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  1. Uhm, is it just me or is the normal map reversed? the left one (without) has the stones sticking out, the right one looks like all the "stones" are actually depressions: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=a...ost&id=1492 I notice a similiar effect on "sloppy_bricks_red" or something, where the mortar actually sticks out and the bricks are depressed. That should be the other way, as mortar sticking out would be the first thing that gets broken off and weathered down by the elements. (unless the wall was made 2 weeks ago with plenty of mortar quelling out between the bricks
  2. I was referring to this one: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=121951
  3. If what you've listed above is the same as the rgb/color keywords, then it won't really desaturate the colour, it will just move it closer to black (or white if you use an additive blend). It's definitely useful for creating new textures without the need for more files, however. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=6170
  4. We also have transparent lit and unlit glass. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=6180
  5. *cough* Yes I know I shouldnt be poking around the content forums - but its eve-online downtime and I'm taking the evening to relax! Could glass not be done in a slightly more fancy way? I mean, sure glass like that is okay for low settings - but wouldnt some pretty water-like shader look a whole lot better? I was thinking a sort of startic water like shader with low and wide bumps. Like impure and old glass you find in ooold houses, nothing too busy so that it looks like the refraction is going everywhere, just a slight curve here and there I think that would be quite damn good looking for display cabinets and stuff. Anyway - donno too much about shaders and the doom3 engine yet, but I will get there Just my 1.99c Serp
  6. Take a look at tdm_damage.def: there are a couple of damage types you can choose as argument of the response effect. For instance, a response effect to STIM_FIRE would take the damage_fire entityDef as argument. Or do you rather intend to define the damage entityDef on the stim itself than on the player? Well yes, I had this already implemented, but it was not accepted. I think it's in a thread somewhere in the Level Editing forum, but I might have to dig it up. edit: Here it is: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=5646 edit2: erm, wrong forum for this?
  7. Hmmm... very possibly? My login on the TTLG forums was cypher628. Sound familiar?
  8. Ah... this would be the recent end-of-line indicator change talked about here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=6633 The files aren't actually broken; they're just using Unix-style line breaks instead of Windows-style. The change was made in order to be more consistent, since with both Windows and Linux users working on the files, we were using both styles. The best way to work around this problem is to use a text editor that isn't Notepad. Most decent text editors can handle Unix-style line breaks. I use and recommend TextPad, but there are lots of other good choices.
  9. Hey... I'd like to try out some beta-mapping for TDM. I know I'm a new face here... I used to be a member on the TTLG forums (still am, cypher628) and used to work with Dromed on both T1 and T2. I just downloaded the T3ED and am almost done running through Komag's tutorial. It's pretty different from dromed I'm still used to making everything out of brushes... I never got around to publishing much online but I could probably come up with some old screenies. My e-mail is ckahn@videotron.ca or cnetrix@gmail.com. :-D
  10. It seems like we're caught in a foggy area between body awareness and traditional first person. Really, we're going to have a hybrid of first person and a model. Ideally, it might be wise to go completely one way, or the other. I see two options. 1. See if Doom 3 can function as a 'true' first person system and have the player model completely removed. I think footsteps are tied into the model somehow as well. This could mean having to untangle a lot of things. That would also mean...screw reflections and shadows. 2. We could go the rest of the way and create a body awareness system similar to TDS, but better. It would make some things easier, and some things a little more tricky. We wouldn't need to match animations with the player arms, whatever the model did...would be all we needed. It just seems that we really need to simplify this...one way, or the other. Trying to patch these two systems together, is just rather time consuming. I know the instant response is going to be...no, it sucked in TDS. Well, it doesn't have to suck if the animations are done well. We've seen that the lean animation can be done in such a way that the player won't fall off a ledge. We don't have to go all the way and have rope climbing animations, or ladder animations if we don't want to. Or, we can risk trying to gut the whole player model system right out of the game and make it traditional. It would save us a ton of work and make things much easier. That way, we could focus more on the gameplay.
  11. Fidcal


