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Everything posted by STiFU

  1. The atmosphere in Manhunt was shocking in a good way. Damn, that pig with the chainsaw in the end really gave me the creeps. Anyway, the problem about hotkeys on consoles is that consoles don't have any. In this context the inventory is a nice eyecandy innovation, compared to the old diablostyle inventories, I still hope though that the pc version will come with hotkeysupport or maybe some mousegesture style inventory. Alone in the Dark is a very old game series and it has always been thirdperson, so switchting to firstperson all the sudden would be a clear design-/marketing-/consistancyfailure. An option to allow the player to do so manually would still be apreciated though, but I am sure they will implement it since most modern games have it.
  2. Phew, that's sweet. Gametrailers.com says it's xbox and ps3 only. Will there be a pc version? But basically Alone in the dark never caught my interest that much. The only horrorgame of this type that was interesting to me was Silent Hill (part 2 especially!!).
  3. Even if the actual textures are missing the map should still compile and run, but of course you woun't see the textures ingame that aren't present. I don't know if this is also the case with static meshes, but since a reboot fixed your error anyway, it has to be something different. If something unexplainable like this happens to me, I always reinstall Windows!
  4. Ah yeah, I was searching for something like that, but couldn't find a link to it on the DR page. You should probably introduce one in the download section or have I just overseen it?
  5. You played Stalker 4 times? I had to force my self to finish it even once. To me, Stalker was nothing but unbalanced and boring gameplay. The only interesting parts were imo the labs and the hiding place. If it could be played a little bit more sneaky like shown in the first previews it would've been nice, but this was just stupid to me. I don't want to offend anyone here though. If you liked it, I am ok with that... That's the one thing I have learned of the endless discussions about this game with my friends: I have to accept that other people like it! ^^
  6. Yeah nice, I got the email with that info already though. I'll have time to look at it after my tests, which are scheduled the next two mondays. I am assuming a "snapshot" in this context is a more recent release of the editor, but not the actual next version? I checked the SVN on sourceforge, but I am not too familiar with compiling rather complex stuff like this by myself, since my coding experience has been limited to simpler algorithms so far(, which I hope will change in the future).
  7. Working example script for a nightvision: set gammatgl1 "r_gamma 1; set gammatgl vstr gammatgl2" set gammatgl2 "r_gamma 2; set gammatgl vstr gammatgl1" set gammatgl "vstr gammatgl1" bind g "vstr gammatgl" The last engine that used the alias-command for creating aliases was Half-life 1, but since Q3 the set-command is used. Now we only need to know how to "press" (and hold) certain keys via a script and you can have your creep-run-toggle, but I think it's impossible. I had a look at all available cmds in Doom 3 yesterday, but none seems to be of any use in this context.
  8. I was going to write you a script for it, but aparently Doom 3 changed the way it deals with bindings and scripts compared to Quake 3. In quake you could create a toggle button or a momentary button out of everything, which was really nice. For instance you hold down a button and q3 switches to the rocketlauncher and shoots and when you release the button it switches back to the last weapon and shoots again. Everything was possible and I guess that's why they disabled it (because of the multiplayer experience). You could create your own aliases and if you prefixed it with +, the specified alias was executed as long as you pressed the according button. If you also created an alias with the same name, but with the prefix -, you could even specify the cmds, that were executed when the button was released. Creating a toggle button of an actually momentary feature works in a similar fashion. You create two aliases, one linking to +creep and one to -creep and a third one to introduce the toggling process. As an example: set creepon "+creep; set creeptgl vstr creepoff" set creepoff "-creep; set creeptgl vstr creepon" set creeptgl "vstr creepon" bind [key] vstr creeptgl That "vstr" thing is neccessary for executing aliases. It's a shame they removed all this. All "Keycommands" are now prefixed with an underscore and can't even be executed from the console. At least I didn't find a way to do so... By the way, I just found the leantoggle cvar. Works nicely. But you got a typo in there. It says "pm_lean_togggle".
  9. So I assume that it's basically possible to render authentic distorted reflections with Doom 3 even without an envmap? Sounded a bit like it...
