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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. That's pretty weird, but you shouldn't have those problems in any of the recent patches. I played through 1.19 at 1680x1050 and the resolution stayed the same through loading areas, although I did need to reset it when starting a brand new game (never crashed from this though). I did occasionally have memory related crashes when initiating pick-pocketing (which basically happens anytime you bump into someone), hoping that this new patch fixes this, but otherwise the game has been stable.
  2. @Serpentine: Damn that looks good. Almost makes me think I could run my fingers over the computer monitor to feel the texture.
  3. Instead of spawning new AI, couldn't you just have a set number of AI that teleport between different path nodes to give the appearance of higher numbers?
  4. For those of you who aren't aware, Arkane has just released a final patch for Arx Fatalis, and the source code: http://www.ttlg.com/...ad.php?t=134554 I've always thought that there would be so much creative potential for fan made missions in Arx Fatalis, maybe now this is something we may start to see. Of course this release doesn't included an editor, and the way levels were built in Arx is not exactly ideal (build the world geometry in 3D StudioMax, then convert / import), maybe to begin with we could see new quests set in the existing world geometry. The year 2011 seems to be the year for source code releases, hopefully Rage is released on time and we get to see idTech4 source code later this year.
  5. Wow Springheel, we've only just had 1.03 and already the next update looks like it's going to be packed with thiefy goodness. The mages should open up many new opportunities for FM makers. Now this is an excellent idea! Mage: "Wast that a noise I heard? Illuminus Maximus!" Thief: "Eeeep!" I'm picturing an all-blue flame igniting in the palm of the mage's hand, and being held out towards the darkness like you would with a torch.
  6. And how does this make you feel? </shrinkmode> I admit it is a nice story, redemption and all that, but it doesn't exactly improve the situation of all the homeless who have fallen on hard times through no real fault of their own (unlike this guy).
  7. It seems to me that contests should be geared towards showing what TDM can do well, which T2 and / or TDS may have lacked. Example: Physics Contest Physics based puzzles have to be a central theme to the missions. I suppose 'The Swing' is an example of such a mission, but we could see a lot of variety with this idea IMO.
  8. Thanks greebo! That worked, and after some additional minor code changes it gets much further before erroring out. I'm back at work now but will have a further play this evening and let you know if I need any more help.
  9. I've been playing around with trying to compile TDM on OSX (Intel) but I'm getting compile errors and wondered if someone could give me some pointers. Note: I'm not a developer, but I thought I might have some luck if I hack away at this for long enough. Here's the compiler output... I set BASELINKFLAGS in SConstruct to -m32, but I get the same errors when calling scons directly and specifying this flag.
  10. Your name isn't showing up in a Steam community search. Send me a friend invite: My Steam ID
  11. I just played this mission again after 1.03 and... However, despite finishing it (and the tdm mission info file saying so), the tick isn't showing up next to the mission (it does for 2 other missions, Lockdown and Saint Lucia).
  12. The ability to delete from someone elses hard-drive only applies to a shared folder that you've given them access to, this is not the same as a 'public' link to a file you want someone to download (and they need to be a DropBox user as well). I doubt they'll introduce ads, the business model is pretty much based on the fact that most people who try out the free 2GB service will like the convenience and ease of use and many will pay for the larger capacity. I too had a very nostalgic feeling when playing this mission, not sure it reminds me of T2 missions, most probably some of the early FMs that were very claustrophobic (in a good way!). Despite the small area, there was a lot of good gameplay crammed into this mission.
  13. Congrats to GDG (and Bikerdude for his part) in a very enjoyable mission. There were a couple issues I experienced (like the AI getting stuck) but overall this is one of my favourite TDM experiences so far. Thank you. Have you heard of DropBox? First 2GB is free, very handy clients for Windows / OSX and Linux, and download speeds are very good.
  14. @jesps: The noose is a nice touch. Plenty to hang on the christmas tree! Please tell me this is going to make it into a FM! Father Christmas... of Death!! He knows who's been naughty!