    Venus: I am using WTV as a simple viewer and the Nvidia convertor. Here's my old post. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...st&p=120912
  12. Well, I regularly visit polycount.com forums and one guy was showing pics of a character he was painting with his tablet. Got me thinking I should ask opinions on them, I've always been curious but didn't want to drop 300 clams. Anyway, was going to post and ask to help me decide as I've never used one. Went buy Best Buy after work since it's almost next door. Thinking, ah $250-$300, probably won't buy, but I'll look anyway. Turns out they have 2 tablets, one is 4x5 drawing surface for $65 and one is 4x6 for $200. So now I'm the proud owner of the 4x5 sized one. That was soo much cheaper than I thought I just couldn't resist, hell, if I don't like it it's not that much of a loss. Got Photoshop Elements and another program with it so that right there is probably worth it. Anyway, I'll post later after I use it and give my opinions. Anyone else use em. Like em , hate em, tips???
  13. Hey there, Just a quick topic about a few things. *A wiki link on the front page: Could we get a wiki link stuck on the front page? even though it's pretty much all development linked, its kinda nice to have a link somewhere visible *BioShock Video Post-Mortem (thanks to BU) "Christopher Kline of 2k Boston runs through the entire BioShock production in an hour and twenty-three minutes. Starting from the beginning, he shows off lots of great video of tech demos and early prototypes, giving a pretty clear and fascinating picture of the ups and downs of the development cycle."(133mb/1h:23m) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4508664361400518462 or http://tinyurl.com/35uahw (flv for watching offline in a decent 3rd party player, with some nice post-processing) Quite interesting, altho a fair bit is about completely irrelevant sections - it does sort of raise a few good points that you generally dont hear the devs talking about. I felt it was time well spent *Paint.NET http://www.getpaint.net/ A few posts about alpha channel issues and what applications correctly support them etc made me think of what I do when testing image stuff.... and I generally just use paint.net. It's around 4mb and comes with some pretty damn decent tools, good resizing, awesome UI and design. Its not going to replace your Photoshop, but it does a great job for a quick doodle or to check out a final version of something in another app *ATi Tray Tools & AMD Drivers http://radeon.ru/downloads/att/attsetup.exe I'v noticed quite a few people using ATI/AMD gpu's around here - and specifically some people with crashes during OpenGL renders are running. A strange thing happened a while back when I removed the .net framework completely from windows(err... dont ask), the OpenGL driver would refuse to run or crash a lot while doing certain odd things. Completely removing the driver, installing .net and everything went back to normal. Anyway, I did find one thing that really helped when I was having the random crashes was to not use the CCC/CP release of the driver and instead opt for the Driver only package (14mb odd), crashes completely stopped in the OpenGL renders that I could open without .net. Anyway - ontop of all that, the tool that's insanely handy to have around without a CP etc (and is way more handy anyway) is ATT. Has everything you could ever want from a graphics card and more, while staying very minimal in memory requirements etc. Highly recommended. Dump CCC. (just disable the FPS overlay, kinda irritating most of the time ) ***** And that concludes my 3am babbling on about random topics that I though of this week while reading the forums and lurking If there are parts that dont make sense etc, drink + 3am + too much studying = this. Serp
  14. Tels

    Linux support?

