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-Sell it on ebay or something. Always more clever to get some profit instead of simply mindlessly breaking something.


Oh dear, selling it might result in a little social event where you can secretly or openly despise the buyer. You get that AND you get money for it. A good deal, some might say.


I don't need the money, and I see the selling of mind-rotting games to the sort of vegetables who would buy them is no better than drug dealing. I don't despise them, but pity them.

That's what computer games are, just another mind control drug, a way of escaping reality.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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Oddity you should really play the game. It is actually original and creative type of game. It is a mixture of rpg and fps along with adventure game.


I'd LOVE to, but unfortunately, I've got a lot more constructive things to do with my time. Pity.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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And I think, if you want to get anywhere in life, you should avoid all contact with modern trash culture and concentrate on self-improvement.

Nothing keeps people cowed and genericised more than the relentless distractions of the modern media controlled dumbed down society.

Just say 'no' to it.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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And I think, if you want to get anywhere in life, you should avoid all contact with modern trash culture and concentrate on self-improvement.

Nothing keeps people cowed and genericised more than the relentless distractions of the modern media controlled dumbed down society.

Just say 'no' to it.


That's a good analysis :D.

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I don't need the money, and I see the selling of mind-rotting games to the sort of vegetables who would buy them is no better than drug dealing. I don't despise them, but pity them.

That's what computer games are, just another mind control drug, a way of escaping reality.


For some maybe, but I just consider them entertainment like television :) If your not using your STALKER game can you pm me the CD key because even though I bought the game from EB games the cd key says it's invalid for multiplayer play :wacko:

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That's what computer games are, just another mind control drug, a way of escaping reality.

So are books. :) So is watching a stage performance, eg. a Shakespeare play.


There are a lot of crap games and movies because they've become mainstream, but I don't see the relevance of stating that they're a form of escapism. Is escapism bad, is it?

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Again the inevitable comparison comes up between games and books/plays etc.

You cannot compare them, apart from some superficial similarities, and you should really be able to work that out for yourself if you bother to consider it.

As for escapism in any form, yes, I think it is bad, if only because it points to the fact that you have something to escape from. If your life is in a position where you need to frequently escape from it, then you should remedy the source of the problem.

Within the various forms of escapism, those that take the form of pure, mindless distraction (computer games) are obviously of the least value.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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Video games can be many things and one of those things is educational. I love how Company of Heroes recounts what happened in World War 2. Or how Chernobyl is remembered in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. as a horrific event.


Not all video games are mindless "escapism" as you call it. Some have a deeper meaning for some people and they are a form of art at least for me.


Also video games can bring people together with party games etc and people form friendships around them. They help people socialize and have fun for a little bit.


There is nothing wrong in that.

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Well, you'd be stretching it to say that videogames are a form of education, but I suppose the same goes with movie, as most movies embellish the truth.


It's clear that video games are more involving mentally that TV or plays ect, but books I would have to say are on the same level or above. When you read a book you are being drawn into it, I rarely get drawn into a videogame.


If you are playing a videogame to escape your problems, whether that be problems at work, family problems, social problems then yes, I'd agree with oDDity it is a form of escapism, but when your someone like me who just gets bored and decides to play a videogame for 30 mins of the day, I see nothing wrong with that, it's the same level as watching TV for me.


It's the classic, 'this is what's wrong with society' argument just moved on to a more modern piece of technology. Just like a couch potato, if your spending 6 hours a day on WoW then yes, you may have some issues ;)


Now hows about that cd key oddity :)

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Yea I've beat the game about 4 times start to finish now actually lol.

You played Stalker 4 times? I had to force my self to finish it even once. To me, Stalker was nothing but unbalanced and boring gameplay. The only interesting parts were imo the labs and the hiding place. If it could be played a little bit more sneaky like shown in the first previews it would've been nice, but this was just stupid to me. I don't want to offend anyone here though. If you liked it, I am ok with that... :) That's the one thing I have learned of the endless discussions about this game with my friends: I have to accept that other people like it! ^^

Edited by STiFU
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I liked STALKER because the AI were pretty good and many times they felt almost like human opponents. Like in Far Cry before they ruined it with the mutants. One time I engaged an AI from about 300 yards out in a field with foliage, and he somehow snuck past me and climbed up top this big 2 story building I was hiding behind and shot me. I was pretty impressed, because not only did he figure out a good approch, but the stairs were collapsed going up there so he must have jumped across, unless the game just cheated and teleported him there or something. I never finished it though, my system can't quite play it smoothly and it kept choking on the later missions.

