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Everything posted by nbohr1more

  1. nbohr1more


    Each FM will have it's own directory in the Doom 3 folder. Each FM directory will have it's own Screens or Screenshots (I forget which) sub-directory. If you are running a Test map, and do not have an FM installed then it should land in the Darkmod\Screens directory...
  2. I can see it! ... Look like there's no Specular... Perhaps the light is not set for Specular?
  3. (Cant see the screen-shot... blocked at work ) Unless the Specular component isn't strong enough I think the look you want may require a transparent Cube Map?
  4. I cannot resist... I have a P4 3.0ghz and a HD4650 AGP (so kinda lowish...) Caveats: But I am no expert ghoster and I find every FM challenging and fun because of my lack of skills ... My wife has a tendency to limit my CPU time... Still interested?
  5. That is a LOT of work. I saw some similar herculean effort for the high-resolution texture project for Doom 3 but I think your Sculprtis work trumps even that by quite a bit.
  6. I was afraid those strings were vertexes... It looks great nonetheless!
  7. Questions: 1) You are on 1.02 correct? 2) Linux or Windows? 3) If Linux, all "lower case" names correct?
  8. I was going to offer my wife but then I notice that it is a Wench... (Requisite Wife-Joke Obliged...)
  9. Scary Piano with Bones for Keys (See Goonies inspired FM ): http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/11351-films-as-inspiration-for-games/
  10. The normals would be bent by preference but the "Normal Thief" program uses a higher poly model to bend the normals algorithmically. I presume you could do a shortcut simply using a Normal Map generated from a High-Poly version of the Tree (etc)... AFAIK the only difference between this and regular Normal Mapping is that you are treating a "cloud" of polygons as if it were a solid object. And the amount of Normal data is significantly lower than a 1 to 1 Normal Mapped texture.
  11. Yes! I vote yes (if my vote counts )... A show-piece prefab contest would be great! (Since there are no prizes, all you would need to do is specify a deadline... ?)
  12. This kinda reminds me of my troubles with the ole Hollywood idea of an Artificial Intelligence gone amok. We understand the motivations of a human that wants to rule the world but why would a computer want to rule the world. Unless the person who made the AI gave it emotions or primordial desires the AI would have no emotional need\desire to rule anything. I tried to contemplate on this emotion-free plane of existence once and found that it was a bleak place to live just as Tolstoy had warned it would be. On the other hand, we humans are often overrun with emotion and striving for rational, logical, and objective is a great way reign-in our wildness and get some work done (and keep from being cruel, unfair, etc). As a side note: I think that Albert Einstein and Neils Bohr's back and forth over Quantum Mechanics is the most interesting example of the effect of Religious thought on a Scientific debate. Even though Einstein essentially made the field of Quantum Mechanics possible by developing the dual-nature photon model, he did not like (emotion) the idea that probability played any role in reality. He went almost as far as to call the belief that Quantum Mechanics is the final theory "heresy" because he simply could not accept that God would create the Universe with probability interwoven into the underlying structure. Neils Bohr, on the other hand, used Eastern Mysticism to reconcile the bizarre magical qualities of the Quantum World. Since he knew he would have trouble conveying this way of thought he publicly adopted the Copenhagen Interpretation which essentially urges the experimenter to forget even attempting to develop a conceptual understanding of the results and simply focus on the resultant math and phenomenon. Throughout their arguments Einstein created the most extreme thought experiments to prove how absurd Quantum Mechanics is and that there must be an underlying classical mechanic to it all. To this day we continue to perform Einsteins experiments yet to our surprise (and especially Einstein's) the bizarre results keep coming true. So this stubborn religious streak in Einstein which, if it were enforced via dogma, would have held back Scientific progress instead has advanced Science because Einstein adhered strictly to the Scientific method in spite of his feelings and let the results speak for themselves. If all the Religious folk out there who object to Scientific data would propose experiments to prove or disprove their own claims the light of Science would shine even farther in spite of the motivations of the experimenters (presuming that the results were not "interpreted" into oblivion....) (Just wanted to mention Neils Bohr )
