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Everything posted by AluminumHaste

  1. Oh hey Fen! Been enjoying your TDM playthroughs.
  2. Also, there are good reasons that things aren't sorted by "A", "An" and "The". Things like that. Right now it's not a huge deal because we don't have that many missions. So maybe it's a non issue as we'll never have that many
  3. I swear it's my fault, I remember bringing it up years ago.
  4. I'm on latest SVN source builds, and the fps increase is huge.
  5. Is this building missing from the mission?
  6. So I take it other people are finding the FPS pretty bad in a bunch of locations? 86 FPS isn't bad per se, but running that low FPS on a 240hz monitor feels......not great.
  7. Like the player, he would have to stay under the water for a long time. Maybe fill that fountain with monster clip, or make it shallow enough that his head remains above water
  8. I used to lock the Guard Captain in his room at the start of Reqiuem, was hilarious He just keeps opening the door.
  9. Alright, when you get it back startbby finding the first build that had this behaviour and I'll go though the commits.
  10. Are you being obtuse on purpose? You know exactly what he means. With his limited time to work on the project, he'd rather spend his time on game breaking bugs. Of you want it fixed you can help by going back through the dev builds and finding where the regression was introduced.
  11. I'm not sure if I understand your pov sorry, but right now, if you lean your lightgem level does increase, as you are exposed a bit.
  12. I like how Quake 1 does this, any message that appears on screen is also printed to the console. I often miss those messages when in the heat of a arena fight, but I can always open the console and read them again.
  13. No because you can do that right now with doors, and if the door is highlighted, then pressing frob activates the door. And if you pick up a body, by default you loot everything automatically. That's how it works right now on current SVN.
  14. I was about to but in the process of cleaning out the previous patches, I accidentally did a svn cleanup command with delete all unversioned files, without realizing I had done so on the Darkmod game directory, not the source code directory. Now Tortoise SVN claims that all these files would go to the recycle bin, but it's empty. Can't recover these files either, tried with several recovery tools. So all that work in progress stuff was lost, maps, textures, shaders, etc. All gone, last back up was....2014. All my fault, but this is too crushing, I'm done with this project for now sorry.
  15. Turn off bloom?
  16. That's the new version, it used to be a real key would fall out. Was causing issues where players would lose it and couldn't find it. I don't remember how they did that originally.
  17. This was done in the mission Tears of Saint Lucia, where you have to shoot a vase with a key in it off a ledge. It's right at the start of the mission, so go see how that was done.
  18. Yeah, you need to be on 2.12 beta for this to work.
  19. New Binaries: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L0GmR5Jn79mGDWXNLzP4bsGzRo-Wnp0j/view?usp=sharing
  20. Just put kids to bed, doing laundry, hopefully in a bit
  21. I usually prefer 250ms, 1/4 of a second, but some players with slower reflexes might have a harder time. Just try it as is to see what people think
  22. Yeah, this is a good change.
  23. Done: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L0GmR5Jn79mGDWXNLzP4bsGzRo-Wnp0j/view?usp=sharing
  24. First time I've noticed it lol.
  25. This is what I get (Still processing):
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