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  1. Guest

    Doom3world Hacked Again

    D3W was hacked only once - this is far from 'so often'. The thing is, it stayed hacked for, I don't know, almost two weeks, because BNA was away on a business trip. At first they added some reloading script to the site and changed the header, but it was kinda possible to get around that, then they changed something more and redirected the site altogether in a way you couldn't bypass. When that happened, one of the admins locked down the site to prevent further damage, and when BNA got back, he fixed things, upgraded php/phpbb, and reopened the forums. Like I said, although this lasted for quite a while because BNA was away, this was only one hack.. and in a period that several phpbb sites were hacked with mass-exploiting scripts. This was no board/engine war of any kind, and while it made people sad because they couldn't access the board (me included), we knew it was only temporary.
  2. Sounds like a good idea to me. I was actually thinking about some special 'paladin' like abilities they may have, beyond just shooting flame with their hammers. What about making their hammers glow with a holy light? It becomes the equivelent of a torch, but the Thief can't put it out. It will make it harder to hide from them when they're suspicious. I wouldn't give them any healing ability though...leave that for the priests, so they aren't made irrelevant by these guys. I like the idea of using a Stim-response to make other Ai take a step backwards, or mutter in fear, or something around them. It will really make them stand out. And I see no reason why they can't have a one-shot kill...normal hammerites can take you out in two.
  3. I can tell you how to do it right fast. go to doom3/base and make 2 new folders named textures and materials. Under base/textures make another folder and call it whatever. I'll use andybear for the sake of conversation take the texture you wanna add and throw it in the textures/andybear folder. Open up wordpad and copy this entry in (mytexture is obviously used in place of the actual textures name) Once you get that, save it as a text document, then rename it to custom.mtr (you'll have to be able to see your file extentions in the OS). Throw this into your base/materials folder. Now when you open the editor and go to your texture list you'll see a new andybear catagory..that's where your texture will be. Oh, and while you have to have an editor image and a diffuse (basically a regular colored texture), you don't have to have a specular or bumpmap (normalmap) to get it ingame. The diffuse and editor image can be the same image, so just make a copy of one and change the tags on the end.
  4. I got a question. Is there a tutorial that explains how to add textures to a texture pack? I searched the entire Doom3World.org texture forums, but didn’t find any.
  5. actually, T2X board is tiny and the Hammerite Imperium forums are really quiet compared to this.
  6. Hey Rottenberry (love the name!) I'm Saxmeister, people usually just call me Sax. But, welcome to the forums! If you are trying to reply to someone else's post make sure of a few things.... 1. you are correctly logged in, which it looks like you are since your name is showing up and it allows you to post 2. make sure you are actually in the forum thread you want to respond to 3. look at the very top and very bottom of the displayed threads. There are two buttons that do exactly the same thing that say "ADD REPLY" and at the bottom is one called "QUICK REPLY". You can use either. QUICK REPLY is a quick and dirty version that won't allow you to add images or anything like that but it works great for simple text posting. See if these ideas don't help you out. We'd love to have input on the forums from fans such as yourself.... Again, welcome to the club! -sax Addition: If you still don't have contributor's status you may not be able to reply to certain sections of the forum... I'm not sure how this works... but check and see if you can post in the top areas of the forum P.S. Sorry for the fanaticism of this group of people. We love our game and our hero so you can't really blame us for wanting everything perfect! Seriously, we like to discuss as you have already noticed.
  7. Jeez, I'm really loving the forum community for TDM. I mean, the replies I get for my topic is damn amazing. I jus post a topic asking about a release date, and I get 50 replies talking about wether or not we should add a bloody sword to the game(I personally think you should, as it came in handy when I got cornered). And im getting tired of people saying "If you get caught, or if you run out of flashbangs to use to run away with you dont even deserve to be playing the game" or something like that, I mean, not everybody spends so much time playing a damn stealth game so that they never ever get caught, plus a sword, and (my favourite weapon by far in any theif games) the bow, added more replayability, so you could always replay the game and just try to rampage through the level, or sneak, but be a bit more brutal, using the aggression to pick off your enemies in the dark with the sword, or bow, or (I almost forgot another useful tool) the blackjack. If theres one this that I dont like about the forums its that I cant figuire out how to reply in a topic... or maybe thats just my problem for being so stupid, but either way, can somebody please tell me before I have to start a new thread everytime I want to say something?!
  8. You guys should totally add the Sword Gattsu uses in this anime 'Berserk'. I wonder if your thief can bypass a doorway with that... (Great anime btw.) Edit: added a better picture oh, and can't bother to start a new topic: can we get a direct link to these forums? It always throws me in to the Dark Mod page when refreshed. Pretty Please~~!
  9. I just got DOOM3, so instead of playing it, I went out and checked what kind of stuff there is out there for the game. Now of course I knew about The Dark Mod before, you can find 2 of my posts here, as a guest, but I have been watching this project for a few month now, began visiting the site about 2 month or so after the Thief 2D project was promoted through the TTLG forums (ya I know I got weird ways of orientation in time). Anyhow I got DOOM3 for 2 reasons, (1) This mod, and SScar, even though it now looks as if it is going through some rough times(hope SScar team will make it through to finish the project), and (2) to maybe start learning how to mod. I was always a "Quest" game fan, games like Monkey Island, or the more recent The Longest Journey. And so today while watching stuff to get inspired with for something I might try do make after getting through the basics, I found this really cool thing, it had lots of "Interaction Points" of various types, I began thinking about MYST, a game I have never played, but just seen a few video reviews, and screens. So anyhow, after seeing what can be done with the engine, I decided to try and map my first room. As someone who's most "codeing" was making a +/- calculator in Flash ActionScript, and work with 3D environments was about nothing (tried looking at the DeusEx unreal 1.0 based MODing tools, but it was to much for me, to much stuff to remember...), I expected it would take me some time to make my first "map". but it was not so, I was able to make my first room in less then 20 minutes, using a video tutorial form Trepaning.com, and when I got an error during BSP it was so well laid out in the console window, in such nice human like syntax, I was able to understand my error and fix it. I am now pretty sure I was right when I was saying you should stick to TDE when I posted a week ago. Especially after seeing what can be done with it, apart from the DOOM3 Demo. As always I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my poor English, I used a word processor this time, so I hope I don’t have many mistakes. If you believe a mistake of mine stands out to much, and makes it hard for you to read my posts, please point it out, preferably in a PM. (this kind of thing happens a lot when you chat with people with Masters in all kinds of languages, so I am just being careful as it happens too me a lot)
  10. The thievery community has heard (EDIT2:http://forums.blackcatgames.com/showthread.php?t=5086), but the last time I went there was a while. Also, it was made for mainly personal use and anyone wanting it is free to use it/change it/etc, not that I care. Just that since I changed so much, a lot of people here wanted those kind of changes so I thought, hey waht the hell, and so that's why you hear about it. Don't worry, it's not like I'm against the Thievery community anyway (I play Thievery very often, though not lately), so yeah. BTW, when I made it, it was made to balance a 1-on-1 thief vs guard LAN-Play with my bro, so there is no good balance in multiplayer. EDIT: Yeah, I know that the sounds are copyrighted (probably), but it just isn't the same without them . I am not trying to be illegal anyway . Just wanted to share the spoils --Dram
  11. Actually Dennis Nixon (DenTheef), Modetwo just supplies the lovely forums. It's due to both of them that we're still here!
  12. Not sure, I've never come up accross that particular problem. Might be best to visit http://ttlg.com/forums and check the FAQ. If someone else has experienced the problem, it's likely there.
  13. That's a cool take on them, Saxmeister. With them floating, they can gracefully float in or out of a scene. Gives them a sort of "heir apparence" to them. I suck with cliches, so I have no clue if that's the right one You know what I'm trying to say, ROFL. EDIT: Dude, just went over to the TTLG forums and someone wrote something about an "air of mystery." Heh. Please toss this cliche into my above description also. Thank you very much.
  14. Hippo

