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Everything posted by HMart

  1. video map is a very nice way to have texture animations on a mission, what i like about it is that you can apply alpha to a RoQ video and it will work has any other texture, can be used to do caustics effects for example. About examples here are some: textures/particles/testvideo { qer_editorimage textures/editor/video.tga translucent noShadows { blend add videoMap video/fireball.roq vertexColor } } video/tvshow { qer_editorimage textures/editor/video.tga { videoMap loop video/test_1024.roq } } using the engine console you can convert multiple images into a roq video but afaik has limited resolution, to do higher rez roq's you can use the roq maker in this tools http://www.moddb.com/games/overdose/downloads/overdose-tools-set
  2. Nice done, not exaggerated like i like it, btw while editing the fhDoom engine, i found idsoftware played with item highlight for Doom 3, but disabled it for the final game, i was able to enable it again and it was just the case of changing a bool from false to true, i also found that the material shader for it is still in the game and it also uses a cubemap. itemHighlightShell { nonSolid { blend add cubeMap env/sheen texgen reflect rgb parm4 } } Unfortunately, is a pulse based highlight (on and off) system so it looks to obvious and in your face, but was cool to find how they did it.
  3. You can also use "testmap mapname", this will dmap the map and start it at the same time, if i'm remembering correctly this one ignores leaks so don't use it for final testing.
  4. For now the idea is First Person, puzzle and horror based, but is still to to early to be sure of anything.
  5. Found the solution!!! Here is it on this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7013309/visual-studio-debugger-error-unable-to-start-program-specified-file-cannot-be-f Just set any project that really creates a exe as the startup project in VS, like on the link ALL_BUILD on fhDoom does not create a exe so i made fhDoom project the start project and the debugger started! So happy now that i don't need to do the above "debugging" workflow. edit: The above solution doesn't solve the problem entirely and also the problem of debugging the dll's, to successfully debug the engine .exe you need to debug the .exe, IN THE GAME FOLDER, not the one on the bin\Debug folder, then you need to set on the file project->options->debugging: command: path to the .exe name in the game folder command arguments: Here you put any idtech 4 arguments that you use when calling the exe. for example, +set fs_game myMod +set fullscreen 0, etc working directory: In here you put the game home directory where the .exe is. Only by doing this was i able to successfully set breakpoints and debug the code.
  6. Thanks for trying to help, i have indeed searched google, that was the first thing i did before posting this thread, but the problem is not compilation i can compile the engine just fine, debugging that's the problem.
  7. Thanks i will do, just expected that someone more knowledgeable with the idtech 4 engine source could be of help. rant: Man but working with the fhDoom source without being able to debug it is really frustrating, code that looks fine to me and compiles fine, crash's the game, without knowing what caused the crash, i can only disable my code one by one and see what part causes the crash, disable some code -> compile (takes several seconds) -> copy to game folder .exe and dll's -> start test map -> crash, repeat, a frustrating workflow...
  8. Hello guys i decided to mess with the fhDoom engine, to learn how to code on c++ and perhaps use it for a game, first i most say i'm only starting to learn how to mess with Visual studio, so be gentle ;P, i use the 2015 version btw, i'm pretty sure that i'm missing something basic, i can compile the project just fine but i just can't debug any code, here is what happening, every time i try to debug a file it complains about being unable to find ALL_BUILD on the home project \Debug, but the build doesn't save the .exe/pdb files on that directory, but on the bin\Debug directory, if i attach a running instance of the fhdoom .exe and use DEBUG->WINDOWS->MODULES, i see that it complains about being unable to find symbols or .pdb files for a bunch of microsoft DLL's, including a Avast antivirus dll?!, is this whats preventing me from debugging?
  9. A wings3D unity is anything you want 1 wu (wings unity) can be 1 meter, 1 inch , 1 Km, 1 mile, etc Btw i'm sure you noticed but wings3D has no gizmos for rotation, movement or scale, is all based in keyboard shortcuts and right mouse key context menus, depending on the feature you are the right mouse key will show different tools. I also recommend that to put the camera movement on the preferences to the Maya version based on alt+mouse keys. Also you can't make open models on wings3D (you can but is just a trick), what i mean by open models, is making a hole on a model by deleting faces, you can assign the "hole" material to those faces and they will be hidden on the views and will be ignored at export time, but is not a bad thing imo, is also why wings3D could do things that no other tools could until blender implemented Winged edge (is why wings3D is called that) ability to its modeling tool set has well, it also forces people to be careful with their geometry. I could be wrong (because i've used open models before) but i also think idtech 4 doesn't like open models, specially for collision and shadow meshes, stencil shadows don't like open models either but idtech 4 uses a special type of stencil shadows, so perhaps it doesn't mind them.
  10. Bikerdude if you find blender a complex tool perhaps you could try wings3D? Is free like Blender. Is a very simple tool, interface wise i mean and i remember it could export to .lwo, was the first 3D tool I ever used and learned allot from it, I left it for Modo ages ago so i can't say for certain if it will work now or not, but i do have very nice memories of it, so you could try it, no harm on that imo. btw there's no animation on Wings3D just modeling.
  11. Afaik XSI has no ASE exporter but why is that format so well regarded here? IMO .lwo is much better and XSI can export .lwo files, this file is binary, so no need for the text to binary conversion at init time, makes for smaller files, smaller files means less memory used and being binary also means faster level start time, that was why id made all the files binary on BFG engine. Btw i'm not one for trying to "sell" a 3D tool here, but imo anyone using idtech 4 should look into Luxology Modo (ok and blender), specially the older 605 or 701 plus versions (the ones i know work flawlessly with idtech 4), I've said this before but Seneca one of the level designers for Doom 3 (and new games) uses Modo and used it for Doom3 levels, he is also a coder so he was able to make fantastic plugging's for this 3D app, some specially for idtech engine level editing, there's no MD5 exporter for Modo (605 and 701 have no bone animation) but I bet there's none for XSI either. http://www.indigosm.com/modoscripts.htm p.s - Modo also has a ASE exporter plugging for the ones that really want it, was made for Unreal Engine 3 but it works on idtech 4 has well, I've tested it (on Modo 605).
  12. Nice find, it seams that we were all thinking portals was a all or nothing thing, but even with open portals, the act of dividing the map in "rooms/visleafs" seams to help the culling system, i assume with a open portal it uses the camera occlusion culling system to not render stuff, but anything that is seen within the camera FOV and is not occluded by brush geometry will get rendered, but with a closed portal, even if stuff is in plain view (if you force the portal to close), everything is skipped including the camera/brush occlusion culling system, so having no portals is very bad, having portals even if almost always open is better, having a system of portals where only a few are open at a single time is perfect. I also agree that putting a single portal in the middle of a big corridor is not smart thing to do, even if it helps some.
  13. I saw this today and thought of this thread, in this video bellow you will see how to Debug code in visual studio, is also a nice series of videos to anyone learning coding and is made by a professional coder that worked on the puzzle game "The witness".
  14. Hello ced2011! I'm a big fan of your mod!! Your level design is just fantastic. I really hope you find the problem, because it would be a tragedy that this was cause for giving up on it. Btw this problem is evidence a online code management system is important, I saw the Blendo Games guy recover from serious engine crash's because he was able to compare new code vs old code easily. Speaking about Blendo Games, perhaps you can contact him and see if he can give you some clue? About your problem, i'm not a c++ coder, so, even tho i would love to, I don't think i can really help you solve this but by your comments, i'm inclining as well for the save system being the culprit, like i said hope you find the cause and sorry for not being any help.
  15. I never made a movable using DR I did it on Modo (my 3D tool of choice), bellow is what i did that worked, I'm sure being a 3D modeler your self (and a very good one) you know all of this but perhaps you forgot something. MODO side: 1 - Made a collision hull around the object, trying to be as faithful to the object shape the most i could, without going above 16 triangles (you can go above, i went as far as 24 triangles but it will crash the game eventually, afaik idsoftware never went above 16 triangles on all its movables collision hulls). 2 - assign the green collision material to this collision hull. 3 - Make sure the collision hull (shadow mesh, etc) makes part of the original model layer (idtech 4 requires the model to be a single layer object) 5 - triangulate the model, make sure the object transforms/origin is at 0 0 0 and export to the engine ( in my case Modo only supports .lwo ). idTech 4 side: write a entityDef something like the one bellow, put it into a map and enjoy. entityDef moveable_furniture_chair_thin01 { "inherit" "moveable_base_fixed" "model" "models/furniture/furniture_chair_thin01.lwo" "density" "0.01" "friction" "0.2" "bouncyness" "0.3" } And that is that is not complicated at all.
  16. Have no intention on participating on this debate apart from saying this sounds like something a NAZI would say.
  17. HMart

