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Everything posted by Obsttorte

  1. @ thiefette: as far as I recognized it this is a new 1.08 feature didn't tried it out yet, but I guess I'll have to
  2. good to hear you liked it, thanks and in regard to your spoiler
  3. Thank you ST, nice to hear that you liked it For the critics: - the z-fighting you mentioned isn't one, it's a lighting problem that I thought I resolved , well I was never sure what caused it - wood: I know, I tried to fix this afterwards but I guess I missed some I plan to do a second release of this mission in the future, but I don't know how long it wil take I already started making my second FM but didn't worked on it for 2 weeks now I guess I'll make the update when the second one is in beta phase what I hope I can accomplish before christmas (so I'll have a little present for the community) also thanks for the criticism, always good to try to get better IMO
  4. danke, ich schau's mir am Wochenende mal an, wenn ich durchsteig probier ich mich einfach mal an einem Font aus der Testmission aus und schick dir's dan, damit du mich n bissl kritisieren kannst
  5. @ST: I had this problem once, too it where the shader units on my graphics card, but this problem only occured in games, not on desktop I don't know if all those unnecessary windows eye-candy effects make use of shaders, but if so it would be an explaination for it working in safe mode if you should have the same problem I don't know if it is possible to isolate and deactivate such a unit in this case via some tools or so, but if not (or if your problem is something else), I guess your only choice would be to replace the card but I'm not an expert, so maybe I'm wrong
  6. Also: Fehlermeldungen gibt es keine Es gibt ein paar unknown string Warnungen, die hab ich aber immer, denk ich Bei folgenden zwei Warnungen bin ich nicht sicher: - attempt to modify read-only fs_mod CVAR failed - cannot find guis/mainmenu.gui Der Witz ist, das das Menu und so ja in Deutsch sind, nur das Briefing und die in-game Texte sind halt noch in englisch, als würde er die deutsche Variante einfach ignorieren Mit anderen Missionen kann ichs leider nicht probieren, ich hab nur für Flakebridge ne Übersetzung Hat sich an der Ordnerstruktur irgendwas mit 1.08 geändert?
  7. noch was: hast du irgend eine Ahnung warum bei mir die Übersetzug nicht mehr geladen wird? Wie gesagt, in der 1.07 gings noch einwandfrei.
  8. Das ist ne klasse Idee, vllt auch ne Liste, welche Fonts wie abgeändert werden müssen (falls es nicht bei allen gleich ist) Ich würd euch da gern mit unterstützen btw.: Es gibt ja auch andere Sprachen mit Umlauten/Akzentuans (oder wie auch immer man das schreibt), wie siehts da eigentlich aus? Ich sprech zwar keine von denen, aber es wäre ja sinnvoll, die entsprechenden Leute darauf aufmerksam zu machen Ich glaub ja eher, das bei den meißten Leuten einfach der Eindruck entsteht, das die meißten Leute aus dem Team vllt. gar kein Interesse haben, da sie ja auch alle miteinander kommunizieren mussten, und dementsprechend alle gut Englisch können Oder sie trauen sich einfach nicht, ihre Hilfe anzubieten, wer weiß
  9. Grüße, nochmal wegen der Übersetzung von Flakebridge. Ich wollt grad nochmal nen Blick reinwerfen, musste aber feststellen das meine Dark Mod Installation immer die englischen Strings auswählt anstatt der deutschen. Keine Ahnung woran das liegen könnte!? In der 1.07-er gings noch.
