly use Dark Radiant to switch to different project folders it is easier to create desktop shortcuts for each rather than set the game parameters within Dark Radiant: Create a Dark Radiant desktop shortcut RMB menu > properties Add to darkradiant.exe in 'Target' field the parameter: fs_game_base=darkmod fs_game=mymap So the target field should be eg, C:\DarkRadiant\DarkRadiant.exe fs_game_base=darkmod fs_game=mymap Rename the shortcut eg, Dark Radiant mymap Whenever you run that shortcut then the game parameters will automatically be set in Preferences.
  21. @Uncertain Title I have the same issue with my "module building map" because I put all my custombuilt stuff in a folder so I get notified when something in a mission is missing. Nowadays I always use an isolated approach when building because it's nerve wracking to have to search through all custom assets to add to the mission so nothing gets left behind. Because when you play test your mission by yourself, the game doesn't distinguish between local assets and assets that is needed in the mission you're playing. So when your players play the mission, they will be missing files. It's like camping in the living room and always go to the bathroom to piss and the kitchen to drink and then believe you got the camping mojo down. Then when you're out in the wild you realise that water is scarce and there's no toilet to be found! Sorry for long post and strange allegorical sidetracks.
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