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Restart Mission


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Everytime, when I fail a mission, and choose "restart mission", TDM "hangs" while loading the mission. I ctrl+alt+del and in windows, I see doom3 crash message.


I dont remember any missions where "restart mission" worked. I always try to avoid "restart mission" but it just happened to me in "pandora's box". TDM v1.05


Does "restart mission" work for you?

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I just checked Pandora's Box using the SVN version of TDM. I died a half-dozen times in various ways, and was always able to restart the mission.


I'll check this in 1.05, but do you have a savegame from just before you were killed, and do you remember what you did after the savegame to get killed? If you don't have a savegame, could you possibly create one that was followed by a death/crash?



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I began a new mission in Pandora's Box. Then, failed it and chose "restart mission" several times. This works fine at the beginning. Next, I loaded my last save game (right before completing the mission). Failed and "restart mission". It hangs during loading.


OS is windows 7 32-bit with 4GB ram.


Here is a save game file for Pandora's Box which does not "restart mission".




choose "free-download"

Sorry about rapidshare. I tried to upload to this forum but it says "This file was too big to upload".

Edited by Partol
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@Partol, what gfx card do you have and are you getting other crashing/freezing in other apps games.


GTX 580 (1.5GB vram). Yes, I sometimes crash in a few other games (gothic 3 with mods, Total war:Empire). I think it's usually because of 2GB ram limit in 32-bit OS. Or maybe its a corrupted save file.

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Here is the problem I have in Total War: Empire. It crashes because 2GB ram (32bit OS) is not enough ram.




I dont have any problem loading TDM save games. The only problem is "restart mission" and only after making a few saves, not at the beginning. Can anyone please test "restart mission" on 32bit OS? Or test my save game on 32bit OS? Thanks.

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yes, nearly everyone that plays TDM! Ok I have another thing I want you to try, download the 4Gb patcher tool and use it on your Doom3.exe and see if still have problems.


I tried that patcher but it did not help. Same problem. That patch is for 64-bit OS (and 32-bit exe). My OS is 32-bit. I will try the fix on the other forum which I linked to.


Edit: The fix on the other forum does not help. Same problem.

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That's a common misconception, the patch works on any version of windows. What is does in the case of doom3.exe is allow it to access more then 1.2GB without getting a malloc error.


I see you havent tried the memtest software, can you run that and confirm that your ram isnt faulty.

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First pass on Memtest-86 v4.0 finished and zero errors. Second pass is running now. It is possible that something was corrupted because of previous unstable overclocking (my system is very overclocked). Seems to me, crashes would be more random if there is file corruption or an unstable overclock. This problem is always the same. If there was a "load game" option after failing the mission, then I would choose

"load game" instead of "restart mission" and not have any problem. Does anyone actually restart the mission?

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Here is a save game file for Pandora's Box which does not "restart mission".





Can you possibly make this available somewhere other than Rapidshare?


I've attempted to download it several times now, it doesn't tell me where it's putting it, and when I search the computer afterwards, it's nowhere to be found.

Never mind. I didn't notice that Rapidshare is a 2-step process. I have it now.

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I can make many save games available. This happened to me many times. I just decided to say something today. Do you have a favourite mission? LOL Cant you reproduce this on your system?


Edit: The Beleagured Fence works ok. I am trying FM's in alphabetical order.

Builder's Influence crashes.

Chalice of Kings crashes.

Fiasco at Fauchard street crashes.

Shall I continue?

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I can make many save games available. This happened to me many times. I just decided to say something today. Do you have a favourite mission? LOL Cant you reproduce this on your system?


No. And no one else has reported the problem.



Edit: The Beleagured Fence works ok. I am trying FM's in alphabetical order.

Builder's Influence crashes.

Chalice of Kings crashes.

Fiasco at Fauchard street crashes.

Shall I go on?


I'll be submitting a fix for Pandora in 1.06. As to whether that fixes the crashes you're seeing in other missions, I'll need other savegames to test them.




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You've definitely found a problem with 1.05. If you have a weapon raised when you die, and you select Restart Mission, you'll crash when the mission's being set up.


I was able to create my own crash with the bow raised (yours were all with the blackjack).


All your savegame/Restart sequences led to the same faulty spot in the code. Mine led to a different spot, but it was for the same reason.


So if you know you're about to die, and you think you'll want to restart, lower your weapon.

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Glad you figured out the problem. The reason I sometimes click "restart mission" is because there is no "load game" when I die. There is "end mission" but I was afraid it might uninstall the mission. Yes, my weapon is usually raised when I die. In the future, I will choose "end mission" and load a game, instead of restarting.

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