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Character Issues to fix for release


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These are issues that need to be addressed relating to the AI meshes/attachment points. Treat this thread like the "broken entities" thread, and add to it as you notice problems or fix things.


1. Something has changed with the torch-holding guards. The torch now seems rotated 90 degrees and is floating off to the side.




2. A number of characters (the thug is particularly bad) need different attachment points for weapons...his sword is through his hip.


3. The proguard still has problems with his mesh. His hands have a messed up uvmap, and there is a gap around his neck where you can see through him. This has been an issue for months. I could fix it in under half an hour, but that would make the most updated proguard file a .lwo. Maybe I'll just go ahead and make two proguards; a usable one and a "developer" version (the current one).

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3. The proguard still has problems with his mesh. His hands have a messed up uvmap, and there is a gap around his neck where you can see through him. This has been an issue for months. I could fix it in under half an hour, but that would make the most updated proguard file a .lwo. Maybe I'll just go ahead and make two proguards; a usable one and a "developer" version (the current one).


i've looked into this issue a few times before. The uv swapping didn't work because somehow the mesh seems corrupt. It should be a small fix but i need to look at it carefully if no one else can spare some time.

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It is (or was) in the generic idles folder. But it was saved at a frequency D3 can't read, so I'm coverting it to a wav.

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