  13. Extreme Old Crumbling Castle Technique: Ingredients: Id Tech 4 Engine (as is) Cube Maps Normal Maps Infinite time and patience Artistry Step 1: Create a basic Castle with (perhaps) some low-poly gaps representing damage (Texture the Castle make it look as good as possible) Step 2: Export the Castle into Blender Step 3: Clone the Castle then modify the cloned copy into an extreme high-poly version with tons of little cracks and separated blocks/bricks making sure that some of the original texture work is still present Step 4: Cut the High-Poly and Low-Poly Castles into components and create Normal Maps for the most detailed portions where things are crumbling Step 6: Identify the deepest cracks in the High-Poly Castle Step 7: Enlarge the Geometry of these cracks to the point where you can noclip into them when imported into Doom 3 Step 8: Fly into the Giant-Size cracks and capture an Environment Shot (part one of the Cube Map process) Step 9: Shrink the Cube Map in Gimp (etc) Step 10: Replace some of the texture work with the more detailed texture and normal map work Step 11: Replace the deepest cracks with the Cube Maps (Interior Maps) Step 12: Oh No! The Cube Maps look "wrong"! Step 13: Stretch the proportions of the 6 environment shots so that the central "shot" is pinched a bit (lots of fiddling) Step 14: After an eternity... Great crumbling castle with Cube Maps providing the illusion of deep detailed cracks
  14. Thanks Sotha. I will keep looking around Google to prove to my wife that this is a "classic tale" rather than some crazy (and boring) story I cooked up on my own. I guess we all sympathize with our little Might-Flea a little... I suppose that this story would actually be more meaningful for a guy at a bar who feels that another stronger fellow is mocking him. Too bad he would probably be too drunk to listen. (Squish!)
  15. The Flea Circus: Once upon a time there was a Flea Circus operator who had the most extravagant micro-Circus ever seen. The Fleas were skilled in all manor of acrobatics and ingenuity but, by far, the star attractions were the "strong-man" Fleas. The strongest of the strong fleas could lift at least 1000x his body weight. (We'll call him "Mighty-Flea") One day the Flea Circus operator decided to stop and visit a real Circus to compare and get inspiration for his act. While there the resident Strong Man (we'll call him "Mighty-Man") took a keen interest in "Mighty-Flea". Every time Mighty-Flea performed a practice feat of strength, Mighty-Man let out a hearty laugh. Mighty-Flea was very proud and would not stand for this constant ridicule so he hopped up and called to Mighty-Man in his squeaky voice, "So you think my tricks are funny? Let's have a contest to see who can lift the largest amount compared to their body weight!" So the contest began with each lifting a small rock. Next a heavy bed... And so on until Mighty-Man relented and could not compete with Mighty-Flea. Mighty-Flea began hopping about and gloating about his victory. Just as Mighty-Flea was about to lift his final object in victory Mighty-Man squished him. The moral of the story: No matter how strong you are there is always someone stronger? This is a story I told the other evening but I swear I have heard it before. Am I really the original author? Bonus: My wife thought this was a boring story, do you agree?
  16. A couple of questions: 1) What is the name of the directory where Doom 3 is installed? 2) Which user owns the FMS directory? 3) Which user owns the Doom 3 executable? 4) Did you install TDM's SVN for some reason (see below)? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/11386-no-maps-show-up-in-the-menu/
  17. Those materials can be "grimed" with decals no? (I read an ole TTLG mini-discussion about this...) I suspect it would be better if there were more pre-grimed stuff for this purpose though...
  18. Yeah, I think the only thing that differs from your suggestion is that the Normal Maps in rich_is_bored's method are tuned by hand (or by a higher-poly model) thus adding more subtle lighting tricks to the leaf clumps.
  19. I hate to keep leaving hints everywhere but if any of you Modelers out there grasp this article (actually doesn't look too difficult...) then Tels may have a use for it
  20. This is kinda like filling your map with doorways that dont open. (BTW... Someone should make an April 1st FM that has no doors that open . Or infinite lock picks )
  21. Well that's even more good news. I had seriously felt that Objective Truth was a DEAD concept in academia and along with it Pure Mathematics. Now I feel like a hopeful new foundation is out there and that the stability of reason has a chance to flourish again.
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