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Everything posted by SneaksieDave

  1. May the Builder bless you, sirs.
  2. The list could never be complete, as you'd need to include all the non-public forum wars from over the years.
  3. Weird, I use render mode all the time It's not completely accurate, no (and I can't wait for if/when it's ever fixed or replaced), but it really helps with texture alignment (the normals).
  4. (use the img tag or button with this link: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/images/smilies/angel.gif )
  5. This is just my (probably unpopular) opinion but I'll be blunt: all technical reasons aside (and they are true -- textures in Thief and TDM are whole different ballparks), we have a lot of textures that are simply poor. We collected them as we went, mostly from sub-optimal photographs, with probably most of them knocked up by people lending a hand where they can, i.e. non-artists (like myself). We needed more and dedicated texture artists making them, but that didn't happen. That said, there are some real gems in our texture library; there just needs to be more. If anyone from the community will step up to help the ratio, TDM can shine in this area as well. Thankfully we have several (who have commented here already) making efforts and improving things already. If this sounds like an appeal for help............................ it is! Edit: cannot agree about the TDS shots; I personally only like the sitting room one.
  6. Hm, I'm definitely able to use render mode with 1.32. However I have been getting some crashes and lockups myself, and it does seem to have happened in or upon recently switching to render mode... but I can't say for sure. Usually it seems I've just switched to render mode, and then move the mouse to turn or drag the cam view. Attempts to find reliable repro so far have failed. Render mode does take a short bit to kick in just after loading, but you probably know that already.
  7. Yes if it's a separate issue from the original entry speaking about general multi rotation probs: http://bugs.angua.at/view.php?id=230
  8. I don't really know if it's correct or not, to be honest. I don't have problem using it though when I started thinking of it is "mirrored along [axis]." So if I see the Y axis pointing at the top of my screen, I know that clicking mirror along Y will flip the object vertically. And so on. I guess if it is backwards, and does get fixed, I shall have to reverse my thinking on it..
  9. The name "Squabble Studios" wasn't kicked around for nuthin'.
  10. This question is asked all the time. Perhaps every couple of years, or every new console generation, or every E3, it seems. Personal computers are a different tool than consoles. Based on what they're designed to do, they will always be more powerful for particular tasks. And always more flexible and customizable. It's a tool, not a toy. The first games came about simply because nerds who loved the platform wanted to make something entertaining for it. These people and impulses will always exist. If something is desired by people, someone will make it. If the question instead is, "are all of the big name publishing houses moving to console?" Perhaps, but I couldn't care less. Consoles are meant to play published games, and I don't play their crap. Given the choice between "Separated-by-colon-new-tech!-military-style-team-shooter-game-201x" and a new indie free space flight simulator, I'll go with the latter every time. One need look only as far as this forum to see what alternatives (gaming, development, design; creation) exist.
  11. Excellent post by Melan. Threads suggesting (or even just 'dreaming about') an engine switch suck. One, it's not going to happen. Two, it's one of the main reasons things like DNF happen. Three, there's no need for it, and suggesting there is indicates an ignorance about what id tech 4 can do. Moving to a newer yet in most ways comparable engine with a future that doesn't suggest open source would not be a boon. It would be a pointless waste of time and effort, things better spent on utilizing the actual platform properly. Looking for an quick fix for your TDM desires? Learn to use id tech 4.
  12. But wasn't it packaged with/as the original alpha? http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118943
  13. Does anyone remember the original release date (the alpha), for the wiki? Edit: looks like 28 December 2007
  14. He seriously needs to consider sunblock.
  15. Agreed on that. I started out working on TDM with a 1.4GHz pentium with a GeForce Ti4600 (what's that?) and 1G RAM. It didn't run great, but I could play. Never tried NHAT on it, but when I moved up to a GeForce 6800, same specs otherwise, it doubled or tripled otherwise typical framerates.
  16. I'd like to see TDM in the Zork engine. Imagination FTW!
  17. Man. I cannot believe I didn't see that.
  18. Okay, okay... well I don't know the interfaces so who knows. Maybe Rich built the DR one based around Blender's needs... or something... *cough*
  19. Maybe there could be a checkbox or button: nudge away from wall (or not).
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