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Everything posted by god_is_my_goldfish

  1. Why don't we do it as a short looping video if we can't do it as a 3d animation? I think we can use video textures for load screens if I'm not mistaken.
  2. Apparently this game runs like crap, and from what I've seen it doesn't look good enough visually to justify such poor performance. Farcry is a game that runs great with as much or more visual detail than Oblivion, and that was released three years ago. I'll reserve final judgement for once I've played it myself, but the stories I'm hearing on the net concerning Performance, AI issues, and graphics are somewhat disconcerting I'm going to get Oblivion, but I'm really not expecting the end all be all of graphics and gameplay.
  3. I have to say I like the idea of coming up with something new for a health system, but the one flaw of your system, Odd, is that the player has no feedback on wether or not they've even been injured, and therefore cannot make any determination on their next course of action.
  4. As already mentioned, it doesn't. Dark Messiah is a different matter though.
  5. Meh, I really only play as human. Being a zombie was pretty dull while it lasted, and required that you play every day in order to be effective.
  6. Been playing for about 5-6 months now, I'm really getting bored with it, I just hop in every few days to see if anything worth playing it has recently cropped up. Name in the game is 'godgoldfish'
  7. I'll be the first to come back with the usual response: FUCKIN' AMAZING! Also, I like your gameplay idea, that would make for better differentiation between AI's.
  8. I think those are great, I like the dark feel of the second one, though it doesn't seem to loop tight enough, though that may just be my media player.
  9. That looks amazing odd, but my one critique is: How is that Bow attached to him? Usually when you transport a bow on your back, it's compressed into a single stick-like thing, or slung over the shoulder via the bowstring.
  10. The gaming mag I get, Computer Gaming World, has been continuously adding more and more stuff about mods, to the point where they actually review mods as if they were commercially released games. I definetly think we should send them a e-mail about us once we have something to show to the public.
  11. Oh it has plenty of side missions, problem is, you only really gain money from them, which allows you to buy every bloody upgrade in the game at roughly 2/3 of the way through. After you have all the upgrades (some of which are pretty useless) there's absolutely no reason to keep going through side missions. What side missions there are get pretty old very quick. They give you "skill upgrades" as well, but those have no impact on the game at all. It's interesting, what would have made this game etter is if they had actually slowed down the gameplay, so it wasn't always run and gun, and added some interactivity to the world. Hell in every town, there only three or four places to go, and what are they? Either a store or yet another side mission! Overall expect a decent western action romp, in a GTA3-lite package.
  12. I have maya 7 I think, I have no idea how to use it though. Don't have it installed.
  13. How much of a performance hit are we talking about here? Shouldn't it be possible to tell the renderer (once we have the source maybe, maybe before that, I don't know) to do most textures and object arbitrarily, but reserve certain ones for ordering from the camera viewpoint?
  14. I did, it's nice, but rather lacking. It's actually less open-ended and free-form than GTA3 was, and on the PC it's waaay too easy to beat. It's biggest issue is how limited it's scope seemed to be, I mean, the entire area of the game could have fit into just one of GTA3's three cities. The cities and the AI were also rather bland, with little to no reason to explore (not that there was anything there to explore anyhow). I'de say wait for it to become a bargain bin game before getting it.
  15. I think it would be really fun to do a Western-themed game, maybe have it be more open ended ala 'GUN,' but properly open ended rather than restrictive and rather small as that game was. If it was from the FPS perspective, even better. Think "Oblivion" but set in the wild west.
  16. I would be fine with that, but can we add a normal or specular map to the decals? It would be nice if burnt things had that nice rough and semi-shiny surface that you get when carbon-based things get burnt.
  17. Because this is a hell of alot easier to do. All you're doing is creating a new texture for the old models, add a bit of code that says fire='blend and change skin/object' (probably doable within stim/response), and bam, burning books. Pages turning in the wind would require a hell of a lot more work to do.
  18. Use http://www.yousendit.com or http://www.rapidshare.de for now.
  19. Aren't we supporting having a weapon drawn while leaning too? We'll need to keep the thief's arms free while leaning in any case then. And these certainly are some great animations odd.
  20. Well it'll help if he knows what kind of game were making here Here are some links to the demos for the various games in the series Gameking: Thief 1 and 2 http://www.thief-thecircle.com/media/demos/ Thief 3 http://www.thief-thecircle.com/media/t3demo/
  21. We should definetly include the second batch, they're great
  22. Those look pretty good I'm sure NH will show up soon with you application info.
  23. Not allowed physically or guideliney? You definetly still have access to edit all pages. You've still got Bureaucrat and sysop status. I can see that Spring made some changes to the texts, though the vast majority of it is compaction editing.The biggest difference is the removal of the necro<->inventor link, which was never really agreed upon yet. Can a mod split all these posts out of this thread? They're way off topic. ANYWAY
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