  10. So Gildoran, how did you implement the distorted reflections on the water surface?
  11. Flightsimulator X costs you 15 GB of harddisk space. I think it's packaged on five dvds...
  12. I'd assume that many of the people here would meet the minimum reqs. Those are really not that utopic and besides, most people are developers for the Doom 3 engine or people interested in developing (or maybe also just thief fans ) and I say most of them need a little extra performance... Looking forward to both games mentioned. Although, testplaying Assassins creed on the xbox360 was not so fullfilling so far to be honest. I only played it an hour, maybe it'll be better in the end than my first impressions. Who knows?
  13. Here is my bridge that caused that bug exported as a prefab. Just plant in on the ground and step into the irongate ingame. Aparently the form woun't let me upload the prefab so I am just going to post it in code tags. Remove it later on if you want. Version 2 // entity 0 { "classname" "worldspawn" // primitive 0 { brushDef3 { ( 0 0 1 -208 ) ( ( 0.0078125 0 0 ) ( 0 0.0078125 0 ) ) "textures/darkmod/stone/flat/tiles_stone_large_dirty_001_wet" 0 0 0 ( 0 1 0 -1152 ) ( ( 0.03125 0 56 ) ( 0 0.03125 8.5 ) ) "textures/common/caulk" 0 0 0 ( 1 0 0 -320 ) ( ( 0.03125 0 56 ) ( 0 0.03125 8.5 ) ) "textures/common/caulk" 0 0 0 ( 0 0 -1 0 ) ( ( 0.03125 0 56 ) ( 0 0.03125 8.5 ) ) "textures/common/caulk" 0 0 0 ( 0 -1 0 896 ) ( ( 0.004882812427240425 0 0.123046875 ) ( 0 0.004882812427240425 0.015625 ) ) "textures/darkmod/stone/brick/tiling_1d/poolwall_large_dirty_greengrey_001_wet" 0 0 0 ( -1 0 0 256 ) ( ( 0.03125 0 56 ) ( 0 0.03125 8.5 ) ) "textures/common/caulk" 0 0 0 } } // primitive 1 { brushDef3 { ( 0 1 0 -1152 ) ( ( 0.03125 0 56 ) ( 0 0.03125 8.5 ) ) "textures/common/caulk" 0 0 0 ( 1 0 0 -704 ) ( ( 0.03125 0 56 ) ( 0 0.03125 8.5 ) ) "textures/common/caulk" 0 0 0 ( 0 -1 0 896 ) ( ( 0.004882812427240425 0 0.123046875 ) ( 0 0.004882812427240425 0.015625 ) ) "textures/darkmod/stone/brick/tiling_1d/poolwall_large_dirty_greengrey_001_wet" 0 0 0 ( -1 0 0 320 ) ( ( 0.03125 0 56 ) ( 0 0.03125 8.5 ) ) "textures/common/caulk" 0 0 0 ( 0 0 1 -208 ) ( ( 0.0078125 0 0 ) ( 0 0.0078125 0 ) ) "textures/darkmod/stone/flat/tiles_stone_large_dirty_001_wet" 0 0 0 ( 0 0 -1 144 ) ( ( 0.0195312497089617 0 0 ) ( 0 0.0195312497089617 0 ) ) "textures/common/caulk" 0 0 0 } } // primitive 2 { patchDef3 { "textures/darkmod/stone/natural/rock_large_grey_001_wet" ( 5 3 10 1 0 0 0 ) ( ( ( 680 892.2424242424241 -3.172065784643305e-015 0 -2.8125 ) ( 680 1022.121212065113 -3.172065784643305e-015 0 -1.40625 ) ( 680 1151.999999887803 -3.172065784643305e-015 0 0 ) ) ( ( 680 892.2424242424241 120 5 -2.8125 ) ( 680 1022.121212065113 120 5 -1.40625 ) ( 680 1151.999999887803 120 5 0 ) ) ( ( 512 892.2424242424241 120 8.75 -2.8125 ) ( 512 1022.121212065113 120 8.75 -1.40625 ) ( 512 1151.999999887803 120 8.75 0 ) ) ( ( 344 892.2424242424241 120 12.5 -2.8125 ) ( 344 1022.121212065113 120 12.5 -1.40625 ) ( 344 1151.999999887803 120 12.5 0 ) ) ( ( 344 892.2424242424241 -3.172065784643305e-015 17.5 -2.8125 ) ( 344 1022.121212065113 -3.172065784643305e-015 17.5 -1.40625 ) ( 344 1151.999999887803 -3.172065784643305e-015 17.5 0 ) ) ) } } // primitive 3 { patchDef3 { "textures/darkmod/stone/brick/tiling_1d/poolwall_large_dirty_greengrey_001_wet" ( 5 3 3 1 0 0 0 ) ( ( ( 320 896 5.329070518200751e-015 1.685546851716936 0.01562499999999997 ) ( 320 896 144 1.685546851716936 -0.6874999895226212 ) ( 320 896 144 1.685546851716936 -0.6874999895226212 ) ) ( ( 320 896 144 1.685546851716936 -0.6874999895226212 ) ( 320 896 144 1.685546851716936 -0.6874999895226212 ) ( 320 896 144 1.685546851716936 -0.6874999895226212 ) ) ( ( 512 