    New To Thief.

    I couldn't give a damn about hockey. I haven't never really been keen on any sports. Yes, call me a nerd. I've no life. Maybe that's why I'm writing on these forums.
  15. TYROT

    New To Thief.

    dear Kris ! HEY i just noticed ...Thanks for stopping by...I dont know what to say.. I m about to finish that Lost souls.. status report to Phobos Mod from the DARK mod forums...But HEY accept me as i am.....I have three sides in my brain. 1-Thief side... the DARK MOD 2-Sci Fi side...Phobos MOD..(Im the only guy here actually fell in love with DOOM3) 3-........side... .......... MOD... Wait for 31 th of JAN. Finger! calm down..i cant help it!.. i have to make a teaser every month otherwise Life is becoming BORING and DULL.. Kris I am definetly so happy that you loved the thief...Every thief player acting like a evangelist and spreading the word of thief... so ... it s your turn...GO outside and find a stranger....Tell him to play THIEF if he doesnt ..Push him..if he still doesnt care...you know the first rule of Fight club.......IF you cant reach Tyler Durden...call garrett ...he must be in that particular room in T3 and waiting for help..SO..remember we do not have names...we are not snowflakes...(*)... BEST (*) mixture...(**) (**) in case you dont realize... (*) see i have created a DEEP NOTE WARP
  16. Fingernail