    Maya Help

    Unfortunately never animated in Maya, but like the others said the best bets would be to, find what version of Maya id software used for its animation (if still available on the net) and use the original exporters, not good thing i know, another would be to recompile the exporters for your version of Maya, i'm sure some modifications would need to be made to the exporter code (you do have the source code for it), i don't think it would be a case of just recompiling, Maya has changed much ever since Doom 3 came out and another perhaps the best bet would be to find a way to export the skeleton and animation intact into Blender and export from there.
  18. That is indeed a very complex setup, i can see some ways this can be done: 1 - use bones, for the joints and animate it, very complex imo. 2 - also very complex, still use bones but instead of animating it, for example on blender, make it a articulated figure on the idtech 4 AF editor, don't know how stable is the physics engine for this, but one time i did made a dynamic door, ala Penumbra, unfortunately was unable to find a way to make part of the model static, so everything moved around. 3 - make it a static object, use more than one gate to achieve a more or less desirable effect, like for example one gate goes down and two (or one) go side to side that crossing makes for a nice effect, and if i'm remembering correctly that is how it was done in Outlast and The evil within games. That texture idea from rich_is_bored could work but wouldn't it cause extreme texture deformation from the squishing effect? btw You could also script it like id did with the crane mini game but man what a script that would be.
  19. If true that is indeed evil and perhaps even outright ilegal practice, i don't know Japan laws so i can't comment if that is normal practice or not on that part of the world, but in my country that would be reason enough to sue a company for abuse, no company (unless is secret services), here can prevent a ex-employee from saying on his resume that he worked for it, nor can a company stalk a ex-employee or prevent him from gaining a new job.
  20. What? What the hell happen? You harming this mod?! How? Bikerdude please think this through, i agree with the ones that say, you should stay, don't let any small fight diminish all the years of work you did for this mod, he exists because of you has well, i don't know what happen but imo going away is not the answer. Take a break if you may but please return, imo this community needs your expertise.
  21. They look very nice indeed. About movables, are you sure the def file is well formatted? Does the dynamic physics hull has less then 16 polys? Is a requirement, btw imo is a really bad limitation from the physics engine.
  22. Judith please on take this wrong but imo that is hardly a fair test, there's no AI, no sound and portal calculations, no particles, the amount of polys is also relatively low, i don't see any shadows either, on that small square scene there's no doubt that idtech 4 would be able to eat overlapping lights, the render is very well optimized but do the same on a real scene and you will see overlapping lights capability falling really fast. Btw imo you can light a scene really well with a minimum amount of lights, if you are just careful with light size and clever with the play of light and shadow, personally I don't want a TDM scene to be really well illuminated, shadows should exist for the player to hide in.
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