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Russian translation of FM


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Hello all! I'm new here and I VERY WANT to help :)

I am ready to translate and I can put the translations into the missions. (Russian players even made it some sort of a community project, where everyone who wants to help, translates some parts of the missions. I'm currently helping them.) We want to make a complete translation of at least a few missions. (Including briefings, which sometimes coming as a *.dds files. I also can handle it) But... as always there are a few difficulties.

- In Russian it is sometimes just impossible to translate things SHORT. (I suspect not only in Russian)
- We can not have our own *xd's and *.dds since they are common for all localizations.

I think this is the most difficult part for everyone who starts their own localization. And this is not a criticism of developers - they've made a HUGE work already, which we all are thankful for.
I saw people writing that they're not playing TDM because of a lack of translation. We - and me personally - really want to help and made things proper. An there's a decision to make.

So the main questions are:

-is it theoretically possible to handle "num_pages" in a stand-alone file, which can be edited separately for all languages?

I suspect this is a Sisyphean task, so if not, then:

-can we make a stand-alone version (*.pk4-file), so it can be downloaded separately on FM's page on the TDM website (OR handle it on our own servers (both ways making it impossible to download from TDM updater - and I'm not sure that developers will agree with such a hardcore and radical decision) for localization files (not just *.lang-files)?

- any other solution you can come up with.

PS. can it be the main topic for Russian localization?
Thank you.

UPD: In case if someone's interested in our progress, you can track it down here: http://notabenoid.com/book/53218/ (website was closed for non-registered users, sorry)
UPD2: The authors (of FMs) are welcomed to give us their permission on translation here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/16572-translating-missions-mission-author-consensus-request/

UPD3: Fixed Russian fonts can be found/downloaded here

- and, yes, - we're working on subtitles and on translation of all audio files;

UPD4: 62 missions translated and counting; Public change log;

Sill missing testers, but the first reviews were quite good.

At this point i'm kinda ready to admit that...


UPD5: at this moment we have 76 translated missions

UPD6: 90 missions translated and counting...

UPD7: 99 missions translated, tested and uploaded on darkfate.org

Edited by charisma
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The individual mission pages say if the mission has a "localization pack". I used 7zip to extract the one for Business as Usual, and opened the english.lang file in the strings folder. There's all of the strings for that mission, but no other languages.


Edit: Alright, I found a mission with many translations, Too Late. Including Russian, Czech, Polish, German, etc. It also has a folder for GUIs, meaning in this case the splash screen that is shown while you are loading a mission for the first time. Download the localization pk4, open it, and open the .lang files to see how you format the translations.


Edit 2: Actually, despite the files being there, looks like just the German and Italian translations are actually complete for that mission. Here's a sample:




// String table english (iso-8859-1) for: Too Late - Zu Spaet


// This file was generated automatically on 2012-08-05 10:52 UTC by I18N.pl v0.14



"#str_20000" "Zu Spaet"

"#str_20001" "Du wurdest angeheuert, um ein antikes Zepter zu stehlen. Doch als du dort ankamst, erhielt jemand anderes deine Beute. Du hast Sie zu einem Lagerhaus an den Docks verfolgt und jetzt ist es Zeit, sich zurueckzuholen, was dein sein sollte."

"#str_20002" "Diese Map wurde erstellt von Nielsen74 (Sonnich Brinch Nielsen)\nBeta-Test durch: etdarkb, lostbuthappy, bambini, 7upMan\nKorrekturlesung: 7upMan\nUebersetzer DE: Radiant\n"

"#str_20003" "Antikes Zepter"

"#str_20004" "open_hours" //so lassen...

"#str_20005" "Erbeute Wertsachen im Wert von 800."

"#str_20006" "Stehle das Zepter"

"#str_20007" "Kehre zum Ausgangspunkt zurueck, sobald du alle Aufgaben erledigt hast."

"#str_20008" "Erbeute Wertsachen im Wert von 1100."

"#str_20009" "Schlage nicht mehr als zwei der Diebe k.o.. Es soll noch einer erzaehlen koennen, dass sie nichts bemerkten."

"#str_20010" "Erbeute Wertsachen im Wert von 500."

