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Everything posted by Vadrosaul

  1. Could be worse. They may have received no aid at all, not even the self-serving corporatist type. No one is forcing the television network to have that style of show nor require it to be a charitable one.
  2. Dunno bout that last sentence, but we can infer that TDM will be non-crappy and be superior to anything TDS.
  3. Nice to hear about your success Looking forward to anything you can share with us from the event, aurally or visually.
  4. Our democratic muscle gave Intoxicado doubleplus good results
  5. That's great news New Horizon Congrats Make sure to try and get some pics with Aerosmith
  6. Vadrosaul


    Hardly. This is more like laughing at someone else's misfortune. But I know you mean well beyond your poor choice of words
  7. Vadrosaul


    How is this hilarious? It was unfortunate and luckily not fatal
  8. Looks similar to Master of Orion or Galactic Civilizations, both of which I'm a fan of. Checking it out
  9. Sources of a good breakfast or dessert??
  10. That's a good point though. In the Thief universe, one of the strong visual points was the costumes of the various character types. A thief was instantly identified by his clothing, and even if the town guard does nothing the least I'd expect would be for them to enter into a suspicious alert state as long as a thief dressed in kind remains within their visual field. Hopefully NH will record some taunts or threats that the town guard AI's can direct at the player character
  11. Any posthumous (the death of interest in the IP) claims always come off unbelievable. The fact is these people, probably most interested in taking a cut of profits made of the franchises, have had enough time and resources to formulate a fake front of information and witnesses. As Demagogue states, there's gotta be a reasonable statute of limitations before any claims are just simply an attempt to waste the courts time or to cash-in on future revivals of the IP's in question.
  12. Placed my vote, too bad we can't view the percentages. Good luck NH
  13. Let's face it, the Church has always been slow to adjust to social progression, always playing catch up, and now more than ever they draw criticism and ire from an increasing fragmentation of beliefs and the slowly emerging power of atheism/agnosticism. This won't amount to anything more than alienating them further from the age group they desperately need followers out of. The new Pope seems to like shooting his religion in the foot with every word out of his mouth, why not the Anglican ministry in England as well.
  14. Difficulty won't be an advantage on the PC, it will be a disadvantage of the XBOX360. Mainstream churning has turned difficulty into a thing of the past, especially with the adaptive difficulty gimmick (The game world eases up on you if you don't cut the mustard).
  15. I'm honestly turned off the game after finding out how generic the design templates are for the randomization of the levels, basically = same shit to look at, but randomly. Also the pay model is a thinly disguised doubletalk that deep down means only monthly paying customers will get the decent game world and items. Not to mention how the gameplay seems to mirror Diablo 2, meaning hack-n-slash to a massively repetitive degree, which should bore anyone with an above average IQ after a short while or couple playthroughs.
  16. I had a friend who kept making up acronyms for anything he was interested in. Suffice to say I had to slap him in the face and explain "People spend more time explaining their esoteric acronyms than they would have just saying the fucking thing straight!"
  17. I always started playing online games with the friends I had in real life, then slowly built up a network of competent and, most importantly, calm individuals I only knew online. Networking through contacts is the best and only way to play games and maintain sanity. Plus I'm not averse to cutting off contact with someone completely out of the blue if I become incompatible with them.
  18. The problem I see with having several designers contribute a block to a large City level design is how chopped up the end product would be, even with comparable skillsets from the makers. Either you offer a large array of assets and flexibility inherent for the City's design, leading to a hodgepodge of mismatched architecture and structural cohesiveness, OR you restrict what can be used to design each persons block, leading to something that may look and feel too shallow & unoriginal. Perhaps a qualified lead designer or two who get the final say, and can rearrange or discard unworthy portions would be best to create a fresh AND flowing completed City.
  19. Us chemists just call it Al three
  20. Vadrosaul


    Woah, this is reminding me too much of the Matrix discussion between Neo and the Architect.
  21. Maybe you guys could underline the "inspired by" part to avoid any confusion, or add a caveat stating that the Dark Mod is completely seperate from the Thief mythos. BTW thx for the update. The spider bots are looking brilliantly detailed
  22. Keen eye for spotting the unstable, eh The movie you are thinking of is They, where sunglasses give the protagonist the ability to spot the aliens among the populous. As opposed to the rose-colored glasses your colleagues wore when interviewing that guy you mentioned
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