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Everything posted by datiswous

  1. This is the default now. If I set it to alphabetical ordering, this is not saved and it goes back to "sort by release date" ordering when I restart tdm.
  2. Sorry it does work in beta 10258. Sorry I was using one 2 versions older. Since this isn't the beta thread I didn't think it would matter. Thanks. Pretty cool! I never use creep up to now, this is what I noticed: If you press esc to go to main menu and then back, it disables creep. Same for console. If you keep the SHIFT key pressed while in creep, you move at the same speed (as normal creep), but make more noise. Crouch doesn't make creep slower.
  3. No and I get a warning in the console: WARNING: Togle-f: cvar "tdm_toggle_creep" not found
  4. Is there a feature request for this on the bugtracker, or is this feature already planned?
  5. Btw. I'm almost done with the subtitles, so currently not recomended to start creating them.
  6. Actually, one would only need to supply a correctly configured fm_root.subs (or other subs file) and (optionally) translated srt file(s) to have non English subs. It would be better if there's some standardized way that if you change language in settings menu, automatically the correct subtitles are selected.
  7. I just figured out how to make subtitles work in TDM (srt) for ingame cutscenes and how to automatically generate the srt file in Kdenlive's speech recognition (I just had to edit it a bit).

    Kdenlive is a free and open source multiplatform pretty advanced video editor.

    Test case is the first builder gost scene in Requiem saying:

    00:00:00,180 --> 00:00:02,140
    the builder be with you this night
    00:00:02,600 --> 00:00:04,840
    there will be secrets all around you
    00:00:05,040 --> 00:00:06,439
    so have a keen eye

    The following page gives you the basic info:


    These 2 tutorials give you the info for creating the srt files:

    If you run into the problem the Kdenlive cannot find your Python PATH, then here is a solution:


    Edit: During the installation of Python, in the installer, if you select more options, you can specify to set the PATH. I tried this on another Windows computer and this fixed the issue. Much easier solution.


    This is all the code for the testcase:


    fm_root.subs file in subtitles folder in fm's root:

    // Requiem subtitles
    subtitles fm_root {
        verbosity story
        srt "sound/voices/Hanno1.ogg" "subtitles/hanno1.srt"

    hanno.srt file in same folder:

    00:00:00,180 --> 00:00:02,140
    the builder be with you this night
    00:00:02,600 --> 00:00:04,840
    there will be secrets all around you
    00:00:05,040 --> 00:00:06,439
    so have a keen eye



    Maybe I will create a seperate (text,images based) tutorial on the wiki.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Geep


      I've tried "On" and have seen a guard bark with some subtitling in Away 0. In my newly-added intro to the stgatilov's Subtitles wiki page, I mention that a dozen barks for the Cynic voice are available so far to existing games.

      @nbohr1more, @stgatilov, I've noted the following in the bugtracker but let me call this to your attention here: the standard overlay .gui for subtitles offers 3 non-overlapping fields in the lower screen for subtitles, but my copy of 2.11dev source code (not the latest) seems to provide 4. I think these numbers should agree. In my update to the Subtitle wiki article, I revised the number from 4 to 3.

    3. stgatilov


      Obviously, you'll see the minimum of these two numbers on screen...

      Otherwise, it's not a problem.

    4. Geep


      OK. I was thinking that it's better for the code to correctly know it can't display a subtitle at the moment because of it's out of slots, rather than think the fourth slot is showing when its not. Because in the first case, maybe it can eventually/belatedly show the subtitle if/when a real slot becomes free. Unless the code's not meant to be that sophisticated.

      Is there some special .gui (now or planned) that uses 4 slots?

      @stgatilov, I can tweak the wiki page further based on your responses.

  8. They could alter the gas arrow instead, creating a cloud of holy gas. Or alter the moss arrow to create a patch of holy moss (this does make it a bit like a mine, except if zombies know what it is).
  9. I would like to be able to omit certain weapons from the scroll through weapons with mouse wheel behaviour. In my case the sword and fire arrow.
  10. No responses. I created a bug report: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6238
  11. I think you could try mission Deadeye as a start. Then the included missions (A new Job and Tears of Stlucia). After that COS0: To Catch a Thief . But there are multiple topics about this.
  12. Hi what does menu item Map -> Fixup Map... do? I could not find any info about it in the wiki.
  13. I think the version is fine (sort of) if you don't dmap before play, or dmap with 2.10 or later. I'm investigating subtitle software, so if I understand how to do that I could give that a shot. And I see the mission has no EFX yet?
  14. Btw. you can make a DR filter to filter everything away except volumetric lights, so you could check a map on them. Maybe still too much work though. Maybe more (technical) features should be listed here in a separate column: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Fan_Missions_for_The_Dark_Mod
  15. Oh and also (at least in 2.10) Tdm first install still creates an empty directory called saintlucia aside from the existing stlucia folder.
  16. I dare you to make a mission intro with your painted minitures.
  17. I tried dmapping just now (2.11) and In a quick test can't reproduce the issue in the place of the screenshot. Dmap does give 17 lin files.
  18. I wonder if there could be made a check on background color of gui file and then apply a darkening filter on top of the gui based on that information. I get that there are more colors in a background file, but maybe check for the lightest as a base. I think it should at least be possible to make a list of applied semi-transparent darkening gui overlays and then apply them via a script via if statements (if this readable gui -> load this gui overlay, etc.). Can you still share the code?
  19. Currently the mission downloader let's you navigate during download. You can even start a mission or exit TDM. If you click on a mission details (More...) page, the dialog does not show untill downloads finish. Request / advice : Disable clicking during downloading. So when downloading starts you can click on things, but nothing happens, or a dialog apears for a second that you can't do anything during downloading (more work). Apart from that I think the Download All button should be removed.
  20. One is A house of locked secrets. Which is the other one?
  21. Yeah ok, just wondering what the usual fix is.
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