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...unless the game just cheated and teleported him there or something...


-Well the game respawned bad guys. Situation in which new enemies appeared out of nowhere just behind you was annoyingly frequent...


-The mapper's best friend.

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There's certain aspects of the game which are fun in a basic form I thought. There's a particular gun, the LR3000 that is silenced and has an attached scope that the description says is intended to be a mass produced cheap sniper rifle alternative. I had a ton of fun with this gun, for some reason it just just great :)

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Again the inevitable comparison comes up between games and books/plays etc.

You cannot compare them, apart from some superficial similarities, and you should really be able to work that out for yourself if you bother to consider it.

As for escapism in any form, yes, I think it is bad, if only because it points to the fact that you have something to escape from. If your life is in a position where you need to frequently escape from it, then you should remedy the source of the problem.

Within the various forms of escapism, those that take the form of pure, mindless distraction (computer games) are obviously of the least value.

Ah well, I guess we disagree there. :) I enjoy both games/movies and books/plays for their escapism, even though I get different things from them.


I guess the key word here is inspiration, and exposing your mind to the rest of the world. The amount of unique suggestions I've contributed to our meetings at work because the amount of games I've played and the experiences they've left on me, is a testament to the usefulness of escapism for its own sake.


And when you travel to other countries, you have a chance to escape the world you know and see a different one, and open your mind.


I think escapism gives us the random chance to have our minds open in ways we don't expect or understand beforehand.


For example, one of my new favorite games, Fatal Frame, has shown me that you can make a truely scarey game that scares you on a more primal, mental level, rather than the very common "fighting a zombie horde with a knife" type of "scarey" which is really not that scarey, just annoying.

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I guess the key word here is inspiration, and exposing your mind to the rest of the world. The amount of unique suggestions I've contributed to our meetings at work because the amount of games I've played and the experiences they've left on me, is a testament to the usefulness of escapism for its own sake.

Lol, yes, but it's a self-contained system, your contributions, no matter how good, are only going towards producing more of the mindless entertainment I'm taking about.

Your frivolous experiences in game worlds are not contributing to anything that is of any importance in the real world.


For example, one of my new favourite games, Fatal Frame, has shown me that you can make a truely scarey game that scares you on a more primal, mental level, rather than the very common "fighting a zombie horde with a knife" type of "scarey" which is really not that scarey, just annoying.

Why is that a good thing? Why do you want to set up the pretence of being scared by playing a game? What purpose is it serving, other than cheap thrills?

Of course, games are just one tentacle of the entire media and entertainment controlled world, which is one big system designed solely to provide cheap, puerile thrills to an increasingly lethargic public, which has become distracted and disengaged from anything of importance in the world.

The few important people at the top do the important stuff as they see fit, while the rest of us just sit around and play in our own shit.

Aldous Huxley had it right.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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Wow :) You don't just de-value having fun, you actually hate it!


Well I can understand people abusing their entertainment to the point of wasting time, but it sounds like you're saying fun has no place in the world.


If a movie does nothing but leaves people feeling good at the end, that's a good thing I think. I bet if you watched war movies and war documentaries end to end, you'd come out feeling depressed and it'd probably affect your productivity. It's not hard to imagine a good video game or movie having the opposite effect.


I want to ask how you feel about catching up with friends and just going out and having fun with people - socialising at all, that's just fun isn't it? What's your opinion on that?

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Depends what you're doing with them. If you're literally just sitting around drinking and talking shit, then of course it's a waste of time. Doing nothing of any consequence like that is the very definition of wasting time, it's not just my opinion.

Unless you're involved in something constructive or creative, you are wasting your time.

I don't do that any more. In fact, I don't do anything any more that isn't constructive or creative, or related to improving my knowledge and abilities so I can be even more constructive and creative.

I already wasted 10 years up to my late twenties fucking around doing nothing, and I'm not going to waste any more of my life.

Playtime is for children, and I don't need any.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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You say that as if it's inevitable, as if everyone experiences burnout at some point, but it's not the case. Only weak-minded individuals do so, and I'm not one of them, my will is as hard as nails, and my self-control is absolute, which is why I have no vices whatsoever, not even women can distract me from my path.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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