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datiswous last won the day on December 25 2024

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About datiswous

  • Birthday 07/18/1981

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  1. I just figured out how to make subtitles work in TDM (srt) for ingame cutscenes and how to automatically generate the srt file in Kdenlive's speech recognition (I just had to edit it a bit).

    Kdenlive is a free and open source multiplatform pretty advanced video editor.

    Test case is the first builder gost scene in Requiem saying:

    00:00:00,180 --> 00:00:02,140
    the builder be with you this night
    00:00:02,600 --> 00:00:04,840
    there will be secrets all around you
    00:00:05,040 --> 00:00:06,439
    so have a keen eye

    The following page gives you the basic info:


    These 2 tutorials give you the info for creating the srt files:

    If you run into the problem the Kdenlive cannot find your Python PATH, then here is a solution:


    Edit: During the installation of Python, in the installer, if you select more options, you can specify to set the PATH. I tried this on another Windows computer and this fixed the issue. Much easier solution.


    This is all the code for the testcase:


    fm_root.subs file in subtitles folder in fm's root:

    // Requiem subtitles
    subtitles fm_root {
        verbosity story
        srt "sound/voices/Hanno1.ogg" "subtitles/hanno1.srt"

    hanno.srt file in same folder:

    00:00:00,180 --> 00:00:02,140
    the builder be with you this night
    00:00:02,600 --> 00:00:04,840
    there will be secrets all around you
    00:00:05,040 --> 00:00:06,439
    so have a keen eye



    Maybe I will create a seperate (text,images based) tutorial on the wiki.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Geep


      I've tried "On" and have seen a guard bark with some subtitling in Away 0. In my newly-added intro to the stgatilov's Subtitles wiki page, I mention that a dozen barks for the Cynic voice are available so far to existing games.

      @nbohr1more, @stgatilov, I've noted the following in the bugtracker but let me call this to your attention here: the standard overlay .gui for subtitles offers 3 non-overlapping fields in the lower screen for subtitles, but my copy of 2.11dev source code (not the latest) seems to provide 4. I think these numbers should agree. In my update to the Subtitle wiki article, I revised the number from 4 to 3.

    3. stgatilov


      Obviously, you'll see the minimum of these two numbers on screen...

      Otherwise, it's not a problem.

    4. Geep


      OK. I was thinking that it's better for the code to correctly know it can't display a subtitle at the moment because of it's out of slots, rather than think the fourth slot is showing when its not. Because in the first case, maybe it can eventually/belatedly show the subtitle if/when a real slot becomes free. Unless the code's not meant to be that sophisticated.

      Is there some special .gui (now or planned) that uses 4 slots?

      @stgatilov, I can tweak the wiki page further based on your responses.

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