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Everything posted by freyk

  1. Status 20170312b Worked at the health window
  2. Status 20170312 Got the map moving in the mapviewer. (but not dynamically)Tested TDM-statistics code in the menu. (it dont display anything yet)
  3. Sure, I will test them. And if it works, i will be happy to package them. But in the meanwhile, could somebody test my almost-native TDM app and playonmac gamemodule? At my side those two packages works, but i want to hear your opinions about them. tdm package (manual "installer", updater and launcher): The Dark Mod Installer Mac (v20160825)? (for more info see: topic post, tdm wiki article) Note: for this, you dont have to install other applications. playonmac-module And there is also a almost-native TDM-package for playonmac. (for more info see: topic post, tdm wiki article) Note: to run this, you have to install playonmac.
  4. I have tested some lines. I can use/calculate value variables in the windowdef. I can also move the picture using transition and static values. But none helped to move the image using variables. Could somebody post some tested/working examples for moving the picture, using variables? tested code:
  5. How about implementing the caption system from d3-mod Doom 3 CC? Can someone can take a look at it? "Doom 3[CC]" Files: Mod files: not on mobdb, so use this file mirrorsourcecode of the modified gamex86.dll (??): direct linkAuthors site: gamescc.rbkdesign.com.Doc: readme-- To me, showing dialog captions (like T3) are sufficient. @Nightcrawler, how about using headphones?
  6. Thanks, i will try to create a script. I have tried several variable methods. Its difficult to see, when you have to use "gui:myvar","myvar", ("myvar"), etc. If i dont use the variables correctly, the image disappears or has the wrong values. At this moment my map moves to a position using "transition:rect"-command and static positions. (set can also used)
  7. Its the users opinion/taste/etc. I use the standard setting for brigtness and gamma: 1. The best way to find them back is to set it your own, (tip: use the gamma correction room in trainingsmission.
  8. There is much to do and to discuss. Its time that someone create a new topic for this. For starters: Who will pack TDM for Steam distribution? And how to distribute the FM's.
  9. OK. What can the community do to help?
  10. We are Greenlighted!! Now what?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gast
    3. AluminumHaste


      Working on it lol.

      Not as simple as it looks :P

    4. Lux


      Truly congratulations to the Broken Glass team. Amazing stuff and well deserved.

  11. Following the manual of this forumsoftware, password will be sended in plain text. In my experience, if you want to have something in tdm (and his other products), you have to do it your own. So buy a certificate for this domain and donate to it
  12. I would like to see subtitles too Well, you (or somebody else) can fiddle arround creating a feature that uses guis, soundevents and player positions. Tdm would intergrate this.
  13. The main website and this forum doesnt use a security certificate. And your plain password "IamNightCrawler" send to the forum is stored as a hash in the forums database. And your email "Nightinsect@taffer.com" is for the world to know.
  14. this is a common question. No, this game has no subtitles.
  15. And if we dont get a greenlight. How about registering tdm on itch.io?
  16. Status: Added some placeholders for the menus in the missionmenu. (to fill in later with info) repositioned the contentwindows of the missionmenu. Experimented a bit with renderdef for in the missionmenu health. Working on the mapviewer. edit: added screenshot.
  17. I dont have any experience yet with animating renderdef. for now I keep it easy and work with windowdef. Moving the image using transition works (a bit). transition "MapViewerMap::rect" "mapposleft mapposdown mapposwitdh mapposheight" "50 0 80 80" "400" "1" "33000"; but now i have to search howto count up a variable. following transition codeline doesnt work for me (snipt out some code) #define mapposleft 1 windowDef MapViewerMap { rect mapposleft, mapposdown, mapposwitdh, mapposheight visible 1 background "guis/assets/maps/map-indus" } windowDef MapViewerMapRight { rect 452,186,40,40 text ">" onAction{ transition "MapViewerMap::rect" "mapposleft mapposdown mapposwitdh mapposheight" "(mapposleft + 20) mapposdown mapposwitdh mapposheight" "400" "1" "33000"; } }
  18. Thanks for all the suggestions. Today i came with a other idea: Changing the layer order. (lowest) put MapViewerMap.MapviewerWindow (backgroundimage with a "hole").the navigation buttons, map label, etcAs result: see the attachtment.Its a work-around sollution, but it works. Now i can rotate mapviewermap, using command transition. But which commands can/should I use to zoom in-out and move the mapviewermap?
  19. Can somebody help me with the following task: For my upcoming cyberpunk-based mission, i'm working on a new mapviewer. Its a menu, with a "viewpoint"-window (inside this a map) and navigation buttons. I would like to re-position the map, after the player clicked on a navigation button. And to zoom -in and -out, if the player click on the + and minus button. Can you help me to code this? i got the following code:
  20. ok. Added new objects Added a mapviewer.Added a MissionMenuProblems/questions: The mapviewer is very big. shall i take the new inventorygrid sizes? The mouse dont move. is it possible to zoom-in/out in gui images?
  21. all praise the mighty builder. Who compiles all the code. Love to all programmed things.
  22. Yes, but all this to avoid a lawsuit from eidos/enix/etc.
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