896 144 2.623046837747098 -0.6874999895226212 ) ( 512 896 144 2.623046837747098 -0.6874999895226212 ) ( 512 896 144 2.623046837747098 -0.6874999895226212 ) ) ( ( 704 896 144 3.560546823777259 -0.6874999895226212 ) ( 704 896 144 3.560546823777259 -0.6874999895226212 ) ( 704 896 144 3.560546823777259 -0.6874999895226212 ) ) ( ( 704 896 5.329070518200751e-015 3.560546823777259 0.01562499999999997 ) ( 704 896 144 3.560546823777259 -0.6874999895226212 ) ( 704 896 144 3.560546823777259 -0.6874999895226212 ) ) ) } } // primitive 4 { patchDef3 { "textures/darkmod/stone/natural/rock_large_grey_001_wet" ( 5 3 10 1 0 0 0 ) ( ( ( 704 1152 -3.172065784643305e-015 0 0 ) ( 704 1022.12121217731 -3.172065784643305e-015 0 -1.40625 ) ( 704 892.2424243546211 -3.172065784643305e-015 0 -2.8125 ) ) ( ( 704.0000004107425 1152 144.0000004107425 5 0 ) ( 704.0000004107425 1022.12121217731 144.0000004107425 5 -1.40625 ) ( 704.0000004107425 892.2424243546211 144.0000004107425 5 -2.8125 ) ) ( ( 512 1152 144 8.75 0 ) ( 512 1022.12121217731 144 8.75 -1.40625 ) ( 512 892.2424243546211 144 8.75 -2.8125 ) ) ( ( 319.9999995892575 1152 144.0000004107425 12.5 0 ) ( 319.9999995892575 1022.12121217731 144.0000004107425 12.5 -1.40625 ) ( 319.9999995892575 892.2424243546211 144.0000004107425 12.5 -2.8125 ) ) ( ( 320.0000000000001 1152 -3.172065784643305e-015 17.5 0 ) ( 320.0000000000001 1022.12121217731 -3.172065784643305e-015 17.5 -1.40625 ) ( 320.0000000000001 892.2424243546211 -3.172065784643305e-015 17.5 -2.8125 ) ) ) } } // primitive 5 { patchDef3 { "textures/darkmod/stone/natural/rock_large_grey_001_wet" ( 5 3 10 1 0 0 0 ) ( ( ( 704 892.2424242424241 -3.172065784643305e-015 0 0 ) ( 692 892.2424242424241 -3.172065784643305e-015 0 -0.05859375 ) ( 680 892.2424242424241 -3.172065784643305e-015 0 -0.1171875 ) ) ( ( 704.0000004107425 892.2424242424241 144.0000004107425 0.703125 0 ) ( 692.0000002053712 892.2424242424241 132.0000002053712 0.703125 -0.05859375 ) ( 680 892.2424242424241 120 0.703125 -0.1171875 ) ) ( ( 512 892.2424242424241 144 1.640625 0 ) ( 512 892.2424242424241 132 1.640625 -0.05859375 ) ( 512 892.2424242424241 120 1.640625 -0.1171875 ) ) ( ( 319.9999995892576 892.2424242424241 144.0000004107425 2.578125 0 ) ( 331.9999997946288 892.2424242424241 132.0000002053712 2.578125 -0.05859375 ) ( 344.0000000000001 892.2424242424241 120 2.578125 -0.1171875 ) ) ( ( 320.0000000000001 892.2424242424241 -3.172065784643305e-015 3.28125 0 ) ( 332.0000000000001 892.2424242424241 -3.172065784643305e-015 3.28125 -0.05859375 ) ( 344.0000000000001 892.2424242424241 -3.172065784643305e-015 3.28125 -0.1171875 ) ) ) } } // primitive 6 { brushDef3 { ( 0 0 1 -260 ) ( ( 0.01302083281593192 0 0 ) ( 0 0.01302083281593192 0 ) ) "textures/darkmod/stone/natural/rock_large_grey_001" 0 0 0 ( 0 1 0 -912 ) ( ( 0.009645061700005408 0 0.728515625 ) ( 0 0.01929012340001082 0.0078125 ) ) "textures/darkmod/stone/sculpted/tiling_1d/trim_small_001_wet" 0 0 0 ( 1 0 0 -704 ) ( ( 0.03125 0 56 ) ( 0 0.03125 8.5 ) ) "textures/common/caulk" 0 0 0 ( 0 0 -1 208 ) ( ( 0.005208333333333333 0 0 ) ( 0 0.01041666666666667 0 ) ) "textures/darkmod/stone/sculpted/tiling_1d/trim_small_001_wet" 0 0 0 ( 0 -1 0 896 ) ( ( 0.009645061700005408 0 0 ) ( 0 0.01929012340001082 0.0078125 ) ) "textures/darkmod/stone/sculpted/tiling_1d/trim_small_001_wet" 0 0 0 ( -1 0 0 320 ) ( ( 0.01041666666666667 0 0 ) ( 0 0.01041666666666667 0 ) ) "textures/common/caulk" 0 0 0 } } } // entity 1 { "classname" "func_static" "name" "func_static_4" "model" "models/darkmod/architecture/fencing/irongatesegment.ase" "origin" "384 900 40" } // entity 2 { "classname" "func_static" "name" "func_static_5" "model" "models/darkmod/architecture/fencing/irongatesegment.ase" "origin" "448 900 40" } // entity 3 { "classname" "func_static" "name" "func_static_6" "model" "models/darkmod/architecture/fencing/irongatesegment.ase" "origin" "512 900 40" } // entity 4 { "classname" "func_static" "name" "func_static_7" "model" "models/darkmod/architecture/fencing/irongatesegment.ase" "origin" "576 900 40" } // entity 5 { "classname" "func_static" "name" "func_static_10" "model" "models/darkmod/architecture/fencing/irongatesegment.ase" "origin" "640 900 40" }