    Got the email, the pgp-key, the photos, my firefox data, guess the rest wasn't important But then, maybe I can repair my old partition and access the rest of the data. Related good news: scons: done building targets. Yeah! (But you should have warned me that it takes a small cluster to finish the compile in under one day....) Now I just need to figure out how to install Doom 3 under Kubuntu... http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=6572&hl= All the best, Tels
  15. The film composer, Chris Thomas, who came to WOU for a recording session (this post: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=110911 ) has been nominated for an award! I just got this email: http://www.filmtvmusicawards.com/login.php I heard his scores & they are awesome! So help a fellow composer win an award!
  16. Have your download nitro ready, it's a big one. Right click and save the tutorial PDF. It's essentially the same as Komag's current version, but has T3EnhancED specific details. KomagTutT3EnhancED The self installing editor package. Make sure you are using a resume capable download application. T3EnhancED The changes likely won't be too staggering at this point, but I hope they are enjoyable. Changes: At least what I can remember. Sometimes I forgot to log things over the last year. Next up, I'll create a patch to convert the T3 'game' installation into a T3EnhancEd ready installation. Oh, and for those of you who are thinking it...NO, I'm NOT a TRAITOR. Dark Mod is still my primary focus.
  17. Hey there, No problems my side - I'v co'd the svn from sf. Just taking the time to get comfy with where everything is - and how everything is stuck together and working. Also reading the forums(and bugtracker!) as you will notice my nick chilling at the bottom quite often As I said to greebo, doing a year's worth of uni work in the space on a month (because why work for 9 months of the year when you can cram it into a few weeks and get away with it :/) Today I have looked at maths for about 30 minutes... and then watched about 5 hours of series and movies to avoid looking at it, its now 2am and I feel guilty as hell... so I'm gonna go read astro in bed
  18. Sounds and looks good, I have to say. Welcome to the forums.
  19. *from my post at TTLG* WELL SOD IT ALL! There were a few very minor things I missed before compiling the installer. Nothing horrible...just some font sizings that I forgot to tweak. If you have already downloaded the installer, don't worry...I'll post the tweaks or perhaps a patch later. I would suggest people hold off on downloading for another day or two. Sorry, I thought I covered all the bases.
  20. Yes, that's it...and that's all. I will consider compiling further enhancements into the installer if people submit them to me, but as for my own personald TDS development. I'm finished. I've been picking at this on and off for an eternity. The last thing I need to do is whip up a little self extracting patch to bring the TDS game install up to date with T3EnhancED. That way FM authors won't have to worry about packaging all the custom materials in their FM's.
  21. So hey, i did a search in the forums for a freeware game i downloaded recently and didn't find anything; so if this has been talked to death already forgive me. The game in question is Facade, which is basically designed around a kind of soap/drama in which a couple who are old friends invite you over to their apartment for a party and end up having a large dramatic fight about their marriage. The graphics are hardly anything special but the sound and audio for it are very extensive; and of course the AI too. Essentially you interact by typing short sentences which the game then reads and acts to accordingly. I was quite surprised by the level of depth that went into this game considering its only made by like 2 people. When I replayed the act over again I was surprised to find that alot of different combinations of speech can occur, and entirely new dialogue can be unlocked by doing or saying various things. Obviously there are some limitations to this game, the AI has trouble with slang for instance and I find it difficult to type fast enough and have the game read my text in time. This can lead to various errors in the conversation, often with unexpected results. The goal of the game is for you to try and help the couple, Trip and Grace, work out their differences. However I found it much more enjoyable creating a character named Gonzalo and being a complete and utter prick to them At the end of each act a screenplay is generated; which contains all the dialogue, as an example: Heh the screenplays are massively long, too long to put in a post, but i really found this last one quite funny. Hah the shocked expression on his face was classic, and i was surprised that the AI would react in such a way. Apparently racial epithets are banned in the game . To anyone who's interested the game is freeware at http://www.interactivestory.net/ ,its interesting to see how the AI has been designed to react to the player. So far i've been thrown out of their apartment every time I've played. Also, if anyone happens to know of any similar games with sophisticated AI I would like to check them out so i can be an asshole to the characters in them too
  22. We'll need the source Maya binaries or fbx files when you're done with an animation so we can share those animations between characters. Maya + the Doom 3 importer is finicky & includes/excludes unintentional joints of the meshes/animations so we may need to customize the def file export options according to what Doom 3 spits out. Instead of ftp, we're using svn now: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=5623
  23. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=609
  24. Seems these days I think about stuff I want to do/get done for the mod than I actually accomplish. Anyway, one of the things I've been thinking of and did start a little bit of work on is some relic/artifact type object. This one is a suprise, basically I plan on making certain pieces in high poly to work on my normal mapping a bit. Then use all these pieces in different combos to make a set of relic/artifacts (loot/quest items - we can't have too many of these imo) from an ancient civilization. I don't recal anything in the forums about what the ancient civilizations would've been like so I'd like your ideas/comments/suggestions. I'm already set in stone on the stuff I've started, but other varieties can follow. This is as much for me as other modelers/texturists as it might give someone else ideas too. -------- Basically what I'm hitting at is that T1/2 used alot of eqyptian styling in the lost city stuff. I was scanning the net for images and was thinking that stuff more like american indian, mayan, eskimo would be a cool way to go.
  25. ShaZe

    ShaZe's Stuff

    Close up on the last staff Otherwise, where can I get the mod files? I was asking myself the question to know what exactly the path should be when I was setting the material file and the folder structure. I searched a little bit in the different forums but didn't found it.
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