  10. did you try to start the training mission from the beginning instead of loading a saved game with St. Lucia: did you start a new game or also load a save game maybe the missions were updated, then the old saves will probably not work
  11. As far as I understood the basic idea is that the terrain is generated on game start, so if you would play it again the terrain would look different and also the positions of AI and so
  12. where is Rainbow Dash, I hope she's fine
  13. servus PsymH zu 2.) ich war an der Übersetzung zu Flakebridge beteiligt und hab das damals unter 1.07 getestet, die Umlaute waren da und auch die Formatierung war i.O. , ich schätz mal das die Probleme irgendwie mit der 1.08-er zusammen hängen, Genaueres kann ich dir allerdings leider auch nicht sagen da ich nicht ganz in der Materie stehe soweit ich das mitgekriegt habe ist das Team da allerdings schon dran Ich schau's mir bei Gelegenheit aber selbst nochmal an
  14. this is quite a nice idea, there was something like that in a splinter cell mission (the part with the north koreans IMO) where you were put in a room and loose your equipment once you're caught, but are able to continue the mission I thought this was pretty cool and gave me a reason to play the mission twice But IMO such a mechanic only makes sense if this only works one time, so if you caught again, the mission fails leading to the same question
  15. as far as I recognized it til now the umlauts are wörking you may ask them where this problem occurred
  16. most of the missions in TDS are really good their are only two things that makes this part of the game series worse than the first two parts made by looking glass: 1. there were no "don't kill anyone" objective on the highest difficulty level (doesn't matter for shalebridge, of course) and difficulty was much lower in general 2. the levels where split into two parts, what's bad for replaying it 'cause you only think of, "OK, how can I manage this level without seeing the loading screen too often" ( and 3. there were no synchronization) but beside these two things TDS is a very good game really worth playing it btw.: my favorite mission in this part was the one where you sneek into a museum, that comes after shalebridge IIRC, so best things lie before you @ Mr. Tibbs: his name is Karras , and the second part is my favorite although I've heard that this one isn't liked by most of the players due to the Machinists, well I guess it's a matter of taste as we seem to live in the age of Call of f***ing scripted Duty +1
  17. , what a beautyful neologism for the floating-point errors: imagine a 2D grid where the gridpoints are only whole numbers and a square with side length one, that has it's lower left corner at (0,0) if you now take this square and rotate it by 45 degrees around its center, the new corners of it will be fitted to the grid points again, what will most certainly not end up with a square anymore floating-point errors are roughly the same, only that the grid is not as rough there also be some rounding errors during the calculation of the rotation, of course
  18. thank you the background music is shipped with TDM and I thought the selection was quite fitting or do you mean that it should have changed more often?
  19. I also use Linux I only had to install doom3, create a darkmod folder in it in which to copy the tdm_update.linux and then download the stuff never had to move any files, and everything is pretty clean but as you have to copy some pk4's from the doom3 cd, you may have moved them in the wrong folder causing your problems!?
  20. you may wanna replay this mission and take a deep look on how the npc's behave there and then look how the npc's behave in the dark mod: - they are walking on snakelines nearly all the time, what looks really unnatural - the scenerie holds much more space for them than in a normal TDM level - also the geometric layout of the streets is much more simple - the player has no possibilities to put moveable objects into their way to block their pathfinding - they do almost not react to any changes in their enviroment (except any forms of violence, of course) I think that the cons are really upweighting the pros in this matter if one would really want to improve the game performance in reliance to cpu power, then by making use of the multi-core technology, cause IIRC Doom 3 only uses single-core but I'm not even sure if this would be really necessary, as I didn't heard much complaints about AI performance impacts so far
  21. in addition you can set the chance spawnarg on the path_corner to adjust how often he will approxamitely go there but maybe you already know
  22. OK, than I misunderstood you I didn't knew about the sliding thing, gonna try this out
  23. didn't look at the map yet, but here are some thoughts 2. I'm not a hundret percent sure what you mean by laydown position, but if you placed the path_corner that is followed by the path_sleep to close to a monsterclip, the AI will lay down in the air at the position of the path_corner that came before the path_corner that is followed by the path_wait ... huh 3. In difference to the path_sit entity the wait and wait_max spawnarg is NOT set on the path_sleep entity, you have to include a path_wait after the path_sleep and set the spawnargs there 4. be sure to set the angle spawnarg, if the angle is zero and you have moved the path_sit or whatever entity, the spawnarg will be deleted A nonset angle-spawnarg behaves completely different than a angle=0 spawnarg, the nonset will cause the random-like behaviour you've described I hope this will help you
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