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Marbrien last won the day on July 31 2020

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  1. I just played version 3 through to completion on expert. No problems at all this time. This is an excellent mission, well done!
  2. I have just played the update part way through on Expert. The fireplace lever is now sorted, but I too have a problem with the jeweler's shop key.
  3. I haven't tried with the fireplace lever, but I have tried leaving and re-entering the jewelry shop (with various combinations of leaving the doors open, closing the doors, locking and unlocking the doors) but for me the cases remain unfrobbable.
  4. I'm afraid I'm just about to get heavily tied up with some real life activities, so I can't help with any testing in the next few weeks. I'm not an FM author myself, but scripts seem to add complexity and the risk of malfunctions, both in TDM and Thief FMs. And I wonder if they are avoidable in these two instances. Are you sure the script is necessary at all with the lever, which is fairly hard to find? And might it not be simpler to move the jewel cases further from the window and dispense with the script?
  5. OK, I went to both locations with noclip on, and the items were frobbable. In both locations I then turned noclip off, and the items were still frobbable.
  6. With noclip on, both jewelry cases and the fireplace lever are frobabble.
  7. Oleron, I don't think you can actually enter the room where they are sitting. Instead I have a query of my own: below the room where you arrive after the outdoor pool event, there's a window with a gold telescope on the ledge. I may have already been in that area, but can't find my way back. Any clues please? Also, in addition to the jewelry cases not being frobabble, neither is the lever in the mage's fireplace, despite my leaning every which way. Can someone please remind me how to noclip?
  8. I have the 64 bit version of TDM, and ran the installer before downloading the FM to ensure I was up-to-date. I played on Expert, and managed to meet the loot objective without getting my hands on the jewels in the shop. I did not encounter any other problems except an occasional and temporary framerate stuttering. I've just transferred one of my savegames to another laptop with an up-to-date version of TDM, and with this FM installed, and the problem with the jewelry cases is still there. It's a great mission otherwise!
  9. I've got into Jerry's Jewels, but the two display cabinets are unfrobbable and unbreakable, and I can't find a switch in the shop which might open them. Have I missed something? Or is this a bug? Or a joke (a jewelry shop with nothing to steal)?
  10. Just played this on Expert, and enjoyed it! But I found that the loot cannot be frobbed, even after the safe is opened. Is that intentional (because of who it belonged to), or is it a possible bug? Update: I tried dragging a vase from the safe with the sword from an unconscious guard, and even on the floor of the chapel the vase was unfrobbable. So I reloaded, and after opening and closing the safe door several times, the contents suddenly became frobbable. There seems to be an issue here.
  11. Thank you for this mission, which I've enjoyed playing, on Expert. I've completed all the main objectives, and done all the good deeds. But despite revisiting all the areas I know about, I'm stuck on 3,976 loot - apparently there's 4,721 in total, and I'd like to get to at least 4K for the optional objective if I can. I can recall finding: Any hints for other stashes I may have missed please? A couple of small gripes. There doesn't seem to be a key for the bishop's room in the cathedral, and it's a bit of a drag having to revisit it each time in order to progress or revisit the pagan area. Also, in the caves after getting there are some crevices that are narrower at the bottom than further up, and look like you might be able to get through them if you jump up and over. It's possible to get stuck in at least one of these.
  12. OK thanks. I found the other secret just after posting (of course).
  13. This is very enjoyable. I'm playing on Expert, and need a hint.
  14. I would grant you thruppenny. But not throopenny, which suggests a pronounciation equivalent to threwpenny.
  15. Whereabouts, in Yorkshire perhaps? I have lived in England all my life, mainly the east midlands, the north west and the south east, and everyone I know pronounces threepenny as threppenny, the double e being pronounced as a short e rather than a long e. The UK has many accents for a relatively small place, so the pronounciation you suggest may exist, but is not the most common one.
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