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Open Models with CMs


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Virtually all small models have CMs so that they can be used as movables. However, CMs cannot really be concave, so on things like vases, buckets, etc, the cm has to be flat on top. This means you can't drop things into a movable bucket; the object will just sit on top and look silly. The CM also works on the model even if it is not a movable--in the shot below, I dropped a movable bucket onto a static bucket, and it still just sat on top.


Is it worth making two different bucket models, one with a cm and one without?


How was the key inside the pot in St. Lucia, btw? Or the key under the hat?


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Yes and No.


Seriously. I think it's worth it in some instances and not others (debate starts here>>>


In the case of that bucket I think it should have proper collision and possibly NO moveABLE VERSION. doh, caps lock.


The reason I say this is mainly becaus eof the handle and because it's something authors might choose to put trash or something in (or have aplayer drop something in it). The handle doesn't move so throwing it is odd anyway. In that case I think we should implement the infamous AF bucket.


As far as SL goes. If I'm not mistaken the key was just bound to the pot, not dropped in. No matter how you turn the pot the key was still there, didn't fall out. No collision detection involved.

With the hat, same thing probably. They were placed in position in editor so the collision didn't matter. I never tried to put the hat back on top of the key but I imagine it would've 'floated' if I had.


So I really think the collision depends on what object it is. Will the player need to do a physics puzzle with it? Will the player need to move it? is it acceptable to be a non-mover. Do we really need a mover and non-mover of that specific object.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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If we did make a non-cm version, what would the naming convention be? I don't want to change the entities, so the existing models would be the movable ones. Maybe [name]_static?

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