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Xbox 360 backwards compatible with 466 Xbox games


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Not that anyone really cares, but I just found out that Xbox 360 has continued to plug along and add more and more original Xbox games to it's backwards compatibility list. I had figured back in early '06 that Microsoft would "support" it by adding a token couple dozen to the list as it had originally come out in late '05 with about 200 games on it, but that they would then abandon it completely.


I'm just impressed that they care enough to keep working on it. I'm sure quite a few fans out there of specific games are happy with that.


I wish they would add DXIW to the list though. I hated that game long time ago, but I figured I might give it another try and play on console since it was designed for that anyway! :P

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One that irked me that isn't on the list is Butcher Bay. The makers of Butcher Bay are developing a kind of 1.5 version called Dark Athena, with added content, but still feels like an unnecessary money grab.

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Lol! The entire games industry is an unnecessary money grab. I think the publishers of the guitar hero series made something ridiculous like half a billion dollars from it.

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There was an arcade version of the same game in Japan from about 1998 or '99, not too long after DDR came out (and about the time I lived there) ... so to me, even when it came out Guitar Hero was already an old game.

Edited by demagogue

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