  15. I don't care much for labelling something progressive, as if anything preceding it is somehow stale. Experimental is a term I prefer, but that's really just a semantic argument so I'll leave it at that. Progressive or not, I'd love to know what people think of this song. This is an unreleased (leaked) version from the Mars Volta album 'Frances The Mute' that was later split into 5 separate tracks because otherwise the album (originally only consisting of 5 songs) would have been classified as an EP. I love that I can listen to a 32 minute long song and never get bored of it.
  16. Midnight


    Bummer. Hope you land on your feet and all works out okay for you. Guess I'll just add... be sure to always look for anything positive even in a bad situation (not trying to sound ominous yo ). Good luck regardless, and looking forward to all sorts of new FM ideas you've cooked up with all this new found spare time you'll probably have.
  17. Not sure it's random generation per se, I think you just run a perl script with some parameters and out pops a file containing architecture that DromEd can import. Tels can clarify if I'm totally off, but I think that's how it worked. That's the weird thing about level design, it's drummed into your head that you need to plan everything ahead of time, build 'cleanly', avoid odd intersecting angles + shapes, but sometimes a haphazard approach to building ends up with a more rewarding outcome. Similar to how old cities are often more visually appealing as they seemed to almost come to life naturally before proper city planning largely replaced this kind of situation.
  18. Well, if you worked for the CIA and wanted to catch terrorists, what better way than setting up a whistleblower site which 'leaks' a list of vulnerable locations for terrorist attacks and then see who downloads it? Of course you wouldn't want to take every single lead seriously:
  19. That brings back memories, Varyx Obelisk was the first mission I ever betatested. I still have fond memories of some of this level, the keeper compound in particular. I believe the outside city section was done using CowGen which I thought was pretty cool at the time, but I guess it would be difficult making anything 'organic' looking with it.
  20. I'm with STiFU on this one. Those people who would love to see these type of early WIP shots are the kind of people who would already be visiting these forums. Remember, the purpose of moddb is to promote TDM, not mirror the official website / forums. Of course there are other mods have loads of WIP updates, but that's no reason to do this as well. Besides, these are FM specific not WIP images of future features to TDM itself, where do you draw the line when you've got scores of WIP images from FMs to choose from (many of which may never get released). My feeling is showing WIP of TDM features is possibly fine, but only completed FMs should be advertised outside this site.
  21. Starting playing Metro 2033 a while ago and it is very STALKERish, but with much much better graphics. My only complaint so far is that it's sort of "STALKER on rails", quite literally.
  22. A thread (don't even remember which one) got derailed and split into this. I know, still doesn't explain it, does it? Well aren't you just a negative nancy! Just for my benefit (in case you were being serious), what exactly is wrong with criticism from darkfate members who were invited to come here to discuss their concerns?
  23. Huh, I must have been confused about where the abbreviation originated from. Anyway, welcome back I guess?
  24. Took you long enough. It was the strangely surreal writing style and use of the abbreviation 'sth' that clued me on weeks ago.
  25. There seems to have been a lot of of mis-understanding as to what is being said and even who said it, ITT. Some of this seems to be translation issues, some of it assumptions of the views of the new visitors given the (badly) translated darkfate.ru forums and also a tendency to get defensive over a project some have sacrificed much for. It's absolutely right that any feedback should distinguish TDM from FMs made for TDM, but I don't see much evidence here for outright TDM bashing. Criticism that FMs are boring (which I disagree with, I have to say) are simply opinion and are an opportunity to open the discussion about how they can be made better. They are not a sign that the general opinion of those coming from darkfate are all anti TDM itself, and this seems to have been the biggest mis-understanding. If people are critiquing TDM itself, then it's probably justified to ask them to contribute and help improve the mod, but I don't agree that a critique of an FM, or FMs in general (unless the criticism is levelled at a core TDM feature) should be met with statements like "well make your own FM then" (as long as the criticism is somewhat constructive and not just 'your FM sucks lol'). Also, is it possible 'boring' is a mis-translation, I suspect this isn't actually the real intention of the complaint. Maybe 'disappointing' is the intended word? I can't imagine that a fan of Thief would class what is essentially the same gameplay (condensed into often smaller sized missions) as boring. Please don't, this is almost as entertaining as the TTLG / SomethingAwful forum crossover thread.
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