    We sorted a lot of stuff out, reorganised the forums, set clearer targets, but I think the big step was assigning department heads. We'd be nowhere without delegation, and at the very beginning it was just me trying to coordinate the whole thing.
  17. actually I was just too lazy to change dave's wallpaper edit: oh and before I forget: as you can see your painting-model is rather small ingame, Oddity. we could use some bigger versions as well. and I noticed a little uv-mapping mistake on the edge - nothing important though. @ dave such areas are great, but I think we should really start to try to make some bigger maps for playtesting (performance etc) now. If you need inspiration check out the mansion reference thread http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=1038
  18. Quote: ---------------------------------------------- Thief 1 and 2 are still the greatest games in the world... but sneaking past AI will never be as intense, difficult, or fun as sneaking past people. The thievery formula is probably one of the best multiplayer thief formula's out there. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than most people give it credit for. They should try it. ---------------------------------------------- you should try my mod . (lockpicking that ai can hear which is also gui, as in it is on screen, not the normal thievery way. Moving the slightest bit lights you up to 20%, and walking or running to 40%[this the ai can see easy] and when walking or running, the player model becomes unlit [cos i put in silhouette mode, making it hard to hide in those annoying tiny shadows but the shadows in every map are tuned automatically at start to be REAL dark]. Basically, it makes the game super-intense [even against the ai]. LOL, I have'nt even passed my version of Bourgeois ) BTW, SE, I heard the nightblade torches couldnt be taken out on the forums cos of lighting problems (theyre apparently not dynamic). Quote: ----------------------------------------------- If we ever do a multiplayer I would prefer it to be like a normal Thief map. One thief and the other players are taking over what would be the AI. ----------------------------------------------- Sparhawk, I agree with you on that
  19. I don't so art. I only do site code. HTML, CSS and JavaScripts, although I like to avoid if at all possible since I also use the far superior PHP (and JS is not always cross-browser compatible, but PHP is). Oh, and of course mySQL. You've seen thiefpetition.com. That's all my hand coding. I don't do art though, and the colours are just those of the forums (I thought they looked nice ). I chose JScripts for site wide stuff there because it was easy and quick. And now there is no need to change it to PHP as the editor is on it's way and the site doesn't need any further work. I like this site. But the versions that whassisname did were pretty nice too. And I still cannot understand why you guys don't have thedarkmod.com. I'm also of the opinion that graphical links are bad, unless they are specially fudged to still work sans images/scripts. Eg, on this site removing images borks the menu. If you want to read without viewing the screens and whatnot you are screwed. You can't get to the forums either. Why would you want to do it? Many reasons - slow connection, machine has images turned off by admins/parents/ebil forces, resolution issues, browser issues. The only sites that can have heavy graphical interfaces are those that are all about graphics as if you can't see the interface there is no point being there anyway. Not so this site.
  20. When that happens, I think I'll throw in the towel too. I vowed never to, but if even the biggest modding Doom 3 forum kicks the bucket, I don't think there's any more point in me modding I really don't think so though, cos BNA himself is a modder, and theres still a lot of activity going on (even id developer Brian Harris visits that place from time to time) Sure wish someone would go hack the HL2 forums though. Time to teach them a lesson or something
  21. I'm often surprised by how much of a guilt complex some young Germans have about the Nazis. There was a German guy on the ISA forums who was almost grovelling to be forgiven, even though his grandfather opposed the nazis and helped jews escape. I can't imagine what must be in the minds of those who's grandfathers were actually nazis or gestapo officers and were responsible for murdering 1000 people or something. Of course it's nothing to do with them, but they can hardly ignore it either.
  22. HEY GUYS Cloak has been discussed and decided. If you want to rebuke the desicion, read here first. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...indpost&p=14844
  23. What is with the "guest" bashing? Just cuz I'm not a member and new to the forums doesn't? Why does it matter? I just don't understand the climbing glove hate. I'm not trying to make you change your minds (as if!) but if you know that your dislike comes form TDS, you must also realise that it is a little unreasonable.
  24. Actually, I think Tyrot's got the finished/colorized fountain, according to his post over here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...indpost&p=13323 However, there are two fountains in that thread. I think (though, don't know) that Tyrot was only going to do the colorized one. I didn't get a chance to finish this one, but maybe there's enough here to work from. The only part of this fountain I didn't finish was the base. Whereas the other one was completely made of stone, I envision this one here having an aged metallic top of some sort (brass? copper?), maybe with some gold accents incorporated throughout the remainder of the fountain? Scratch that, how about the whole fountain being ivory marble with gold accents?:
  25. Hey, wow! That T1/T2 effect sounds pretty cool! See this thread for more info: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=938. Maybe we should be doing the machine types of sounds in stereo rather than mono, to achieve this effect? What do you think we should do, Pak? Here are the above files re-done in this sweet T1/T2 style. Compare them with the original mono files posted above: machine_hum_4-swirltest.ogg machine_hum_3-swirltest.ogg machine_hum_2-swirltest.ogg machine_hum_1-swirltest.ogg Also, Pak, I've made that 'wet finger around a wine glass' sound less pronounced here in this "humamb" file than in my original one, per your request. In doing this, I noticed there was a slight sparkle sound hidden in this file. I liked it, so I brought it out more for us to hear (humamb_1_sparkle.ogg). I could imagine the sparkly one used in a crystal cavern or something. humamb_1.ogg humamb_1_sparkle.ogg And Pak, I've removed the "hiss" from the Harp sounds, per your request. Also added a new one (harp_loud_2.ogg). harp_soft_1.ogg harp_loud_1.ogg harp_loud_2.ogg Additionally, I've created a new Ocean Shore sound. I made this sound as though it's off in the distance rather than really close: ocean_shore_1.ogg Comments are welcome.
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