  14. Yep, I observed that bug in my testbuild too, but I remember someone saying it was a general problem with Doom 3 and that you're going to fix this. I hope, I remembered this right! =)
  15. We don't "think" it's a bluish tone, but we actually see it as if it was more blue, because the lightwave receptors (don't know the proper english term for them) that are used for the scotopic vision (the vision at night) are more sensitive to shorter wavelengths, which are represented by the colors purple and blue. As you see, it got nothing to do with our brain, but you're right about the fact, that the light at night is not specifically blue. Do you also want to know, why the sky is orange at dawn?? ;) Anyway, I really like the second artwork. I wonder if it's just drawn or a combination of raytracing or at least 3d-sculpting and postwork/2d-art...
  16. Sure man. Of course this has no priority. As I said, I was just throwing up some random thoughts.... I have been thinking about it a little and you could also indicate the "grabbing of the edge" sound-wise. Like two hands hitting the wall, or a subtle "ugh", which would be a much easier solution. But Inimitable is right, the current mantling is very good already. Basically like classic thief only with a little more headbob and I really love that you can mantle without jumping now, which creates no sound at all. That's cool!!
  17. I just want to say that I really like that idea! Makes it a little bit like prince of persia in first person. I'd love to see more mantling options. Although another problem might arise with that. You'd have to show the player somehow that he is hanging on an edge. It would look really awkward if you just hung there and pulled yourself up later. I guess an animated mesh for the body or at least arms would be necessary here and I assume that makes it quite difficult to implement. Also as a substitute you could do it with some kind of grapnel. Well, just some random thoughts basically...
  18. Ah yeah, I'll have to look into that. The problem I see with that is, that you may have to use mulitple Lightsources to achieve the desired effect and that kinda stinks... I mean you'd have to place one light behind every building so to say, because anything which is "out of world" (by that I mean, in the void-area) isn't rendered by the engine, right? I just had a look at the thief's den again in order to check how that map dealt with lighting - especially ambient lighting - and I noticed that Fidcal used multiple normal lights to create the overall ambient light, but he forgot to disable the shadows on them, which is probably another reason, why some suffer of bad performance. After I noticed that, I started thief's den again and checked the map with r_showlightcount and I think you'd have to optimize the lightning. There were areas with pink and white surfaces which is not very good and it didn't even display the moving torch. Will there be a way to set an overall ambientlight level later on, like in Quake 3 or TDS? I googled a little for Doom 3 lighting tutorials, but none mentioned ambient lightning. I really hope it's possible at all, because placing many noshadow lights all over the map is very uneffective, also for later adjustments.
