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I want blood smearing all over the room...how?


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I looked in some of the decals...err...?


Melan did this good with the dead Builder in Whitechapel Row.


Grayman also did good with the suicide jumper in Home Again.


Where can I find to make messy table and walls?


Is it just a texture? A transparent texture? Are there other steps int he process?


Thanks. Looked on wiki but couldn't find, guess I'm a bad searcher.


And don't go blushing but I like communicating with the forum it's more fun, ahem, humane.


Where else do TDM geeks gather and rally behind each others imaginations brought to life through DR? :D

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Is there any special way to use them or do I just make a shader and apply the texture on it and then place the shader against brick textured shader wall to give appearance of blood splat? Is the surrounding area transparent? Thanks.

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