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Everything posted by STiFU

  1. It's really horrible. I wish those covidiots would see the danger in other countries and realize that it could happen easily elsewhere as well. If those guys continue their assholery, it's just a question of 'when' it will happen, not 'if'. By the way, what country do you live in?
  2. I just stumbled accross this game called "Ninja Simulator", which is yet to be released. There is very little info on it, but I am hoping it will be executed well and in the style of Tenchu, which was a blast back in the days!! But judging by the title, I won't get my hopes up too high as anything with the suffix "Simulator" is usually rather crappy! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1323140/Ninja_Simulator/
  3. Wrong forum to say STFU, except when there's an i in the middle. In all seriousness 'though, please refrain from using such language.
  4. I recently gave my woman Witcher 3 for the Switch for her birthday. Watching her play, I felt that witcher-urge again, so I now started replaying Witcher 2, but this time the other story path I haven't played, yet. Now we spend our evenings chilling next to each other on the couch, both playing Witcher separately! LIFEGOALS!
  5. Can the original layout be visportal'd properly so it runs smoothly or do you think some alterations will be necessary here and there?
  6. Oh boy, I totally understand how you feel, as the same thing happened to me 15 years ago, when I was working on an FM for TDS. I had lost almost a year of work. It was so demotivating that I never started a mapping project again after that. Good thing you managed better than I to pick yourself up after that.
  7. Finished after 13 hours. Some missions felt really great, although they feel more like a loose collection of FMs rather than an actual story driven campaign. However, there were also a couple of missions, which were really badly designed and rather tedious, most notably the last one. Still, I quite enjoyed the good missions, so I am now looking for more. I also own DTS 1. Alekhine's Gun is not available in Germany, however.
  8. Ah, ok, thanks. But it's actually pretty funny without the fix, so I'll continue without it.
  9. Finally decided to give Death to Spies a shot, as I felt that itch for some espionage. Since this series isn't rated so well, I figured I'll start with part 2, the best rated one, to see if DTS is something for me at all. I am on mission 2. So far it's fun and I love the athmosphere. Feels really authentic when you put on an SS-uniform and then all of a sudden all soldiers shout their nazi-greetings at you. Some of the "German"-signs are pretty funny, 'though. For example, there was one sign that reads "Achtung. Hohe Anstrengung", which is supposed to mean "warning, high voltage", but it actually translates to "Warning, highly strenuous effort". The correct german translation would be "Achtung, Hochspannung".
  10. From their website: So, that sounds to me like you accept cookies, when you're using their extension, which is why it is so important to also delete cookies and block trackers.
  11. STiFU

    Free games

    ABZU is on Epic Store. It's a relaxing diving game. As a scubadiver myself, I found it quite nice, but generally, it's not too engaging. When you're feeling down, sick or hung-over, this game is definitely a nice change of pace.
  12. Or you simply agree, but block all trackers and delete all cookies after leaving the site, see my above post.
  13. I am playing Sniper Elite 4 at the moment. It's my first game of the series, so I didn't really know what to expect. It's a rather stealthy game and I really like the idea that enemies slowly triangulate your position, to find out where you (the sniper) are hidden. I Started on "Hard" difficulty, but it was kind of boring because you had that minimap that showed you where all enemies are, whether you have been detected or not, how far enemies can see you etc. Then, I switched to "Hardcore" which thankfully disabled the mini-map, but also the aim-assist. Without the latter, the game is impossible to play because you then have to factor in wind, gravity and enemy movement all by yourself when taking a shot. I really tried, but I couldn't hit anything. How on earth are you supposed to factor in wind manually? Thankfully, the game also offers to customize your difficulty, which I can only recommend, if anyone wants to go play it. I set everything to Hardcore, except for the HUD/GUI. This way, the enemies are nicely challenging and you can keep the aim-assist, but still have the minimap disabled. Now it's actually a lot of fun. @Fidcal, this game might also be something for you. However, unless you use the sniper-zoom, it is actually third person.
  14. Clicking through multiple layers? Wow, that sounds horrible. I always just use Adblock as well. Just choose one of the black lists for your country and you're done. Some sites can detect adblock, so you'll have to whitelist them, which can be done it two clicks in adblock. I used to use NoScript, which blocked any sort of script executions on websites. That is probably the safest method to surf the web, other than a VM of course, but it is also the most annoying method. As long as you don't browse very dicy sites, I don't think you will need something as strict as NoScript. Nowadays, I only use BLUR to block any trackers (and that extension also comes with a nice e-mail masking feature). Another thing that frequently annoys me when surfing are those "allow cookies"-popups, but I found a pretty decent solution for that in two chrome extensions (I am sure you will find something similar for Firefox): I don't care about cookies: Simply have the extension automatically allow all cookies when visiting a website, to get rid of that popup. This is not so good from a privacy perspective, but the second extension should leverage this issue... Cookie-Autodelete: Delete all cookies of that website again as soon as you leave. Of course you can whitelist webpages, so that e.g. you don't have to log in each time you visit forums.thedarkmod.com.
  15. Finger crossed for a remake of SH 2!!! SH4 kinda blows.
  16. STiFU