  19. I removed the hud myself and could easily pick them, but neither TDM nor TDS is a lockpicking simulator... So why make it ultra hard? After all it shall only create the illusion of picking a lock and for a masterthief, it should be fairly easy to pick a simple lock like that!! Wouldn't feel very thievy if you spent like 5 minutes on a lock! I think the customized harder lockdifficulties in TDS-FMs were just right, although if too many of them were used over the whole level, the lockpicking process became rather annoying. But if it's that important to you, why not join a RL-lockpicking group, mostly found at universities (no joke, but still I want to humor you)? :-P
  20. Sure, it isn't, but given the fact that it's rendered all the time and that you can put a lot of details into a skybox like in every other room, you have to be carefull, that's what I meant. It's a shame. It was very nice in q3, because if you had an "openair" map you could just add a sunlight to the skyboxshader and you didn't have to deal with lightning at all anymore... All shadows were baked nicely, where of course Doom 3 doesn't bake shadows at all. How would an unlimited parallel sun-/moonlight be realized in Doom 3? Or would it hurt performance too much? And another question: Did you also use a cubemap on the reflecting water from that video you guys once posted? Those reflections were distorted by the noisy-surface of the water and I'd like to know how to do that.... I just tested it, just to be sure. It works, but boy are those default doom3 skies ugly...
  21. Wrong topic maybe? But thanks baddcog, finally somebody says something.... But I think Scope is having problems with the skybox itself not with the walls covered with the skyportal shader inside the actual map. I extraced the skybox of thiefsden as a prefab for later use as well and it works without a problem. It's a shame that the clouds in it don't use alpha though, 'cause I wanted to add a predesigned background behind the cloudlayers. So from my experience it doesn't matter how you texture the inside of the skybox as long as it seals against the void, since the texture isn't visible anyway through this specific type of cloudlayers. This info_skyportal system is very powerfull. You can do a lot of very nice things with it, but you have to be carefull, because it can hit performance a lot. At least that was the case in TDS and since the mechanics are the same, it's a good guess to assume the same for TDM. Doom 3 does also support the old quake skybox system, doesn't it? In that system you create a shader in which you add the 6 pictures for the skybox and a (sun-)lightsource maybe, to cast some shadows (and emit light of course). This skyboxshader can then be applied to the walls on which you'd normaly use the skyportal shader and the engine does the rest. I am not sure, but I think that you mustn't use these skyboxshaders inside the info_skyportal-box, because the skyboxshader and the engine already do, what the info_skyportal would do, which is rendering the skybox in the proper angle. Redundant! On the whole the new system is way easier to use and more flexible. After all you don't have to fiddle around with any mtr files for your own custom skybox.
  22. Condemned was pretty nice and put it's engine to way better use than Fear, which looked disgusting and monotone in most parts. I loved the overall deep atmosphere of the game, which again was way over the top of Fear. Nice Game! Petition signed...
  23. Very nice!! Using an object directly makes more sense to me in most cases anyway, since things like a flashbomb or a healthpotion have to be used mostly very fast. I guess I would replace nearly all inventoryhotkeys, by inventory_use. Could be nice for the picklocks too, if you stick to the T2 lockpicking system. You could by the way finally reveal something about your lockpicking system... I really liked the one of TDS and in another discussion somebody also mentioned Oblivion's system, which was ok too, but we still know nothing about yours'!!
  24. If you say so... I was just playing around a little with DR this weekend. Can't do anything on it this month though, because I got 4 big exams coming up and as every student, I know nothing so far... Anyway here are two screens: (The yellow of the window is not actually that glowy ingame. Doom 3 just seems to fuck brightness when making screenshots and I had to raise it manually via PS again, which created that awkward yellow effect)
  25. Who is responsible for the beautifull pictures fading in the background of the mainmenu, by the way? They look very professional. I also wonder whether you guys got highres versions of the concept arts shown on your front page. Some of them could possibly serve as beautiful wallpapers...
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