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Everything posted by Moonbo

  1. Nice, congrats on solving it. And sorry for telling you that monster-clipping wouldn't fix it . I would still recommend cleaning up the offending geometry though.
  2. No. You need to actually snap the angled brushes to grid to solve the problem, adding another brush on top of the offending brushes (even if it's textured w/ monster clip) won't solve it.
  3. I wouldn't be too worried, if these crashes started happening just recently, then that's because of recent brushwork. Just focus on new additions and you should be fine :-). Also, it's almost always going to be angled brushes, so that will narrow down what you need to look for.
  4. I had this issue several times when building Requiem. It always turned out to be a problem with brushwork not snapping to grid. The pause for a few seconds after dmapping is over is when dmap is compiling the AAS (to decide where the AI can go) and apparently unaligned brushwork can cause it to spazz out. Whenever I found the offending brushes and snapped them to grid (ctrl+G) the problem would go away. If you have func_statics made of brushes (especially those with angled geometry) I would revert them to worldspawn, snap them to grid, and then turn them back into FS too. I found that the best way to pinpoint the offending brushes was to find the earliest version of the map that didn't have the problem and then look at what brushes I had added in the subsequent version. Alternatively, start deleting big chunks of geometry (in a separate save obviously) until you don't get the crash anymore and that way you can track down what's causing the problem.
  5. Hm, the other simple solution I can think of is to raise the roof of tavern to be up to the top of the sky (or tall enough that you can stick a caulk/portal_sky pillar up to the ceiling and there's no viewpoint where the player will notice it). You could also just have one massive VP intersecting that section into two pieces (so the visportal would just run the length of the tavern).
  6. Is it possible to just make the speaker radii small enough that they don't overlap across the tavern?
  7. Haha, yes, it should feel right at home to Lich hunters everywhere .
  8. Not to get everyone's hopes up but... My main focus is still on writing my next novel, but it looks like I've got another FM in me . It won't be as ambitious or large as Requiem was, but here are a few screens of what will hopefully be a small two-level campaign. Crits and suggestions for improvement are welcome as always!
  9. Hey RJFerret, Just finished this mission, and really enjoyed it. Pros: Great sense of place. - With the unique setting and attention to detail, I really felt the world you were creating and wanted to find out more about it. Worldbuilding at it's best :-). Solid fundamentals - with the exception of getting stuck in the geometry once or twice (and one place in the mines where the game locked up for a few seconds), everything from the sound, to the performance, to the patchwork was solid and pleasant to look at/listen to. Clever Gameplay - From the setup of the AI in the camp to was fun and interesting. Cons: Level design/loot goal setup - Could have used more hints - I'm probably not the cleverest of players but I couldn't find the artifact without reading the spoiler in your first post. Also, Really nice first mission, especially how you built the world and created a strong sense of place. Looking forward to more!
  10. Moonbo

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year everyone!
  11. Hey Springheel, And thanks for the write-up, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks too for all the work you do for the Dark Mod community Springheel!
  12. For highlighting the door, you can use a spotlight instead of a point light, or you could have some glowing mushrooms in a flowerbed by the door. You might want to make the floor uneven too, and add some puddles. Right now it looks very dry, even w/ the rain coming down. Scene looks good though!
  13. Because the issue was fixed by turning some geometry into FS, I think it was likely just a hiccup with how the engine renders worldspawn. I had several instances with complicated geometry causing some really strange visual glitches (world polygons not rendering, textures turning pitch black, etc). By turning part of the geometry into func_statics, it simplified the worldspawn and the visual glitch went away. So probably this isn't a "bug" per-se as much a limitation of the renderer.
  14. Why not try getting rid of any caulk on the offending brushes, also you can try moving the light origin slightly off-center. If all else fails, also try erasing the brush/patch and rebuilding them, of turn them into a FS.
  15. Not to toot my own horn, but you might like to play Requiem. It's only one map, but it might scratch your #3 itch a little.
  16. Thanks Fieldmedic . And I have no idea why you're depressed, A Night to Remember is one of the best looking FMs I've ever played! As for the build time, from start to finish it took about 10 months to make Requiem (working pretty flat-out most of that time).
  17. Hey Gungnir, Thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks also for buying Shadowcursed, I'm definitely interested in what you think when you're finished, one way or another.
  18. Hey Mik, That sounds like a memory ("malloc") error. Here's the recommended fix for that: http://wiki.thedarkm...rash-to-desktop Also, apparently turning off EAX in the settings will help stop some crashes. Let me know if that doesn't work .
  19. @AluminumHaste - ah, good to know. @Thor - thanks :-), I'm glad you had a good time with the FM. Are you the same Thor that does reviews on the TTLG FM mega thread? If so, I've always enjoyed reading your work!
  20. There's at least one that it sounds like you might have missed (some posts earlier in this thread talk about it).
  21. @Shadrach, clever! @plotzzz, thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the FM. The Darkmod actually doesn't support secrets in the traditional Thief style, so I suppose just consider anything out of the way to be a secret :-).
  22. Really enjoyed looking at your screenshots Shadrach :-), though I do hope the one with Markus is because of noclipping!
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