    Gaming Novels

    I don't know if you knew, but there is a novel by our @Moonbo accompanying his two FMs. It is definitely enjoyable! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17925104-shadowcursed I once had a novel for the Hitman series (maybe 15 years ago) because I was a huge fan of the old games, back in the day. I never finished that book, 'though. I just am not that much into reading, while there's tons of games waiting to be played.
  17. Looks promising. Whishlisted! Good luck with the development of this game.
  18. Just explore the world, man. I remember, the traveling system felt weird at first, but I'd say the story and character interaction makes up for it. Regarding Terminator: Resistance, isn't that a shooter rather than stealth? I've read mixed reviews about this one.
  19. I'll just copy-paste my steam-review... So, Fidcal, this game is definitely worth sticking around for.
  20. I read somewhere that they don't intend to go xbox-exclusive. Whether they will stick to that statement, that's a whole other story. I for one hope they put some more money into Quake Champions! Such an underrated game!
  21. So, I finally also got to play TLOU2. The game had its moments, but I don't know, it kind of left me sitting here unsatisfied. So yeah, part 2 doesn't even come close to part 1 for me. It was an intense experience, but I wouldn't repeat it. Does my opinion concur with the content of this thread? I didn't read it because I am too late to the party (for fear of spoilers)!
  22. Yeah, a collective thread like this is a good idea. There are a couple of streamers among us, the most recent addition being @Micropoint. If I remember correctly, @Cambridge Spy and @V-Man339 also stream, or at least record youtube videos. I am also curious to know whether @FenPhoenix also streams or just does let's plays on youtube?
  23. I recently saw a video of a GTA V graphics mod, that featured screen-space reflections (SSR). It was a night-scene, and it was raining, so the street was reflective. The car reflected all sorts of lights and surroundings, and the street reflected the car including those reflections on the car itself. I am pretty sure the reflections on the car were created by a cube map and the rest is SSR. But I kept wondering if multi-bounce reflections would be possible with SSR. Anybody ever heard of something like that? At first I thought, a fairly cheap approach (that would yield similarily incorrect results to the cubemap reflection + SSR approach above) could be: Trace only a single reflective bounce (because these traces are expensive), but sample the framebuffer at that position in multiple sample-passes. In the above example, after the first pass, the street would reflect the car as if it was non-reflective, and the car would reflect its surroundings. The second pass would use the previously computed image as input, so that the street could now also reflect the reflections on the car. However, as I wrote this post, I realized that the double reflections generated by this might look ok-ish, but are not actually correct. The problem is that all reflections would be calculated based on incident vectors from the camera to the current pixel, rather than from the 1st bounce reflected pixel to the 2nd bounce reflected pixel. So, in order to achieve correct multi-bounce reflections, one would definitely have to trace these multiple reflective bounces.
  24. Hospitality is a pretty well known Drum & Bass festival and this year it was actually held in minecraft.
  25. Controller support has just recently been added. Maybe, a dev-build will be released, so you could try your PS4 controller then. So far, we have only tested xbox controllers.
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