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Pupil Dilation?


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Except that would be wrong in some cases, because your back could be lit, bumping up the lightgem, but very little light could be reaching your eyes if you're facing a dark area. [EDIT: Don't know if you were suggesting we do that or suggesting that's what LGS did.]


The latter.

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this has probably been covered but... is there any way to read the light levels across polys on the player model? cuz that would give a very accurate light gem reading (kinda bothered me about this in thief 3)

I'm in yur forumz,

Makin' them frobbable.

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I've seen it switch sharply from one to the other right before my very eyes too many times to doubt this.


Nobody denies that you may have seen it. But even if you see it with your own eyes, that doesn't mean that one or the other explanation is correct. My solution would explain it just the same and you would still see it the way you see it, so saying that you have seen it with your own eyes doesn't give any information as to the cause.


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I never was referring to the HUD - I was talking about the rendered screen. Here it is in detail: you are in a bright hallway. You enter a pitch black room, look at the dark wall. You will see black (color 000000) with a few brown (giant) pixels on it. As a few seconds passes more pixels become visible and become lighter. It is very subtle.


Since we have a bunch of experienced Dromeders here this should be simple to reproduce. Just create a small map (doesn't need to habve AI or anything), that reproduces the effect for you, and then put it on the FTP. We can download it and give it a try and see if this is indeed an implemented effect or more an effect of the hardware. You should also provide instructions what to do in the map to get the effect.


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this has probably been covered but... is there any way to read the light levels across polys on the player model? cuz that would give a very accurate light gem reading (kinda bothered me about this in thief 3)


This is how it works in TDM. But if you think about it, NO lightgem can be accruate, because of it's nature. How would it? The lightgem is a tiny representation of a big surface.


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true, I was thinking about the silloetting thing and that this would solve it but on 2nd thought I was too close to the issue and misse some realy obvious things.


Like the fact that silhouetting would require a render from the point of view of every AI in the scene, rather than from a couple of fixed directions like the lightgem?

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