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Everything posted by Crispy

  1. "And I would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those bloomin' kids!" Graphics cards. Hate 'em.
  2. What does your folder structure look like? Do you have any of the PK4 files missing from your darkmod folder?
  3. I'm not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with what you did, I'm just pointing out that you don't need to worry about performance loads when creating animations. Sorry if my comment rubbed you the wrong way. You appear to have missed my point. If doing "A" causes performance load "X" and doing "B" also causes performance load "X", then performance shouldn't be one of the factors that causes you to choose A over B, or vice versa. In this case, A = held animations, B = moving animations, and X = small anyway. This isn't intended as a criticism, just advice for next time.
  4. The graphics card doesn't care whether animated AIs are actually moving or not, and I'm fairly sure the animation code (which runs on the CPU) wouldn't either. It'll still go through the same sequence of transformations every frame even if the sequence of transformations is the same all the time. In any case, this is extremely premature optimisation and not at all likely to have any noticeable effect. Please just base your animation decisions on what looks good, not on vague theories about CPU/GPU loads.
  5. Sounds like you're just having display issues, and the moving-to-the-right problem is merely an apparent symptom of that. Can you see the lightgem? Is it centred horizontally on your screen? Have you tried looking at the positioning settings on your monitor, to make sure it's not just cutting off the edge? Can you post a screenshot?
  6. LOL. Fail. There truly is nothing original under the sun! Be nice to go back and play all those Thief FMs I've missed over the years.
  7. Yeah, probably would work. But, it looks like a lot of effort, and the baked part of the lighting wouldn't affect the lightgem (the direct part would though, since that part is done with a real in-game light).
  8. Someone should totally make a "reverse haunted house" map where your goal is to lure some people into the house, seal them in, and creep around in the shadows using your stealth skills to torment them with spooky goings-on. It would be a mandatory "ghosting" mission, of course. Pun fully intended. Objectives: Rack up a certain amount of "scariness points" (gained by pulling pranks and so on). Don't get spotted for certain, since that will ruin everything. First-level "what was that?" alerts gain you points, however (up to a point - you can't win the mission just by causing mutters, but you can maybe skip one or two traps if you cause enough mutters). And don't kill or KO anyone, because then the city watch will get involved and you want to keep people away. Just scare the bejesus out of them so they don't come back! I'm sure there's a simple plot that can be used to justify that. Prevent an old mansion from getting sold so you can continue to camp out in it without paying rent. The main character could be a freaky old dude. It'd be great. Oh, and of course it would definitely have to be released on Halloween. Which means you have five days. Get building! :evil:
  9. It looks funky because it's two pictures pasted together. Confused me for a bit too.
  10. Tried debugging an optimised release? (I mean, set optimisation flags *and* debug flags on, compile, and run the debugger on that build.)
  11. I'm pretty sure that releasing such a map would be in breach of copyright law. Not in favour.
  12. You mean these guys, right?
  13. Well, I'm just suggesting that if this particularly bothers someone, they can try changing it themselves and submit the changes for consideration as "official" ones in the next TDM update. Obviously the team will continue to work on TDM so it might get done by a team member eventually, but if people submit patches for issues they particularly care about, then those issues will definitely get sorted out faster. That applies to anything, actually. Of course there's absolutely no guarantee that any particular change would get in. Each case would be purely on its own merits, and it's probably a good idea to ask if the team might accept particular changes before investing lots of work in them, especially if they have a large impact. And the quality, necessity (for features) and setting-appropriateness bars for any non-minor changes are set pretty high, so people shouldn't feel bad if stuff is rejected. Obviously platform and gameplay stability (for mod/FM authors' sakes) would be an important factor in that consideration. Changing the volumes of player-heard footstep sounds wouldn't have a significant impact provided they were still sufficiently audible, so it probably wouldn't be an issue in this case. (In any case, if we're going to make gameplay-changing tweaks, better make them sooner rather than later.)
  14. Could just be a focus problem. Have you tried clicking and pressing Alt-Tab to cycle the focus back to the TDM window?
  15. In theory, if the rooms are closed off (portalised) from each other, which one suspects they normally are, then Doom 3 shouldn't be propagating sounds straight up/down through the floor/ceiling. Can't be sure, though, since the relevant part of the engine is closed-source. That also means we probably can't do much about it, unfortunately. Yet another thing to put on the list of "glitches to investigate when Doom 3 is released as open source", perhaps! Can anyone else confirm this bug so that we can eliminate the possibility that it's hardware-dependent?
  16. Oh, wow... that's a lot of important files being replaced! That could be it.
  17. @Tels: Agreed, your modifications are sensible. On reflection, it could be nice to use double-underscores to separate title and author names as well, just for clarity. So NC's walk cycle mod would be named something like: x__alternate_walk_cycle__noisycricket.pk4 Should we post official guidelines on making these kinds of mods somewhere? I also agree with SH and Sneaksie and have nothing more to say there.
  18. Well, both of you, sort of. I know what you mean. I haven't really paid much attention to it, but if what you're saying is true, then it sounds like the audible footstep volumes could use additional tweaking. Anyone can do that kind of tweaking, not just team members. (Look in the sound PK4s for the relevant soundshader files.)
  19. Hi Alaris! While this isn't my department (it's Springheel's!), I know there are some unreleased AI models that still need skinning, and we can always use more and better animations, for existing and future characters alike. We might have enough hands already though, I'm not sure. Springheel? Getting involved in mapping would be a fine idea, and there's definitely nothing stopping you/others from putting together a campaign, except for the usual caveats about starting small and not getting ahead of yourself.
  20. The Dark Mod probably makes more changes to Doom 3's graphics than most mods, so updating your driver is probably worth a try. As a workaround, if this affects only the menu then you might be able to play some maps via the console, but as you can't see to install the FMs you'd have to install them manually, which is a pain and pretty error-prone. Other than that I don't know what to suggest. It could still be a config issue. You don't have standard Doom 3's graphics quality set to Ultra mode by any chance?
  21. Are you 110% sure that it's the patch and not the patch? (You can check by starting vanilla Doom 3 and pressing Ctrl-Alt-~ to bring down the console.)
  22. Awesome. Sometimes I surprise myself. Perhaps tdmlauncher can be extended in future to handle this case automatically. I'll go ahead and track that internally.
  23. Heh... I'm so used to having normal maps, that sometimes I forget Thief didn't have them! func_statics have no impact on BSP compilation and are ignored by pathfinding generation, but you'll still have more triangles than you need. This is annoying, but not so bad, until you start casting shadows off 'em. Lots of tiny polygons casting shadows = glitchy shadow visuals (sometimes) and terrible performance. Remember also that you take the performance hit for every shadow-casting light you add. For all of these reasons, patches and models are best for detail work.
  24. All of those are displaying just fine for me (I count 11 in your first post, plus 1 duplicate "", and 10 in your second post). Perhaps you have a connection issue that's intermittently stopping some images from loading.
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