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Yeah, it's just a matter of time. I've spent about 12 hours looking for it and correcting all the axis renormalizations to incorporate the scale factor. I still can't find it though, and I'd rather do some more useful stuff than this random hunting for a while.


Also, the physics is not entirely exposed. There is a collisionmodelmanager that is not exposed. This seems to be only used for loading in the clipmodels initially, but within the physics it often calls LinkClip to update the clipmodel somehow. LinkClip takes an axis argument, and I made sure that the axis argument it takes is scaled, but if it takes that axis and renormalizes within the external code, we're screwed.

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Don't you need animating knowledge to rerig the model once it's resized? Anyone can just resize it.

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Ok, go ahead and concentrate on animating, we'll figure something else out for the resizing.


So what are you working on now? We've got another animator coming on board, so it will be best if we keep track of who is doing what. Solis is currently working on a throwing animation for the builder guard (should be applicable to all guards after that).

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Can you take a screen cap of the thief standing next to whatever model you think is the idea size (I think it was the Builder)?


I'll use it as reference. I can re-size the pic in the 3d editor so that the thief on it is the same height as the thief model, and then scale the model up to match the height of the pic of the ideal model.

Or if he's crouching a bit you can paste another copy of the thief scaled up to the real size (using Photoshop) into the same image. Since his head won't be level with that of the ideal model if he's crouching.


I think this'll be more accurate than me doing all the resizing and finding out 110% isn't right after all.


I don't notice anyone exactly jumping up to the task (where is BT these days?) so I guess I will have to do it. I don't know about the armour surfaces though, I think I'd better leave that to someone else so I can keep animating. I think you said you just need the size fixed so you can do other stuff like leaning and collision boxes, which is important.

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I'm confused, in two ways. :)


First, didn't you say a few posts up that you weren't going to resize the player model, and were going to focus on animating instead?


edit: nm, saw your edit.


Second, the player model should not be as tall as the builder guard (or any of our other existing models). It needs to be made large enough that the eyes are at 68 Doom units in height so it matches the camera. That's a resize of 110%.


I'll repost this picture:



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Hm... this seems dead easy.


Open the appropriate farrel.mb in Maya (I'm assuming it's the one in oDDity's files under mymodels\farrelMBs\stance2.mb), click on the center "hip" bone, from the menu at the top click Edit / Select Heirachy, then on the right choose the resize tool, then in the perspective window, click in the center of the resize tool and drag till the scale amount is 1.100, then choose the move tool and drag him upward till his feet are resting on top of the ground again, and you're done.


I played the animation, had no problems at all.


Just not sure exactly what model you guys are using to get it into the game - I couldn't find any md5mesh's for the player.


I uploaded my modified version of the thief model here.

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The player model -isn't- in game yet. That's the next thing we want to do when he's resized. :)


Oh, we also have to remove the bow from his back (it's only in certain animations, apparently?)


If it's that easy to resize them, could you shrink the proguard while you're at it? He needs to be shrunk to 94% of the original.


(Btw, when we go with af attachments for weapons we'll want to remove the swords from the models. Will that mean re-exporting the animations again?)

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just editing the maya files and uploading them, is that what you want?


Could you export them to md5 format? Once they're in md5anim format we can get them in game fairly easily.

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If it's that easy to resize them, could you shrink the proguard while you're at it? He needs to be shrunk to 94% of the original.


Are we also planning to shrink the cityguard elite too? He's pretty big. If the animations still work (which is weird because Odd said it would require re-rigging), we might as well do that now too right?

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Well, if it really is as easy as it seems, then we can shrink him as well. Might be a good idea to go through the whole process with one of the other models first just to be on the safe side. :)

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Which one then? Aren't they all as important as each other?

(which is weird because Odd said it would require re-rigging)

I'd say if you resized the mesh, yeah totally - but I've found if you resize the skeleton, the mesh scales with it - makes sense, because the skeleton controls the mesh.

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Which one then? Aren't they all as important as each other?


The elite city watch is a little on the tall side. We were going to leave him be if it was a lot of work, but he could be resized a bit if it's easy. I'd still like to go through the whole process with the proguard first--resizing and re-exporting back to game--to make sure there are no bugs in the process we haven't noticed yet. :)

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Can we agree to refer to things by their def name or model name or something?


You mean like the def file tdm_ai_merc_proguard.def? Or the entity atdm:ai_merc_proguard? Or the md5 files in models/chars/md5/chars/guards/proguard?



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I'd say if you resized the mesh, yeah totally - but I've found if you resize the skeleton, the mesh scales with it - makes sense, because the skeleton controls the mesh.


Cool! So does this mean we can theoretically resize AI relatively quickly and I can stop trying to resize them in the code?


Btw, did you say you went thru the whole process on the player and the animations work and everything?

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Cool! So does this mean we can theoretically resize AI relatively quickly and I can stop trying to resize them in the code?


Btw, did you say you went thru the whole process on the player and the animations work and everything?


It would be good if we can at least resize the statics though :D

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