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Spider Animations


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But since you maybe haven't closely observed, then you have no clue


You guys just aren't as observant with regards to these things.



What I object to is your attitude that, "since you don't agree with ME, you are obviously clueless." What special knowledge makes your opinion right and everyone else's wrong? Because you've sprayed a few spiders? Because you have a friend who owns a tarantula? That hardly makes you an expert on giant spiders.


If you have a compelling argument, make it. But insulting everyone who disagrees with you is just aggravating.

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Common sense and practical observations are what I offer. Where's your evidence countering the fact that this might look absurd, other than: "it looks perfectly natural to me." I agree it looks natural, if you accept the spider leg is a human arm. If you've been as observant as me with respect to spiders, I'm all ears. There's nothing stopping you from bringing to the table that you're a biologist and have studied them intently.


You haven't come up with compelling arguments either, and you have a blind willingness to accept a possible sub-standard animation without further research. "Big spiders aren't real so we can make up our own physiology and physics for it if we want," isn't a good reason, imo. But I guess we all pick our battles. We've all argued instensely on matters that nobody else could care less from one time or another. I've apparently hit one of those.


I figured you, being the art lead, would want to have things accurate and believable for your project -- have things based on real life when we're dealing with a larger version of a real life object. But I think your 'creative' lead side may be getting the best of you in this case. Allowing it through purely for creative reasons.


Unfortunately, I've wasted more time talking about it than proving it (sorry), but I haven't been anywhere I can research better yet. Honestly, I figured someone other than me might be curious to research also. But, like I said, we all pick our battles.


Don't take offense to the attitude, please. It's all in good fun. As oDDity has remarked with his condescending arguments: lighten up. Don't take it so personally.

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An analogy...

A small feather is very light.  I understand the structure of feathers and how they react to air while falling.  Can I not take this knowledge and deduce that a giant feather may still remain somewhat light and may still somewhat react to air in a similar way?  Or should I just throw out all present knowledge I have of feathers and have it fall from the sky like a brick?


That analyogy doesn't work, because of physics. Take an ant. An ant can carry many hundred times it's own weight. Now to use your analogy this would mean that if you expand the ant to the size of a human, it would be able to carry at least a ton. Do you think this would happen?

Now extend your feather to the size of a human. Do you think it would still fall so soft because of it's structure? It wouldn't. Things change when the scale changes, because of teh different properties of physics. Of course the physics is always the same, but this doesn't mean that the behaviour is also always the same.


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Ok, so oDDity's admitted to not being the most knowledgeable or skilled animator before, yet you're okay with just accepting whatever he creates without comment?


Actually we did comment. And Odd changed his animations afterwards. What he created now looks good and thats what is important for a game.


Then again, I've closely watched spiders die before after spraying them with poison.


AHA! A pervert. ;)


Seriously. As I explained in my other posts, behaviour changes when the scale changes, so your observation of real spiders would most certainly NOT fit the behaviour of a giant spider which is as big as a human.


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We're talking about a spider that has gone from the size of a quarter or something to the size of dog; not to the size of a soccer stadium.


Now guess why we don't see exoskeleton animals the size of a dog. There is a reason to it. Guess why dinosaurs or elephant could become so large. So talking about a spider the size of a dog is already accepting irrationality. Well, we have to ask which dog of course, since there are very small dogs, but there are no existing insects even at the size of the smallest dog IMO. Another good hint is, that big spiders also don't cast webs anymore. This is for the same reason, why your feather wouldn't work when it becomes to big. There is also a reason why featherd birds are not getting much bigger through evolution. They either have to change their mode of flight, or they have to change their material which enables them to fly. This is also a reason why turkeys can't fly. Because they are already to heavy.


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AHA! A pervert.

LOL!! Maybe!! Considering I just got back from a strip club, this is very good timing, sparhawk! Although two completely polar opposite perversions, of course.


Make a feather that's 5 or 10 feet across and prove to me it will fall like a brick. I've conceded it probably won't float as freely and loftily as a small feather, but it will still float somewhat; it definitely won't be like

a brick.


Eagles, condors and albatross seem to have no problem flying. I imagine birds could get bigger if their body weight is kept reasonable in relation to the lift their muscles and wings are able to provide. Pterodactyls come to mind; assuming they flew, of course.


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You haven't come up with compelling arguments either, and you have a blind willingness to accept a possible sub-standard animation without further research.


I don't need a compelling argument to say I like the way it looks. You're the only person who has complained about it, so it's up to you to explain why. So far, your argument is, "I'm positive it's unrealistic even though I have no evidence. But since I'm so observant and you guys are all clueless uncreative twits, I must be right."

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Actually, I changed the design of the creature so it now has an internal skeleton.

A spider could not function at this scale for many reasons, including the exoskeleton problem.

This creature's anatomy is now pretty much the same as any vertebrate.

I didn't have to alter the model, since the new changes are all on the inside)


As I said from the start, it is not a spider, but a mutated spider thing, it has some intelligence and some personality, so it very definitely does not have to behave exactly like a spider.

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So far, your argument is, "I'm positive it's unrealistic even though I have no evidence.  But since I'm  so observant and you guys are all clueless uncreative twits, I must be right."

Well, if the board hadn't been giving me errors, I would've been able to post my entire original paragraph of thoughts; which at the end of it said something like, "If your animation is already spot-on, oDDity, my apologies." My thoughts were theoretical, yet based on observations, etc. I wasn't saying I was positive; I was saying we should research... but that's just my scientific/logical side speaking. As far as creativity, I actually said your creative side is what is allowing you to accept this; which means you're creative. I wasn't saying you're uncreative. Creativity is just sometimes illogical. Similar to emotions vs. logic. Neither is necessarily better than the other; just different.


As I said from the start, it is not a spider

That is a way around it, I suppose... :(

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A while back someone mentioned a "Spotted the player!" anim - could we do that "rear up front legs and bare fangs" position for that?? It sees you and goes "hssss!!" and does that freaky pose, and then darts toward you - normal run anim. Although I wonder what it would be like if it did a charge attack with its front legs still raised.


Regarding the death anim, I would preffer to see it die the way a normal spider does, cause it's a sight we all relate to - with its legs all curled up tightly.

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