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Tutorial partition?


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I understand that we have wiki, but it isn't so full of needed info like forum. I think it should be thread "Tutorials" in Editing and Design, because time spent to find something is too much more that should be and asking for help every time isn't politely..


Today I have such questions:

Where find tutorial for making frobable(openable) desks etc.?

Where can be downloaded working properly plugins md5mesh and anim import\export for LW, and what version of LW should work with them?

I want to make my chair moveable, what I have to add? Collision model or I can set up collision borders in editor and how it must be done if it is possible?

If I decided to make bath with water (not know, but I want %) ), in what direction I should look to make it full of water with maybe flowing stream of water?


I think that almost all answers on my questions should be founded in thread "Tutorials" , but it is absent for now...


Wiki is good but it's simpler to make some tutor. topic than adding article to wiki...

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I can answer your first question in short:


Have your brushwork or model for the frobable drawer selected, right click and select Create entity... from the drop-down menu.


Select Movers > atdm:mover_door


To fine tune how the frobable object moves, add / change the following spawnargs in the left hand pane:


(Left is the name of the spawnarg, right is the format it takes values in)


rotate x y z

translate x y z

move_time (in seconds)

frobable 1/0

frob_distance (in doomunits)

Interruptable 1/0


There are tons more, but those should get you on the track for basic frob behavior. I really recommend reading through the A-Z mapping guide available in the wiki, and going through the whole excercise. It teaches you pretty much all the basics so you don't have to ask everything individually on the forums.


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The majority of what you're after now that doesn't involve other software can be found here




For the water, you're best just making the bath model and then letting people fill it themselves if they want to, since it's easy in DR.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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I understand that we have wiki, but it isn't so full of needed info like forum.


Actually more often forum questions are already covered in the wiki. Things that aren't, get added, forums are horrible for tutorials as they can't be edited by others or updated as readily, forum info gets outdated while the wiki gets updated.


One thing that helps is to search both via Google, by including "site:thedarkmod.com" and your search term(s), which will give you both wiki and forum results.

I want to make my chair moveable, what I have to add? Collision model or I can set up collision borders in editor and how it must be done if it is possible?


Just change the classtype to match other movables. For example, "atdm:moveable_small_base" or "atdm:moveable_base" depending on size, see: http://wiki.thedarkm...title=Moveables


Use the spawnarg "clipmodel" to specify which entity to use per: http://wiki.thedarkm...title=Clipmodel

For options on how: http://wiki.thedarkm...itle=Clip_Model

"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out."

- Baron Thomas Babington Macauley

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I want to make my chair moveable, what I have to add? Collision model or I can set up collision borders in editor and how it must be done if it is possible?

There is a custom moveable entity definition used for that. It can be found somewhere in the entity browser. For the collision model, you can create one in DR. Use textures/common/collision on it. Than move it into the correct position and bind it to your chair. If you build the stool in DR, too, move it into the correct position, then select the collision model as well as the visible model and use the ASE export script.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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