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Everything posted by HMart

  1. Yes i will use his advice from now on it does makes for a clean brush construction, and thanks.
  2. Thanks man this does make more sense to me
  3. Guys thanks for the help i was able to make the dooway using the RPGista workflow, baddcog sorry but unfortunately i don't understand your reply . Also i found a way to rotate brushes around arbitrary centers! Workflow to rotate brushes around arbitrary centers: 1ª - Make the shape that you want. 2ª- select all brushes and convert to func_static. 3ª- Make a new brush on the place that you want the new center of rotation and convert it to func_static also. 4ª- On the Entity Inspector select the origin values from the func_static used has the new center and copy then, you can then delete it. 5ª- Past the values on the origin slot of the func_static comprising of the brushes you want to rotate, you may need to write them by hand and click apply. 6ª- Enable the "rotate func_ Entities around origin" button on the toolbar and bang you can now rotate you brushes around a new center! 7ª - Convert back the func_static to worldspawn.
  4. That was the last thing i tried and it somewhat worked but unfortunately the rotated brushes lose the grid snapping value and so don't match very well with the hole, and if i try to use the grid snapping tool it becomes distorted, if it was possible to rotate them on a different point instead of the center then maybe it would work much better, for example like this.
  5. I tried and tried all i could think of but i don't seam to be able to make this well on Darkradiant, i'm still learning this great editor so maybe i just don't know how, but seams i found something that this editor struggles with, making non square door shapes on rotated brushes. A pic will show better what i'm saying. Is this really hard to do on this kind of editors? edit: i realized now that i should have posted this on the DarkRadiant part of the forum, sorry about that.
  6. Hi guys i want to now if the stim/response editor is only for the DarkMod or can it be used on other doom3 mods?
  7. Please don't go away from doom3 code base i love DarkRadient and i'm using it to make levels for the Blade of Doom mod (Severance mod) and i would be sad if the new updates wouldn't work anymore, i don't know if we will ever go away from being a mod.
  8. Thanks for the help putting the .bat file on the directory where doom3.exe is made it work.
  9. This is my batch file code, it gives the error in both lines, but the same paths work fine in a normal launcher. A:\doom\DOOM3.exe +dmap custom/temple +exit A:\doom\DOOM3.exe +map custom/temple
  10. I made the batch script but then the idtech4 blue console window appears with a error saying that can't find the default.cfg?
  11. Holly macarrony!!! I found why it didn't worked. It was because i was open the WRONG map file, i thought it was named temple.map but it was saved has temple2.map! I was opening the map with no lights so baddcog was right. Sorry if i wasted your guys time.
  12. Yes i added lights, a parallel light and a light with the doom3 default texture ambient. On the editor the light works but ingame the map is all black. Here is it if some one want to test it. http://www.filesonic.com/file/frWiQ5o Is a small arena kind multiplayer test map so don't mind the looks for now
  13. I Have a problem with this, i made my geometry on Modo 501 using a grid of 8, imported to blender and exported to .map with a face width 8 to match the grid and a size of 1.0, converted the Quake 3 .map to Doom 3 .map, it gave me errors on the textures and on the Quake 3 path but worked, DR opened the converted .map nicely and applied the caulk texture to all the faces and a player start at 0.0.0, then i textured and lighted the level and all looked fine in DR saved, used the doom 3 console to dmap saw no errors, started the map but it is totally black, even if i use the flash light i can't see a thing. I then decided to try DoomEditor (i really hate the navigation on the 3d view on it) to open the .map, the brush geom came totally black and when i used the real time render (F3) they became invisible, i can select and apply textures and they show again but even with the DEditor the ingame version is totally black!?
  14. Blender can open collada files very well and also Maya and 3dmax with the opencollada plugin. BTW collada is starting to be the defacto file format for all 3d apps and game engines, there's even some game engines that only support collada files like the C4 engine, this does not mean that closed file systems like .max, .lxo, .lwo, etc will go away thou.
  15. I have here a free zombie model that i downloaded from a site that makes automatic rigging to your 3d characters, i can't remember the name of the site now thou , but i'm certain the model is free to non commercial and commercial work, there's only a walk animation and the file is in the collada format .dae. You can download it here if you want it. http://www.filesonic.com/file/YDxs467
  16. This guy has no clue on what it takes to learn how to master a new tool and on top of that master Level Design, a TDM mission developer is a Game Designer, Level Artist or Mapper and a Game-play developer all in one, and they also need to conform to a engine with modern tech that requires more work, we can't expect them to do a better job them a professional game company that has developers assigned to specific roles or even to T2 fms, their developers add more time to master the tools. BTW why is this thread still open and why this guy is still not banned from what i know of him is beyond me.
  17. I did heard last night in a episode of DrHouse (season 6 episode 17, when doctor Chase is on the "Knight" house) the looked door sound that you guys use, or at lest something really really similar.
  18. Argoon is not working per se on the mod he is giving moral support and ideas , the ones that are more involved in the making of this mod is a Russian modder (hero) called Harrison and Sir Random for the moment, we sure need more people on this especially doom3 coders.
  19. You must be talking about the BOD fog effect, is a relatively simple effect and i believe idtech 4 already does that, about the lighting yes is funny that doom3 is praised has the father of real time unified lighting but in 2001 Severance already add totally dynamic volumetric lighting and shadows has also real time physics, and this game was made by a defunct Spanish company RebelAct, some of the developers worked on Jericho and Dante's Inferno. By the way if you don't know already there's a English modding forum for BOD here go there and say hi.
  20. Guys another community that i also go to, is trying to revive the multiplayer part of the old Severance The Blade of Darkness game on the idtech 4 engine, but we have no experienced coders so we have some problems, first is how to make so If a monster gets within a certain distance of the player we check if contact is made with a sword between monster and player (how do you guys detect your sword is taking health from the guards? Is it using physics?). Second can you guys give us a rundown on how to import riggs to idtech 4 because our riggs are coming 90 degrees off. All help will be appreciated because we are really stuck on this. Lastly if exists in here some thief fan that also loved BOD we would love to ear from you. Most popular English BOD modding forum: http://www.arokhslai...asp?FORUM_ID=11
  21. I'm not a DarkMod team member but IMO this part of the DM license is very clear.
  22. Shadow volumes (Stencil Shadows) can't be patented period and there's many ways to render them, Creative only tried to patent a new way of doing them, for example Severance the Blade of darkness add real time perpixel/pervertex lighting and shadow volumes even before Doom3 and the Carmack reverse code in 2001, and if you only use shadow maps (that the majority of games use now) this patent don't even matters. BTW i find strange that being the patent invalid (because of prior art from nvidia) the id lawyers are stalling the release.
  23. This is what the C4 engine developer said when asked about the creative patent. So i think id lawyers will give the green light to release the Source Code with the shadow system in.
  24. Serpentine i think you are wrong about your opinion of the newton physics engine ODE is dead in the water and newton is still being updated, but i must say that newton is slower compared with the likes of bullet, PhysX or Havok but because it is more accurate and robust, newton is used in more them games also in scientific circles and so the developer didn't made any shortcuts, is physics calculations for real, for games, accuracy is not important so the other engines are full of tricks and shortcuts to be faster. For TDM Newton engine is like a match in heaven, it has all the necessary features even fracture support and is VERY robust, when i say robust i say that on newton is rare to see physic bugs like objects jumping like crazy or going trough the floor (Oblivion), and others. The penumbra guys liked it so much that they are using it again on their second game. A quote from a Penumbra developer about the physics on their new game.
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