"#str_20011" "Hauptschluessel" //Generalschluessel, Hauptschluessel, Zentralschluessel

"#str_20012" "\nDu wurdest angeheuert, um ein antikes Zepter zu stehlen. Doch als du dort ankamst, erhielt jemand anderes deine Beute. Du hast Sie zu einem Lagerhaus an den Docks verfolgt und jetzt ist es Zeit sich zurueckzuholen, was dein sein sollte.\n"

"#str_20013" " Delete this text and enter your own. One paragraph between each set of quotation marks.\n\nThis is another paragraph on the same page. Change this too.\n" //not in mission

"#str_20014" "Wir hatten einen guten Zwischenstopp heute Nacht. Das Zepter war eine ange-\nnehme Ueberraschung. Wir muessen ein wenig mit dem Verkauf der Beute warten, bis sich die Lage beruhigt hat. Ich denke, ich schicke das Zepter besser zusammen mit den Tellern und Tassen von Lord Arnings Anwesen in einer Kiste hoch zur Kueste.\n"

"#str_20015" "Ich beauftrage Frank und Johan morgen die Kiste zu versiegeln und dort hinauf zu steigen. Frank lebt prakti-\nscherweise sowieso dort oben.\n"

"#str_20016" "\n\n AUSSER BETRIEB\n\n\n\n NICHT einschalten\n"

"#str_20017" "Unfallbericht von\nStrom Erfinder\nAlix Frydede\n\n\n\n"

"#str_20018" "\n\n\n\n\n\nNach einer gruendlichen Untersuchung der Generatoren kam ich zu dem Schluss, dass die Explosion durch eine falsche Verkabelung in den Spulen ausgeloest wurde. Dies bedeutet, dass die Schuld fuer den Unfall beim Hersteller des Generators liegt. Er sollte die Reparatur und den Schaden bezahlen.\n\n"


"#str_20020" "\n\n\n Das Gelaende ist geoeffnet\n zwischen\n\n 6 und 18 Uhr\n\n Um Zugang ausserhalb der\n Oeffnungszeiten zu erhalten,\n\n befragen Sie die Stadtwache.\n" //see the city watch - Stadtwache oder Stadt Uhr

// Strings in guis\map\too_late.gui

"#str_20120" "guis/assets/splash/too_late_start_ge.tga" // The font used is Comic Sans MS

"#str_20121" "LADE MISSION"





Edit 3: Here's some more stuff: http://wiki.thedarkm...nationalization


I was under the impression that there was full support for Russian characters. Somebody else probably knows more.




Edited by jaxa
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Thanks, Jaxa!


According to what you've said - we actually CAN make our own packs - this is a great news.

I was following this page: http://wiki.thedarkm...tle=I18N_Status

It says that not any of FM has a Russian version.

And yes - seems like 'Too Late' mission is not translated too :D


I'm currently testing some *.dds files I've recently made for St.Lucia map and it seems to be working:




but, again - if we want them in game, we must replace original files and that's not good. And that's what I've talked about earlier. So I really need someone from administration to read this and help us :)

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I maintain the FM archive and page, so if you give me the file you want inserted into the relevent FMs etc - I will do that.


This is awesome!

Btw, I'm kind of proud of talking with legendary modmaker :D


As soon as I have all the translated files, I'll send you a PM with a *.pk4-file. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great news! 10 missions are already translated and we're testing them now. But we have faced one small problem with a Russian fonts, that already been described here: http://wiki.thedarkm...sion_%26_Repair


The gaps between some letters are too big. I've tried to change xskip parameter (in _12, _24 and _48 files) but it didn't helped:




I wonder if someone could help.

Edited by charisma
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Thanks for quick response! Yes, Russian fonts are already there, but it seems like no one tested them actually.

I've read old thread here about translating GUI (that's when the Russian fonts were added): http://forums.thedar...ng-the-tdm-gui/

Haven't found the answers there. But there was a user, Tels, he understands this better than anyone. But his last activity here was in February... So I'm kinda confused.

Do you know anyone who I can speak with?


Thanks again :)

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The instructions here are working, just use the patcher on offending characters. Here's what I got on the first try using these values:

source font_in/treasure_map/fontimage_12.dat
target font_out/treasure_map/fontimage_12.dat
decrease_xskip 0xF0 3
decrease_xskip 0xF3 4

source font_in/treasure_map/fontimage_24.dat
target font_out/treasure_map/fontimage_24.dat
decrease_xskip 0xF0 6
decrease_xskip 0xF3 8

source font_in/treasure_map/fontimage_48.dat
target font_out/treasure_map/fontimage_48.dat
decrease_xskip 0xF0 12
decrease_xskip 0xF3 16

Seems I overdid it with 'р', 'у' is alright, also 'б' and capital 'Г' could do with adjustments. But it's working.




Я русскоязычный, если что.


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Cool, you translated Requiem :-). That must have been a lot of work! I hope the guys on the Russian forums enjoy it.


Hey, you're the author! I'm glad you stopped by here!

That was an awesome experience! (both playing and translating).Congrats on winning the competition btw.

I did the full translation and we're testing it now.

