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Texture Organization


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The time to bring that up was probably when people were discussing the reorganization of the texture folder. I mentioned the same thing, but everyone else disagreed. :)

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I just started to create my own map for the stim/response system and when I tried to work with the editor I noticed that our current texture structure is not really helpfull. It requires a lot of clicking around.

Instead of grouping it by themes, like mansion, city, etc. I think it would be better to have only a small number of groups like wall, doors, windows, walls, ceilings, etc. and then use the name of the file to specify what kind of texture it is (like city_cobblestone_01), something like that.


As it is now I have to click through the tree all the time to see if a suitable floor is available, but usually I go by the looks of it, and wether a given floor is more fit for a mansion or i.e. castle, is rather arbitrary IMO.


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If you guys have too much freetime go ahead and reorg all textures the 3rd time. I'm fine with the current structure and if you ever worked with dromed you'd now that textures always used to be grouped into themes like mansion, crypt or whatever and that's how the majority of mappers like it.

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Reorganizing the textures again is a bad idea, since it would break all the maps yet again. I was just pointing out that the time to debate the structure has come and gone. :)

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