You don't need to be worry - your mission is in good hands. :)


The instructions here are working, just use the patcher on offending characters. Here's what I got on the first try using these values:

Seems I overdid it with 'р', 'у' is alright, also 'б' and capital 'Г' could do with adjustments. But it's working.


I've send you a PM.


grayman, Bikerdude


Thanks a lot for the help! The whole Russian community appreciates that :D

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Hi guys,


let me first say Спасибо for bringing a Russian translation, this is very welcome!


IMO the entire "8 bit charmap and bitmap font" code shoud be ripped out and be replaced by Unicode + TTF handling, it would make our live so much easier. But this is only a dream :)


Anyway, I have no longer access to the darkmod source code repository, and haven't touched any code for a year, either, so I might be of only little help.


The Font Patcher etc were written by me because there was no other tool, but they might not be complete and/or buggy, and of course, they do not solve the "bitmap problem" - every character has a fixed widht regardless on what other character follows (e.g. there is no kerning).


So, if you got any specific problems or questions, please ask. Maybe I can assist you. But please do not expect miracles :)

Edited by Tels
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"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Your patcher is functional, and aside from minor inconvinience of needing separate command .txt's to handle multiple input/output files, it seems bug-free. Really, it's fine.


The reason for confusion was more on documentation side, since there is another wiki article with different tools (for more manual tweaking), and since the requirement of having Perl installed (for Windows users) isn't mentioned on the patcher's page. I've since sent instructions on how to set up the patcher step-by-step, so I think the issue is resolved.

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Your patcher is functional, and aside from minor inconvinience of needing separate command .txt's to handle multiple input/output files, it seems bug-free. Really, it's fine.


The reason for confusion was more on documentation side, since there is another wiki article with different tools (for more manual tweaking), and since the requirement of having Perl installed (for Windows users) isn't mentioned on the patcher's page. I've since sent instructions on how to set up the patcher step-by-step, so I think the issue is resolved.


Oh, ok, cool. Do you think the Wiki page needs still improvement? If so, please say so, I'll edit it.


As for multiple fonts with one go, back then I didn't need this, just wrote a shell script for that, for Windows you might want to use a batch file (.bat). It surely could be fixed, if it is really inconvienent for you.


Glad to see Russian is coming along, if you find any errors or omissions in the Menu/HUD etc, please post them. Thank you :)

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"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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you might want to use a batch file (.bat)
That's what I used/recommended as well, so like I said, not really a problem.

Regarding wiki articles, this one isn't redundant, and it does link to patcher instructions. Leaving them as they are seems fine, I mean, it's hardly a frequently asked question, and it isn't going be asked again until some other language translation comes along. I see "needs Perl" has been added, the rest of the instructions aren't that hard to figure out.

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Hello, Tels! I am really glad to see you here!

I must say a HUGE thank you for all your work - you've done so much important things for us, translators!


Too bad you don't have access to the source code. Maybe you know who handles this part of TDM right now?

I've figured out that I can set the value of "num_pages" as a string and change that number of pages separately for each language. ('cause in Russian we often should cut the text for it to fit. And this is not a good decision for translation, since we do not want to loose anything that author wanted to say.) This is the biggest problem right now. I wonder if it is theoretically possible to move "num_pages" to *.lang files too? Or it affects too much on other things?


And again, thanks to you and chedap - we finally figured out how that script works!

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Hello, Tels! I am really glad to see you here!

I must say a HUGE thank you for all your work - you've done so much important things for us, translators!


I'm just glad that it finally gets used - it is so cool to see FMs in other languages, even tho I don't speak/read most of them :)


Too bad you don't have access to the source code. Maybe you know who handles this part of TDM right now?

I've figured out that I can set the value of "num_pages" as a string and change that number of pages separately for each language. ('cause in Russian we often should cut the text for it to fit. And this is not a good decision for translation, since we do not want to loose anything that author wanted to say.) This is the biggest problem right now. I wonder if it is theoretically possible to move "num_pages" to *.lang files too? Or it affects too much on other things?


Technically, I'm sure it is possible, because TDM has the full source code now. Practically, I don't know who could do this work.


Edit: Isn't it already possible? See http://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=3193


And again, thanks to you and chedap - we finally figured out how that script works!


I'm glad I could be of assistance. A lot of things in the I18N side are left-overs from D3 and should really have been replaced with something more modern - but the manpower is simply not there...

Edited by Tels
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"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Yeah, that works just awesome, but we need to change the *.xd-files, is that ok? What if the author wants to make some changes in the mission?

That's what I'm worried about.


And a new problem today: some wrong symbols.


1. the small "я"



2. the doubled breve in "й"



I thought I need to change only *.dds-files, but it didn't worked. Should I edit something else?

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